
  1. XFP价格低,它的小型化,可热插拔等优点使实现高端口密度的应用成为可能,所以倍受青睐。

    It makes the high port density application come true with the characteristic of small form factor pluggable .

  2. 随着通信传输网络向着超高速大容量的方向迅速发展,作为通信枢纽的核心路由器其线路速率愈来愈高,端口密度愈来愈大,体系结构愈来愈完善。

    With the fast development towards super-high speed data rates and large capacity in Internet transmission networks , as a fundamental equipment , the backbone router has developed with higher and higher line rates , heavier and heavier port density , at the same time , better and better architecture .

  3. 随着IC封装I/O端口总数及密度的增大,CBGA和CCGA的封装形式在高科技领域得到越来越多的应用。

    With the number and density of I / Os enlarged , CBGA and CCGA are more and more used in electronic packaging .

  4. 它内置了24个10/100/1000自适应端口,高密度的千兆端口设置不仅满足了日益增长的网络负载的需要,而且降低了每端口的平均投入。

    It integrate 24 Tri-Speed ports , the port constitution of the high definition not only satisfy the need of increasingly of the network load , but also lower the average devotion on the each port .