
kū sāng
  • sad;wail at funeral
哭丧 [kū sang]
  • (1) [wail at funeral]∶有丧事时,吊祭的人和守灵的人大声号哭

  • (2) [sad]∶悲哀的样子

  • 宝玉见他还是这样哭丧,便知他是为 金钏儿的原故。--《红楼梦》

哭丧[kū sāng]
  1. 在一些地方,有钱人请人代为哭丧,是为了讲排场,摆阔气。

    In some places , rich people ask others to cry in funerals for waste and extravagance .

  2. 刘君琳的祖母和母亲都是职业哭丧人。

    Liu 's grandmother and mother were both professional mourners .

  3. “挥拳而立”还要哭丧多久?

    How long will stands with a fist mourn ?

  4. 阴沉,潮湿的天气以及她哭丧着的脸让我食欲全无。

    The gloomy damp weather and her gloomy face took away my appetite .

  5. 就披上黑色,做旖旎的哭丧者,

    Have put on black and loving mourners be ,

  6. 柔丝:可是我喜欢他啊,何必哭丧著脸?

    Rose : but I like him , so why should I look sad ?

  7. 坐在灵堂里专门请来哭丧的女人。

    Women invited to join the crying in the room where the coffin was placed .

  8. 表演也并非容易,对于死亡的不齿使许多人看不起哭丧人。

    Performing wasn 't much easier . Stigmas around death make many people look down on mourners .

  9. 她是台湾最著名的职业哭丧人,在台湾这是由来已久的传统,而这样的传统有可能面临消失。

    She 's Taiwan 's best-known professional mourner - a time-honoured tradition in her country that may be dying out .

  10. 哭丧开始,一群人跪在死者的灵柩前,此起彼伏地哭起来。

    The keening had begun . A group of people knelt down in front of the coffin and began to cry one after another .

  11. 人群打开车门,那唯一的哭丧人只好扭打着往外挤。

    On the crowd 's opening the coach doors , the one mourner scuffled out of himself and was in their hands for a moment ;

  12. 晓得你的心用轻蔑把我磨折,对我的痛苦表示柔媚的悲悯,就披上黑色,做旖旎的哭丧者。

    Knowing thy heart torments me with disdain , Have put on black and loving mourners be , Looking with pretty ruth upon my pain .

  13. 奉命而哭不是一件容易的事情,但是每天都有人雇刘君琳(音译)在她素不相识的人的葬礼上哭丧。

    Crying on command isn 't easy , but Liu Jun-Lin is hired to do it every day , at funerals for people she never knew .

  14. 葬礼那天,哈里被安排走在她的棺木后面,许多英国人看到了他哭丧脸的样子。

    On the day of the funeral , Harry was made to walk behind her coffin , and much of the country watched as his face crumpled .

  15. 如果没有好好地把事情做妥、做这件事情的人会后悔,又要哭丧著脸地忍受它带来的后果。

    That deed is not well done , which one regrets when it is done and the result of which one experiences weeping with a tearful face .

  16. 在家里的时候她身穿着一套橘红色的运动装,涂着鲜亮的指甲油,我很快就觉得她像是一位幼儿园老师而不是职业的哭丧人。

    At home , she wears an orange jogging suit and sparkly nail polish . I 'd sooner believe she was a nursery school teacher than a professional in the grief business .

  17. 因为董贝先生脑子里在思考重大的事情,走得很快,所以她走得上气不接下气;当等着开门的时候,她嘶哑地发出了哭丧的声音。

    She was out of breath - for Mr Dombey , full of great thoughts , had walked fast - and she croaked hoarsely as she waited for the opening of the door .

  18. 传统的哭丧人正在慢慢的消失,他说,所以像刘君琳这样的人要设法找到一个重新创造这个行业的方法,或者找到新的收入来源。

    The tradition of professional mourners is going to slowly be eliminated , he says . So people like Jun-Lin are going to have to find a way to reinvent their profession , or find new sources of revenue .

  19. 刘君琳的祖母是一个戴着金丝边眼镜烫着头发的小妇人,在祖母的严厉指导下她成了一个哭丧人,并学会了精明的生意经,使她的家庭脱贫致了富。

    Mentored by her grandmother , a tiny woman in wire-framed glasses and a tight perm , Liu trained rigorously as a performer , and developed the shrewd business skills that have lifted her family from poverty to prosperity .

  20. 稍后刘君琳会换上白色的丧袍,戴上头罩爬到棺材边上,这时在他兄弟乐器的伴奏下她开始她的招牌哭丧。

    Later , Liu will change into a white hood and robe , and crawl to the coffin on her hands and knees . There , in time to her brother 's organ playing , she performs her signature wail .

  21. 你若殷勤地寻求神,向全能者恳求。他默默地听完我这些责难,始终没有作声,最后才用哭丧似的声音恳求我,让他去睡觉。

    " If you will make search for God with care , and put your request before the Ruler of all ;" He heard me all through in silence , and then , in a broken voice , begged me to let him go to bed .

  22. 用哭丧来谋生是一件容易引起争议的事情,在有些人看来这是商业化的哀伤。但是据刘君琳这样的哭丧人说,她们的职业在台湾由来已久,根据台湾传统亡故之人需要用大声的哭丧来把他们平安地送入到后世。

    Crying for a living is controversial , seen by some as the commercialisation of grief , but mourners like Liu say their profession has a long history in Taiwan , where according to tradition the deceased needs a big , loud send-off to cross smoothly into the afterlife .