
duān jià
  • End frame;end bracket
  1. 半岛式落地橱端架。拖动到半岛式落地橱的侧面。

    Base peninsula end-shelf . Drag to the side of base peninsula cabinet .

  2. 集装箱端架锁凸轮杆插座

    Locking cam keeper of container end frame

  3. 介绍新型空间凸轮活齿传动原理、结构及共轭齿形,讨论球面摆线端齿输出架钢球输入凸轮构成的传动机构的自锁条件。

    Based on a brief introduction of the transmission theory , structure and conjugating profile of a new kind of spatial cam sliding tooth transmission , the self-lock condition of the transmission mechanism consisted of spherical cycloid face tooth-output frame-steel ball-input cam is discussed .

  4. 眼镜架的一端分别与眼镜的两端固定连接,该眼镜架的另一端为半圆弧形,端头头部设有架垫。

    The frame has one end connected with both ends of the lens , and the other end in half arc shape , having a support shim disposed at the head portion .

  5. 提出了一种以端齿-输出架-钢球-输入凸轮组成空间啮合副的新型活齿传动,该传动具有啮合间隙可调、同时啮合齿数多、可实现精密传动等特点。

    A new sliding tooth precision gearing is put forward , whose spatial meshing group is consisted of face tooth-output frame-ball-input cam . It is characterized by adjustable back mesh , multi-teeth gearing , being able to realize precision transmission and so on .