
  • 网络Church of the Holy Sepulcher;Holy Sepulchre;The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  1. 圣墓教堂结合了不同时期的建筑物和增建部分,与周围建筑物的石墙紧连。

    The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is an amalgamation of buildings and additions from different eras that merges with the stone walls of the buildings around it .

  2. 大多数基督徒相信耶稣肉身在耶路撒冷老城内的圣墓教堂搁置了三天。

    Most Christians believe Jesus'body spent three days at the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem 's Old City .

  3. 圣墓教堂。

    The Church of the Holy Sepulchre .

  4. 而记录片中所指出的埋葬地位于耶路撒冷南部邻近地区,和圣墓教堂隔的很远。

    The burial site identified in Cameron 's documentary is in a southern Jerusalem neighborhood nowhere near the church .

  5. 位于圣墓教堂附近的欧麦尔清真寺,有一个叙利亚式尖塔。

    The mosque of umar , located next to the church of the holy sepulcher , features a syrian-type minaret .

  6. 朝圣者和修道士们高举着蜡烛在圣墓教堂参加圣光奇迹。

    Pilgrims and monks hold candles during the miracle of the holy light in the Church of the holy sepulchre .

  7. 不过之后,当梅兰妮亚沿着耶路撒冷的圣墓教堂的石阶走下去时,这对夫妻的手又握到了一起。

    The first couple later held hands at the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem as she walked down the stone steps .

  8. 拉头:埃塞俄比亚东正教前在了圣墓教堂的耶路撒冷老城星期四埃塞俄比亚节脚祈祷礼拜仪式传统洗衣机。

    BOWED HEADS : Ethiopian Orthodox worshipers prayed before the traditional Washing of the Feet ceremony at the Ethiopian section of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem 's Old City Thursday .

  9. 当然,游客最感兴趣的还是老城区的圣墓教堂、圆顶的岩石和哭墙的神圣地标。

    Naturally , the old city is of most interest to visitors , given sacred landmarks like the curch of the holy sepulcher , the dome of the rock , and the wailing wall .

  10. 她参观了据说是耶稣基督的墓地的圣墓教堂和犹太教最神圣的圣迹哭墙。

    She visited The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre , said to be the site of Jesus Christ 's tomb , and the Western Wall , one of the Jewish faith 's most religious sites .

  11. 在那里,我在哭墙前祈祷,参观了圣墓教堂,被神圣土地的庄严和犹太民众的坚忍所敬畏。

    There , I prayed at the Western Wall , visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher , and was awed by the majesty of that sacred land and the perseverance of the Jewish people .

  12. 哭墙分隔出代表三种不同宗教的部分,圣墓大教堂的复活大殿里庇护着耶稣的墓地。

    The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities , while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ 's tomb .