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  1. 今年时令不正,春旱秋涝,夏天又闹雹灾。

    We have had unseasonable weather all through the year : prolonged drought in spring , hailstorms in summer , and too much rain in autumn .

  2. 在失分环节上胜方主要靠正反手抽秋得分获胜。

    Losing Points wins depends mainly on the forehand and backhand pumping ball score wins .

  3. 在春季光延长过程中,11个秋眠级苜蓿品种株高与春季日照长度呈极显著正相关,秋眠级间植株生长高度的差异不显著。

    The process of Light extend in spring , 11 fall dormancy varieties growth height are highly significant positive correlation to the length of the spring sunshine .

  4. 但过去几周,60%至70%的钢铁厂又恢复了生产,这反映出情绪正从今年秋初的低迷中明显复苏。

    But in the past few weeks and days , 60-70 per cent of mills have reopened , reflecting a remarkable revival of spirits from the doom and gloom of the early autumn .