
  • 网络The Wailing Wall;the Western Wall
  1. 但是之前,我想要去哭墙。

    But before I want to go to the wailing wall .

  2. 哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护着耶稣的墓地。

    The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities , while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ 's tomb .

  3. 这就是为什么她的穿着比伊万卡·特朗普(IvankaTrump)的穿着吸引了更多注意力的原因(她在哭墙穿得很迷人,在梵蒂冈戴着奇怪的新娘式黑色薄纱头巾)。

    That 's why what she wore received so much more attention than what Ivanka Trump wore ( the fascinator at the Western Wall and the weirdly bridal black tulle veil at the Vatican aside ) .

  4. 成千上万的犹太人在耶路撒冷的哭墙受到了祝福的洗礼,那里是犹太教最神圣的地方。

    Thousands of Jews received a ritual blessing at Jerusalem 's Western Wall , Judaism 's holiest site .

  5. 巨大的第二圣殿建筑群中的一块美丽的碎片仍然矗立着,形成了神圣圣殿的西南边界:西墙或哭墙。

    A tantalizing fragment from the immense second temple complex still stands , forming the southwest perimeter of the Noble Sanctuary : The Western Wall or Wailing Wall .

  6. 当然,游客最感兴趣的还是老城区的圣墓教堂、圆顶的岩石和哭墙的神圣地标。

    Naturally , the old city is of most interest to visitors , given sacred landmarks like the curch of the holy sepulcher , the dome of the rock , and the wailing wall .

  7. 她参观了据说是耶稣基督的墓地的圣墓教堂和犹太教最神圣的圣迹哭墙。

    She visited The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre , said to be the site of Jesus Christ 's tomb , and the Western Wall , one of the Jewish faith 's most religious sites .

  8. 在那里,我在哭墙前祈祷,参观了圣墓教堂,被神圣土地的庄严和犹太民众的坚忍所敬畏。

    There , I prayed at the Western Wall , visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher , and was awed by the majesty of that sacred land and the perseverance of the Jewish people .