
  • 网络Barotropic atmosphere
  1. 正压大气能量逆转只能在扰动的尺度小于临界尺度Lc时才能发生;

    For the barotropic atmosphere , energy inversion takes place when the eddy scale is less than critical scale Lc .

  2. 正压大气中的波流相互作用及Sine-Gordon方程

    On interaction between wave and flow in the barotropic atmosphere and sine Gordon equation

  3. 旋转正压大气中的Rossby孤立波和偶极子阻塞

    Solitary Rossby waves in the rotating atmosphere and dipole blocking

  4. 用一种新近发展起来的、基于统计力学的计算流体力学方法&格子Boltzmann方法模拟了正压大气的运动。

    A recently developed CFD method , lattice Boltzmann equation ( LBE ) model method is applied to simulate the movement of barotropic atmosphere .

  5. 本文把慢变介质中波动的传播理论应用于正压大气中传播的Rossby波。

    In this paper , the theory for waves propagating in a slowly varying medium is applied to Rossby waves propagating in a barotropic atmosphere .

  6. 本文研究了正压大气中一个地形波与三个自由Rossby波的四波准共振动力学特征。

    The feature of four - wave quasi - resonance dynamics among one mountain wave and three free Rossby waves in the barotropic atmosphere is researched .

  7. 全球正压大气的能量传输特征及遥相关效应

    The energy transport and teleconnection effect in a global BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE

  8. 旋转正压大气运动的数值模拟

    The scheme of numerical simulation of the rotating barotropic atmospheric motion

  9. 正压大气中基态定常波对强迫响应的影响

    The influence of stationary waves on forced response in baro-tropic atmosphere

  10. 正压大气中热带强迫响应和冬季基本气流的相互作用

    Interactions of tropical forcing responses and wintertime basic flow in BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE

  11. 正压大气中的能量传输机制的讨论

    A discussion on the energy transfer mechanism within BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE

  12. 半地转近似下正压大气中的非线性波动

    The Nonlinear Waves in Barotropic Atmosphere under Semi-geostrophic Approximation

  13. 正压大气中青藏高原地形影响的数值试验

    Numerical experiment of the topographic influence of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in the BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE

  14. 本文对球面上有基流的正压大气小扰动进行了波谱分析。

    Wave spectrum of disturbance is analyzed in spherical barotropic atmosphere with basic flow .

  15. 关于正压大气对称运动和非对称运动的数值试验

    Numerical experiments in symmetric and asymmetric motions in the barotropic primitive equation model atmosphere

  16. 球面正压大气的不稳定与南亚夏季风爆发动力机制的探讨

    Instability of Barotropic Atmosphere on Sphere and Dynamical Mechanism of Indian Summer Monsoon Onset

  17. 球面正压大气的波谱分析

    Wave spectra analysis in spherical barotropic atmosphere

  18. 球面正压大气扰动传播的谱元方法数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the propagation of spherical disturbances in barotropic atmosphere by spectral element method

  19. 切变涡度和曲率涡度在正压大气中的相互转化及其在天气预报中的应用

    The transformation of curvature vorticity and shearing VORTICITY IN BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE and its application to weather prediction

  20. 低频球面正压大气行星波的频散特征及大气环流遥相关型形成的物理机制

    The dispersion feature of the spherical low-frequency PLANETARY WAVES IN BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE and the physical mechanism of the teleconnection paterns in general circulation

  21. 正压大气有利发展扰动型与遥相关型的建立发展了J。

    Preferred Perturbations of Growth in the Barotropic Atmosphere and Dynamics of Teleconnection Based on the model for the initiation of coal-gas outbursts developed by J.

  22. 在两种边界条件下用正压大气非线性位势涡度方程模拟了强迫、耗散和非线性共同作用下大气运动的若干特征。

    Some characteristics of barotropic atmosphere are illustrated by numerical modeling , basing on a potential vorticity equation with forcing , dissipation , and non-linear interaction .

  23. 最后,对强迫耗散正压大气波动准共振进行了理论分析,进一步证实了本文的诊断分析和数值试验结果。

    At last , some theory analysis on wave quasi-resonance in forced and dissipative barotropic atmosphere is analysed in theoretics , which further proved the results of diagnosis and numerical experiments is understated .

  24. 以正压大气原始方程为例子,以总能量守恒为主线,介绍动力保守系统的两类重要算法:总能量守恒算法和辛几何算法,讨论了两者之间的关系。

    Based on the principle of total energy conservation , we give two important algorithms , the total energy conservation algorithm and the symplectic algorithm , which are established for the spherical shallow water equations .

  25. 应用描写正压大气运动的基本方程组,分析了中尺度大气运动的物理特征,指出非平衡强迫运动是引起中尺度重要天气演变的根本原因。

    The physical characteristics of mesoscale are analyzed , and results show that the unbalanced forced motion is the fundamental cause of the evolutions of some important mesoscale weather systems . The mesoscale dynamics equations are the basis of the theoretical studies of mesoscale atmospheric dynamics .

  26. 球面正压粘性大气的运动特征

    The characters of viscous BAROTROPIC ATMOSPHERE ON SPHERE

  27. 正压过滤模式大气中的对称运动和非对称运动

    The symmetric and the asymmetric motion in the barotropic filtered model atmosphere