
  • 网络positive feedback effect
  1. NSECS子系统耦合导致正反馈效应,使生态长期处于退化的困境中。

    The coupling of NSECS sub-systems leads the positive feedback effect that causes the lasting degeneration of Chinese ecological system .

  2. 所依据的理论基础是微观经济学理论、博弈论和正反馈效应。

    The theoretic foundation of this section is economic theory and positive feedback effect .

  3. 利用ASP的客户学习曲线和网络正反馈效应,较为系统的探讨了ASP的运营特点以及ASP发展的基本条件;

    The operation characteristics and fundamental conditions of ASP are discussed , facilitating ASP customer learning curve and network positive feedback effects .

  4. 在UPS无互联线并联中,传统下垂特性控制是一种有效的控制方案,但是它在动态调节过程中容易引起正反馈效应。

    The traditional droop characteristic is an effective control scheme in the parallel operation of UPS with no control interconnection . However , the traditional droop characteristic may introduce positive feedback in the process of dynamic regulating .

  5. 网络经济的正反馈效应

    The Network Economy 's Positive Feedback Effect

  6. 工件与磨粒的正反馈效应使局部绝热剪切作用愈加增强。

    The effect of positive feedback between workpiece and abrasive makes the local adiabatic shear even more enhanced .

  7. 通过比较动态和动态博弈的研究方法,详细分析了网络外部性的成因和对市场效率和结构的影响,同时探讨了正反馈效应,并研究了负的网络外部性。

    The positive feedback effect , the negative network externality effect and the influence caused hy it . are also analyzed .

  8. 它具有较强的正反馈效应、鲁棒性和内在的分布并行性,且易于和其他方法相结合。

    It has the characteristics of strong positive feedback , stability and parallelism , and is easily combined to other methods .

  9. 企业集群初步形成后,因其本身存在的自我增强机制和路径依赖性,能够推动企业集群不断发展,形成一个正反馈效应。

    The enterprises cluster itself has the mechanism of self-enforce and path dependency , depending on which can cluster develop smoothly .

  10. 触发机制的实现是通过各种战略要素来触发科技园区的集群形成,使其构成正反馈效应,同时实现园区的经济实力和技术能力的同步提升。

    The trigger mechanism helps to integrate various strategic elements to trigger the cluster formation and positive feedback effect within the high-tech park .

  11. 这种结果能否实现,归根结底取决于银行卡网络定价过程中发卡行和消费者之间的价格与收单行和商户之间的价格的结构是否有利于增强银行卡网络系统内部的正反馈效应。

    Whether this purpose can be realized depends ultimately on whether the two-sided price structure pushes the positive feedback effects of the network system .

  12. 经济发展模式路径依赖与日本经济长期萧条&基于日元实际汇率正反馈效应的解释

    Path-dependence of Economic Development Pattern and Japan 's Decade-long Recession & An Explanation Based on Positive Feedback Effects of Real Exchange Rate of Yen

  13. 而基本IT能力的网络外部性强度对行业中的领导企业的均衡市场产出、均衡收益能够产生正反馈效应,因此,领导企业的竞争优势来源则能够转化为需求方规模经济。

    Network externalities of basic IT capacity can produce positive feedback to market demand , equilibrium profit of leader , so that competition advantage origin of leader is demand economy of scale .

  14. 氧化应激参与血管外膜成纤维细胞的激活,激活的成纤维细胞又可以生成更多的超氧阴离子,形成正反馈效应。

    Oxidative stress was involved in the activation of adventitial fibroblasts , while activated adventitial fibroblasts might produce more superoxide anion and thus a positive feedback might be formed between them . 5 .

  15. 论文从介绍《赢家通吃的社会》一书开始,详细论述了劳动分工、规模经济、正反馈效应和锁定效应等与赢家通吃现象密切相关的理论;

    The paper first introduce the book of " the winner take all society ", particularly discuss the increasing return positive feedback and lock-in theories which are extremely correlated with " winner take all " phenomenon .

  16. 社区消费者通过社区平台相互交流,彼此间的互动会直接或间接地影响其消费价值,而且积极的社会互动可能导致社区产品/服务的正反馈效应。

    Community consumers exchange product and service information through online community , so social interactions between them may affect their consumption value directly or indirectly . Moreover , the positive interactions could result in positive feedback effects .

  17. 与分散型的跨国公司选址相比,跨国公司中心-外围结构不仅有利于形成正反馈效应,加快跨国公司的进入,而且有利于技术扩散和知识外溢,促进区域创新能力的提升。

    Comparing with dispersed location of the Multinational Corporation , the core-periphery structure not only facilitates positive feedback to expedite ingress of the Multinational Corporation , but also promotes technology diffusion and knowledge spillover to improve regional innovation capability .

  18. 产业集聚可以减少环境的不确定性,有利于知识和技术的传播与扩散,形成创业空间集聚的正反馈效应,已经成为区域参与全球竞争的重要力量。

    The industrial collection can reduce the environment 's instability , is useful for the spread of knowledge and technology , forms the positive and negative feedback of the collection in starting business space and has become the important force of the regional participation in global competition .

  19. 之后在南海洋面潜热、感热通量以及边界层的热通量作用下,热带扰动进一步发展,天气尺度强迫加强,促使热带扰动区爆发深厚的湿对流,对流爆发后对热带扰动存在正反馈效应。

    Then the tropical disturbance further develops under the effects of surface-and-boundary heat and moisture fluxes . The synoptic forcing is strengthened to trigger the outbreak of deep moist convections in the tropical disturbance area . There exist positive feedback effects of deep moist convections upon the tropical perturbations .

  20. 结论:TGF-β受体和整合素介导的信号传导途径间可能存在着正反馈的效应,共同促进瘢痕的增生和挛缩。

    Conclusion : The posi-tive feedback effect may exist between the signal transmit pathway mediated by integrins and TGF - β R.

  21. 基于dq变换和正反馈的孤岛效应检测策略

    Islanding Detection Scheme Based on dq Transformation and Positive Feedback

  22. 标准能提高竞争优势,能引发正反馈和网络效应,能减少不确定性,节约交易成本。

    Standard can help improve competitive edge , reduce uncertainty and transaction cost .

  23. 在基金投资行为方面,我国基金投资行为存在明显的正反馈交易策略效应和羊群效应。

    Regarding SIF investment behavior , there exist obvious positive feedback trading strategy effect and herding effect on stock market .

  24. 水汽作为大气中含量最高的温室气体,正反馈的温室效应使其成为气候变化研究的重要因子之一。

    Water vapor , as the highest concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere , is the important factor in climate change research for its positive feedback .

  25. 本文从系统动力学观点出发,在分析网络经济基础上,提出了网络经济正反馈系统动力学模型,探讨了正反馈效应带来的网络经济新特点。

    This thesis uses the viewpoint of System Dynamics , analyses Network economy , and puts forward the positive feedback model of network economy . Also , it inquires into the new characteristic of the network economy that the positive feedback model has brought out .