
duān zhèng
  • correct;upright;regular;rectify;honest;decent
端正 [duān zhèng]
  • (1) [upright]∶姿势挺直

  • 坐得端正

  • (2) [regular]∶在形式上、结构上或安排上协调相称的

  • 五官端正的人

  • (3) [rectify;correct]∶端正思想

  • (4) [decent;honest;upright]∶正派;正确

  • 品行端正

端正[duān zhèng]
  1. 无论相机处于何种方位,它的感应器都会确保照片端正。同时,内置的GPS芯片会记录每张照片的拍摄地点。

    A sensor makes sure the photos are always upright , no matter how the clip is oriented , while a GPS chip inside notes where you are each time it takes the photo .

  2. 品格端正的人会遇到朋友与敌人。

    Hecan waik upright and meet his friendor his enemy .

  3. 人人都说他是个品行端正的小伙子。

    Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy .

  4. 她一生品行端正。

    She lived an entirely virtuous life .

  5. 善于倾听的人甚至坐姿也很坦荡端正:身体放松,双臂自然下垂。

    Good listeners even sit in an open way : relaxed , arms loose

  6. 迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。

    The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far .

  7. 进入委员会的人要品行端正,有文化,有能力。

    The people who will be on the committee are moral , cultured , competent people .

  8. 仅仅告诉青少年要品行端正,做有意义的事,是没有用的。

    It is no use simply to tell adolescents to shape up and do something useful .

  9. 总统是个品行端正的人。

    The president is a good man

  10. 格雷厄姆指责队员们技艺不佳、态度不端正而且不够努力,他说得没错。

    Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability , attitude and application .

  11. 这孩子眉清目秀,五官端正。

    The boy is bright-eyed and has good features .

  12. 这家副食店在墙上端端正正挂着一张服务公约。

    There hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge .

  13. 他身体高大,五官端正。

    He had a tall , handsome figure , a good set of features .

  14. 把画像挂端正。

    Hang the portrait straight .

  15. 那会使你的字写得更端正。

    That will make your handwriting straight .

  16. 从前有一个人,容貌、举止端正,富有智慧,又有很多钱财。

    There was a rich man who was both good-looking and wise .

  17. 克服享乐主义,端正生活作风。第三部分:关于加入WTO后党的组织建设和制度建设。

    Second part : After joins WTO party 's attitude construction .

  18. 新型双单端正激式IGBT逆变电源的设计

    Design of the New Dual Single-ended Forward IGBT Inverter Power Supply

  19. 介绍一种单端正激工作方式的零电压过渡(ZVT)软开关DC-DC变换器;

    This paper introduces a forward zero voltage transition ( ZVT ) soft switching DC DC converter , and describes its principle and characteristics .

  20. logistic回归分析结果提示:男性、周围人群有人吸烟、对吸烟危害认识不足、对吸烟的态度不够端正以及年级高等因素会使学生吸烟的几率增加;

    The results of logistic regression analysis showed that boy , having smokers among surrounding population , misunderstanding on the harm of smoking , wrong attitudes towards smoking behaviors , higher grade , etc.

  21. 在石油工业生产中,员工端正的HSE态度、良好的HSE技能,是保护员工健康、保障安全生产、做到环境保护的关键。

    It is the HSE proper attitude and sufficient skills that keep staff healthy , make production safety and protect environment effectively in the oil production .

  22. 随访6~18个月,IOL位置端正、视力较好,无IOL脱出及囊袋阻滞综合征等发生。

    All patients were followed-up for 6 to 18 months and had IOL in normal locations with better vision . There were no dislocations of IOL or capsular block syndrome .

  23. 文中讨论了基于单端正激变换器的同步整流式多路输出DC/DC变换器的设计原理,提出了一种Buck结构后置调节器的新型方案。

    The design principle of a forward multi-output DC / DC converter is discussed , based on the Synchronous Rectification technology . A new type of design scheme as post regulator with Buck converter is brought forward .

  24. 用于燃料电池电动汽车的双单端正激变换器

    Double Cycle Feed Forward Converter Used in Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicle

  25. 有源箝位单端正激零压软开关技术

    The zero-voltage soft-switching technology of active clamped single end forward inverter

  26. 田径专选学生学习热情高涨,学习态度端正。

    Track and field elective students learning enthusiasm , learning attitude .

  27. 她很爱她的堂妹,她知道她堂妹素日品行端正。

    She loved her cousin , and knew her virtuous principles .

  28. 进一步端正校长的专业态度和动机;

    Rectifying professional attitude and motive of the principal still further ;

  29. [谚]正人先正己。使某人端正自己的行为

    Sweep before one 's own door . keep sB . straight

  30. 他叫孩子们坐端正,不要弯腰曲背。

    He told the children to sit up and not slouch .