
  • 网络sinusoidal current;sine current
  1. 介绍了利用地震计对阶跃电流标定或稳态正弦电流标定的响应波形获取地震计传递函数的方法。

    We use the response waveform from the calibrating with step or steady sine current to calculate the transfer function of a seismometer .

  2. 双异质结半导体激光器在阶跃和正弦电流调制下的行为

    Behaviour of Stripe DH Semiconductor Laser Under Step and Sine Current Modulation

  3. APF的作用是测试电源电流,迫使电源电流为正弦电流。

    The APF works measuring the source currents , forcing them to be sinusoidal .

  4. 其次,对典型RLC支路和典型正弦电流情况下的RLC支路的电能量进行了分析。

    Next , the energy stations of both classical RLC branch circuit and RLC branch in sinusoidal envelope current situation are analyzed .

  5. 在数学模型的基础上,围绕怎样将Delta变换器控制成正弦电流源,将主变换器控制成正弦电压源,以及在主变换器中引入重复控制等问题进行了分析。

    Analysis are centered on how to control the Delta converter as a sinusoidal current source and to control the main converter as a sinusoidal voltage source and the introduce of repetitive control into main converter .

  6. 方法在经典的HH神经元模型上,用不同频率和振幅的正弦电流作为刺激信号,仿真研究神经元的放电情况。

    Method Discharge of neurons was investigated by simulation method basing on the classical H H model . The stimulus is sinusoidal current with different frequencies and amplitudes .

  7. 非正弦电流电网的功率因数及其测量

    The power factor and its measurement of non-sinusoidal AC electric network

  8. 测试用低频正弦电流源的研究与制作

    Research and Implementation on Low-frequency Sine Wave Current Source for Testing

  9. 异步电机转子感应非正弦电流时的导条损耗

    Loss calculation for induction machine rotor bar with non - sinusoidal current

  10. 利用电力晶体管开关产生正弦电流波的原理

    Principle of Generating Sine Wave Current with Power Transistors Switching

  11. 实时检测非正弦电流相关分量的神经元系统

    Neuron System for Real-time Detecting Correlative Components in Nonsinusoidal Current

  12. 采用逆变器实现宽范围快速调节交流正弦电流

    SPWM GTR inverter for sinusoidal current fast regulation in a wide range

  13. 本文用频域法和时域法对非正弦电流进行分析,其结果为;

    This paper analyzes nonsinusoidal current in frequency-domain and time-domain .

  14. 一种用于气液两相流测量的正弦电流激励源

    A Sine-wave Current Excitation Source for Gas / liquid Two-phase Flow Measurement

  15. 非正弦电流的频域分解和其相关分量的实时检测

    Decomposition of Nonsinusoidal Current in Frequency Domain and Detection of Its Correlative Components

  16. 非正弦电流激励的线天线辐射特性的时域分析

    Time domain analysis for radiation characteristics of linear antenna excited by nonsinusoidal currents

  17. 单相整流电路输入正弦电流的控制方法

    AC Input Current Control for Single-Phase Rectifier Circuit

  18. 大功率晶体管正弦电流型交流变频宽调速驱动系统

    A Power Transistor Based Speed Control System

  19. 分解非正弦电流的一种方法

    An Approach for Decomposing Nonsinusoidal Current

  20. 文中首先基于瞬时无功功率理论,研究了三相系统中两种主要的补偿控制策略,即网侧恒功率补偿策略和网侧正弦电流补偿策略。

    Two main compensating strategy , including constant source power strategy and sinusoidal source current strategy are studied .

  21. 非线性负载会形成非正弦电流,如方波,其中包含谐波成分。

    The nonlinear load will draw a nonsinusoidal current , such as a square wave , which contains harmonic components .

  22. 结论等幅中频正弦电流加红外线治疗带状疱疹,能够迅速地消除神经痛,明显缩短了病程。

    Conclusion By UMFSC and IR treating varicella-zoster , neuralgia could be rapidly eliminated and course of treatment was obviously reduced .

  23. 变换器1被控制为一个基波正弦电流源,变换器2被控制为一个可控电压源。

    The converter 1 is controlled as a fundamental sinusoidal current source , and the converter 2 is controlled as a voltage source .

  24. 得出仿真结果波形,输出电压是一个(近似)恒定的直流电压,输入电流不是窄脉冲波形而是比较严格的正弦电流波形,达到功率因数校正的目的,符合设计要求。

    The output voltage wave is nearly an invariable dc and the input current is not a narrow pulse but a sine wave which meet to the design requirement .

  25. 为了改善电机性能,特别是电机工作在微步距模式下的正弦电流波形下时,芯片可提供三种不同的电流衰减模式(快衰减模式、慢衰减模式、混合衰减模式)。

    The motors can operate in a fast current-decay mode , slow current-decay mode or in a mixed current-decay mode to optimize their performances in micro stepping / sinusoidal stepper-motor drive applications .

  26. 从两个实例出发,简要说明在正弦电流电路的分析计算中,如何尽量利用相量图辅助分析,找到问题的关键,从而达到简化电路计算的目的。

    The paper indicates how to do the best to use phasor 's chart , in order to simplify the calculation of some circuit during the analysis and calculation of sinusoidal current 's circuit .

  27. 异步电机的变频调速,需要控制相关变量,保证异步电机输入三相平衡的正弦电流,这样才会合成恒定的电磁转矩。

    In variable-frequency drives of AC motor , it needs to control the relevant variables to ensure three-phase equilibrium of the sinusoidal input current in order to keep the electromagnetic torque of AC motor constant .

  28. 在控制上按照正弦电流源的控制方法,指出通过串联变压器的磁约束关系可控制阻性负载的额定电流,即可间接控制负载额定电压。

    The converter can control the resistive load of the rated current by the way of controlling the sinusoidal current source , through the magnetometive restrictions of the series transformer , which means to indirectly control the rated load voltage .

  29. 比例谐振控制在正弦电流跟踪控制中可以实现零稳态误差,电压前馈可以解除并网电流与电网电压之间的耦合关系,消除电网电压畸变或扰动对并网电流的影响。

    PR control enables better sinusoidal current control with zero steady-state error . The voltage feed forward control decouples the grid voltage with the grid current , so the gird voltage distortion and disturbance have no effect on grid current at all .

  30. 低频正弦电流源广泛应用于接地网故障诊断、通信、雷达等领域。测试用激励源具有精度高、频率稳定、失真度小的特点。

    A low-frequency sine wave current source is widely used in fields of grounding grid fault diagnosis , communication , radar , etc. The source has many characteristics of higher output precision , stable frequency and low total harmonic distortion ( THD ) .