
  1. 终止,不论是卖方、设备公司终止的还是用户终止的,都适用于许可在经许可的处理机上执行的所有软件版本。

    Termination , whether by company , _____ corporation or customer , shall apply to all versions of the software licensed for execution on the licensed processor .

  2. 未依规定请领网络建设许可证或经许可者,不得建设固定通信网路设备之一部或全部。

    Without applying for network construction permit or approval according to the relevant regulations , it is not permissible to install a part or the whole of the equipment of a fixed telecommunications network .

  3. 被许可方未经许可方事先书面同意,仍可以转让,再许可,让与或以其他方式处理在其在本合同项下的权益和权利。

    The benefit of , and the rights of the Licensee under , this Agreement may be assigned , sub-licensed , transferred or otherwise disposed of without the prior written consent of Licensor by licensee .

  4. 辩护律师经人民检察院或者人民法院许可,并且经被害人或者其近亲属、被害人提供的证人同意,可以向他们收集与本案有关的材料。

    With permission of the people 's procuratorate or the people 's court and with the consent of the victim , his near relatives or the witnesses provided by the victim , defence lawyers may collect information pertaining to the current case from them .

  5. 未取得经营许可证和未经工商登记注册,任何单位和个人不得经营销售危险化学品。

    Without the operating license or industry and commerce registration , no entity or individual may operate or market hazardous chemicals .

  6. 该交易还需要美国反垄断局根据《斯科特•罗迪诺反垄断改进法案》做出正式许可,并且一经许可,即刻生效。

    The transaction is subject to clearance by the US antitrust authorities under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act and will become final as soon as such clearance has occurred .

  7. 为不符合驾驶许可条件、未经考试或者考试不合格人员发放机动车驾驶证的;

    Distributing motor vehicle driving licenses to persons who do not meet the conditions for driving permission , have not been examined or are examined to be unqualified ;

  8. 普通实施许可合同的被许可人经品种权人明确授权,可以提起诉讼。

    And the licensee of a common licensing contract may lodge a lawsuit upon explicit authorization of the owner of the variety .