
  • 网络system capability;System capacity
  1. 信息系统能力对企业关系价值的影响及知识共享的中介作用研究

    Research on the Impact of Information System Capabilities on Value of Business Relationships and the Mediated Role of Knowledge Sharing

  2. 本地银行所面对的挑战,是提升本身的技术和系统能力,以便能继续有效竞争。

    For the local banking industry , the challenge is for them to upgrade their skills and system capabilities in order to continue to compete effectively .

  3. 24小时内机体抗氧化防御系统能力提高,DNA碱基氧化损害消失;

    The ability of antioxidative defense increases within 24 h and DNA damage disappears also .

  4. 结论:①常氧极限运动后置于低氧环境2h,能使机体缓冲系统能力有所提高。

    CONCLUSION : ① The buffer systemic capacity increases after 2 hours hypoxia following maximal exercise in normal oxygen condition .

  5. 针对SBA系统能力,将幂函数方法与层次分析法相结合,提出多级综合能力幂函数模型。

    And in order to improve the ability of SBA system , the exponential function method is combined with multi-level analytic approach , the exponential function model possessing the multistage integration capability is presented .

  6. 地面防空武器系统能力分析模型

    Ground Air Defense Weapon System Capacity Analysis Model

  7. 重庆枢纽解编系统能力加强方案研究

    Research on the Capacity Expansion Plan of Breaking-up and Sorting System in Chongqing Railway Hub

  8. 对测量系统能力的评价方法和评价过程进行了研究。

    In addition , the evaluate methods and evaluate process of the measurement system ability are researched .

  9. 结核病以及疫苗可预防的疾病死灰复燃等具体事件显示,基础卫生系统能力急剧下降。

    Specific events , such as the resurgence of tuberculosis and the return of vaccine-preventable diseases , pointed to an alarming deterioration in basic health system capacity .

  10. 提示:“复方抗氧化制剂”能够并协同运动训练增强大鼠骨骼肌谷胱甘肽抗氧化系统能力,提高机体抗氧化能力。

    It suggests that " Compound Antioxidants " and exercise training exactly have the action of promoting GSH anti-oxidant system in rats , skeletal muscles and antioxidative capability .

  11. 由于系统能力有效度考虑了功能状态的模糊性,比时间有效度能更真实的反映采区生产系统的运行状况。

    It was explained through system analyzing that the working status of mine production system was reflected ever more factually by system effectiveness under taking into account fuzzy function .

  12. 其中,3D的声音仿真能够大幅度的提高VR系统的能力。

    Among them , a 3D sound simulation can improve the capabilities of VR systems dramatically .

  13. 为了克服在高速实时信号处理领域中传统单DSP系统处理能力的瓶颈,多DSP并行处理技术应运而生,成为当前该领域研究的热点。

    In the field of high-speed real-time signal processing , the conventional single-chip system can hardly achieve goals due to poor processing ability .

  14. 而随着终端系统处理能力的迅速增强和网络带宽的大幅增加,一种基于P2P的分布式存储系统迅速发展起来。

    At the same time , with the terminal system handling capacity has increased rapidly and the substantial increase in network bandwidth , a peer-to-peer based distributed storage system developed rapidly .

  15. 它还具有系统集成能力,包括CIM(通用信息模型)的使用、完全系统冗余以及提供扩展余地。

    It also has system integration capabilities , including the use of CIM ( Common Information Model ), full system redundancy and offers scope for expansion .

  16. HPVC薄壁管性能测试及管土系统承载能力分析

    The Testing of the Characteristics of Thin-walled HPVC Pipes and the Analysis of the Loading Capacity of the Pipe-earth System

  17. 结论:复方PTX制剂能够改变血液流变性,增加机体抗氧化系统的能力,减少自由基对机体的损伤,延缓运动性疲劳的发生及发展,提高大鼠的运动能力。

    It can change hemorheology , increase the anti-oxidant capacity of the system , reduce free radical damage to the body , delaying the occurrence of exercise-induced fatigue .

  18. 可组合性是XMSF的一个重要的要求,它是指在不同的联合中选择和聚集仿真组件,并把这些组件放入仿真系统的能力。

    Composability is a central requirement for XMSF , Composability is the capability to select and assemble simulation components in various combinations into simulation systems .

  19. 通过提高单个脉冲能量、改进伺服进给系统判别能力,能实现热压碳化硅陶瓷的电火花加工。本文对电火花加工HP-SiC的工艺规律进行了初步探讨。

    With the help of raising single pulse energy and improving distinction of the servo mechanism , the EDM of HP-SiC ceramics has been realized , and some process regulations have been studied .

  20. 思维变革与学生系统管理能力的培养

    Thinking Change and Development of Student 's Ability of Systematic Management

  21. 铁路网络系统运输能力与车流路径模型

    Models for rail network system transportation capacity and traffic pathing

  22. 提高铸轧系统传热能力的理论与试验研究

    Theoretic Analysis and Experiment on Improving Heat Transfer Ability of Cast-Rolling System

  23. 凝视型红外搜索跟踪系统探测能力的分析

    Analysis for detectability of staring IR search and tracking system

  24. 卫星地面站系统资源能力评估方法研究

    Studies on the Method of Capability Evaluation for Ground Station System Resource

  25. 试论计算系统的能力与性能国有企业中层管理者素质与绩效关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between State-owned Enterprise Manager 's Competence and Performance

  26. 潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统硝化能力研究

    Study on Ability of Nitrification in a Subsurface Constructed Wetland System Treating Sewage

  27. 企业管理系统应变能力模型研究

    Research of Flexibility Model of Enterprise Administration System

  28. 快速公交系统通行能力分析

    Capacity Analysis of Bus Rapid Transit System

  29. 1.3μm-ELED单模光纤用户环路系统带宽能力分析

    Analysis of Bandwith Power for 1.3 μ m ELED Single Mode Fiber Optic Subscriber Loop System

  30. 基于主变互联关系的配电系统供电能力计算方法

    An Evaluation Method for Power Supply Capability of Distribution System Based on Analyzing Interconnections of Main Transformers