
  1. 基于MATLAB的复杂正弦电路的求解

    Solution to Get the Answer of Complicated Sine Circuit Based on the MATLAB

  2. 恒频电流跟踪PWMAC/DC变流器基准正弦电路的设计

    Design of a reference sinusoidal circuit of the PWM AC / DC converter with fixed switching frequency

  3. 基于Hilbert变换的非正弦电路无功及瞬时无功功率定义

    Average and instantaneous reactive power of non-sinusoidal circuit based on Hilbert transformation

  4. 提出并研制了与电网电压n倍频(分频)信号同步的基准正弦电路。

    A reference sinusoidal circuit , which is synchronous with the signal of n or 1 / n times line voltage frequency , is proposed and developed .

  5. 基准正弦电路对恒频电流跟踪PWMAC/DC变流器的可靠工作起着极其重要的作用。

    It is important that the reference sinusoidal circuit in ensuring reliable operation of PWM AC / DC converter with fixed switching frequency .

  6. 非正弦电路广义功率和特征参数的定义

    Definition of Generalized Reactive Power and Characteristic Parameters in Nonsinusoidal Circuits

  7. 非正弦电路中无功功率的定义和物理意义

    Definitions and Physical Sense of Reactive Power in Non-sinusoidal Circuit

  8. 与电网电压同步的基准正弦电路设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a Reference Sinusoidal Circuit Synchronous with Line Voltage

  9. 本文由理论分析表明荧光灯电路属于非正弦电路。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the fluorescent lamp circuits are non & sinusoidal .

  10. 非正弦电路无功功率及其对无功计量的影响

    Reactive power in nonsinusoidal electric circuit and its influence on reactive energy measurement

  11. 正弦电路瞬时功率理论研究

    Study on theory of instantaneous power of sinusoidal circuit

  12. 基于软件锁相技术的光伏并网系统基准正弦电路

    Reference sinusoid circuit of grid-connected photovoltaic system based on software phase lock technique

  13. 非正弦电路的无功测量是当前电力测量研究的热点。

    Reactive power measurement of non-sinusoidal circuit is the hot-spot research in Electric Power System .

  14. 非正弦电路中的非有功功率

    Non - Active Power in Nonsinusoidal Circuits

  15. 本文介绍了相量变换原理及其在正弦电路功率分析中的应用。

    The phasor transformation and its applications in the AC power analysis are introduced in this paper .

  16. 在一定的定义下,无功测量方法不但适用于正弦电路,也适用于非正弦电路下的无功功率测量。

    Under particular definition , the reactive power measurement method suits non-sinusoidal circuit as well as sinusoidal circuit .

  17. 非正弦电路无功功率及瞬时无功功率尚无统一的定义。

    Then the definitions of average and instantaneous reactive power based on Hilbert transforrnation for non-sinusoidal circuit are presented .

  18. 高频交流环节AC/AC同频变换系统基准正弦电路研究

    Research on a Reference Sinusoidal Circuit of the AC / AC Constant Frequence Conversion System with High Frequency AC Link

  19. 非正弦电路中,有功功率定义已被公认,无功功率的定义却一直还没有定论。

    The active power definition is well accepted , but the reactive power definition is still questionable in non-sinusoidal condition .

  20. 传统的功率计量理论只适用于正弦电路,对非正弦电路的功率,未进行定义;

    With traditional theory , which is only suitable for sine wave , power under nonsinusoidal condition , can not be defined .

  21. 简述了几种常用的无功功率测量算法,对非正弦电路无功功率理论及其无功功率测量算法进行了研究。

    This paper simply described several algorithms of reactive power , and investigated reactive power theory of the non-sinusoidal electric circuit and its algorithm of measurement .

  22. 单相正弦电路或三相平衡正弦电路中,有功功率、无功功率、视在功率和功率因数的概念非常明确。

    Definitions for active - , reactive - , apparent - power , and power factor are clear in the 1-phase or 3-phase balanced sinusoidal circuit .

  23. 本文采用基于矢量分析的瞬时无功功率理论来检测三相正弦电路的无功功率和无功电流。

    The theory of instantaneous reactive power basic on vector analysis is used in the thesis to detect reactive power and reactive current of three-phase sinusoidal circuit .

  24. 在一些电路教材中常把带滤波器的整流电路作为一个实例,用以讲述用傅立叶级数的谐波分析方法来求解非正弦电路。

    A few kinds of definitions of nonactive power in nonsinusoidal circuits were described and analyzed , and some of their limitations were indicated in this article .

  25. 本文研究了一种采用数字化技术,实现与电网电压同步的基准正弦电路的原理,给出了电路关键参数的设计原则。

    A reference sinusoidal circuit based on digital technique and synchronous with the line voltage is investigated . The design principle of the key circuit parameters is given .

  26. 本文主要完成以下工作:1、介绍正弦电路和非线性负载电路无功功率定义的差异及国内外无功功率研究状况,介绍各理论的基本思路和优缺点。

    Introduce the different of sinusoidal AC circuit and nonlinear load circuit in reactive power definition , introduce the basic ideas and the advantages and disadvantages of the existing theory . 2 .

  27. 按照检测整流半桥导通的不同时段,建立工频周期内三时段的正弦电路模型,用相量法分析检测电流。

    According to the different period of time in the conducting state of half-wave rectifier bridge circuit , the sinusoidal circuit model of three zones is established in the cycle of fundamental frequency .

  28. 通过对有源电抗器在正弦电路中伏安特性的分析,提出了有源电抗器等值电阻和等值电感的独立调控方法以及负电阻和负电感的产生条件。

    Also , the independent control method of equivalent inductance and resistance of an active reactor as well as the generating conditions of negative resistance and negative inductance were suggested via the analysis of volt-ampere characteristics of active reactor in the sinusoidal circuit .

  29. 利用MATLAB求解正弦稳态电路

    The Solution of the Sine Circuit by Using MATLAB

  30. 单运放RC正弦振荡电路系列

    A series of single op amp r C sinusoidal oscillatory circuits