
  • 网络the Wedding Lament
  1. 鄂西土家族哭嫁歌的角色转换功能

    The Wedding Lament of the Tujia People in Western Hubei Province : The Function for Role Transformation

  2. 论土家族哭嫁歌的孝道内涵

    On the Filial Connotation of the Wedding Lament in Tujia Nationality

  3. 江西波阳县哭嫁歌探究

    A Research on the Weeping Marriage Songs of Poyang County in Jiangxi Province

  4. 鄂西土家族哭嫁歌的主体心理分析

    A Psychological Analysis of Wailing Songs in Wedding of Tujia Nationality in Western Hubei

  5. 由文化事象深入到女性心理&关于土家族哭嫁歌研究的思考

    From Culture Phenomenon to Women 's Mind & Thinking about the Studies of the Tujia Wedding Lament

  6. 其次,哭嫁歌在很大程度上突出了女姓的性别意识;

    Secondly , the weeping songs , in a large sense , emphasize the gender consciousness of the women .

  7. 这是一种非常特殊的哭,有一定的腔调和旋律,形成独具特色的哭嫁歌。

    This was a special kind of crying with a tune and melody and it formed a wedding lament with characteristics .

  8. 哭嫁歌曾是土家族地区风行的抒情性仪式歌谣,是新娘在哭嫁仪式中拥有的话语权。

    Wailing songs in wedding were once the popular lyric folk songs of Tujia people and the bride 's right of utterance .

  9. 本文主要从历史渊源、演唱内容和方式、表演程序、音乐特点及现状等方面对嘉禾伴嫁哭嫁歌进行简单的阐述。

    The article mainly talks about its origin , contents , way of singing , sequence , characteristic of music and the present condition , etc.

  10. 女性文化、角色心理与生命史&湖北三峡地区土家族哭嫁歌研究

    The Women 's Culture , Role Mentality and Life History & A Survey of the Wedding Lament of the Tujia Nationality in the Three Gorges Region

  11. 新娘出嫁前三至七天,与众女性亲属,用哭和唱哭嫁歌的仪式来迎接婚姻这一人生的重大转变。

    Before three or seven days bridegroom married , she would meet marriage , which was the big change of lifetime with crying and singing wedding lament songs .

  12. 哭嫁歌是土族婚礼风俗乐歌的重要类型,是土族文化的一种表现形式,蕴含着土族人民的审美意识。

    The married songs with tears are important categories concerning the music and songs of wedding ceremony custom of the Tus , a kind of cultural manifestations of the Tus , and contains the aesthetic consciousness of the Tu people .

  13. 从出嫁歌的内容看,哭嫁歌除了表现土家族的婚姻史和文化内涵外,还展示了土家族女性心理情感变化轨迹和一定的功利色彩。

    According to the content of the songs , it expresses not only the marriage history of Tujia but also the culture content , and the female mental state in Tujia 's emotion variety track with the certain utility color .

  14. 隐藏在民间哭嫁与哭嫁歌中的女性意识

    Female Consciousness Concealed in Bride 's Weeping and her Weeping Songs in Folk Custom

  15. 运用结构主义的核心理论二元对立结构模式,分析粤西的哭嫁习俗及其哭嫁歌,能清晰地看清其面貌。

    Based on the core theory of structuralism and bilateral opposite structure , the crying marriage customs and songs in Yuexi area are analyzed in order to get a clear understanding about them .