
  • 网络Normal Glow Discharge
  1. 我们认为这是由于气压不同时,放电状态不同所致:气压为10Pa时的放电是正常辉光放电,而气压为时20Pa的放电为反常辉光放电。

    We attribute the different changing tendencies of the rotational temperature to the different discharge status at different pressure . When the discharge voltage varies from 500 to 1 100 V , the discharge at pressure of 10 Pa is normal glow and that at 20 Pa is abnormal glow .

  2. 空心阴极放电是一种既不同于正常辉光放电又不同于反常辉光放电的特殊放电形式,它以其特殊的阴极结构而得名。

    Hollow cathode discharge is a very especial discharge type which is different from normal and abnormal glow discharge and named after its specific cathode configuration .

  3. 通过对直流空心阴极放电过程的研究,证明其是一种介于正常辉光放电与反常辉光放电之间的一种特殊的辉光放电形式。

    By studying the relationship among discharge current , discharge voltage and air pressure , we find that the dc HCD operates in a special glow mode , which is an intergrade between normal and abnormal glow discharge .