
shèng diàn
  • Temple of God;gurdwara
圣殿 [shèng diàn]
  • [gurdwara] 锡克教的礼拜场所

圣殿[shèng diàn]
  1. 强似在神寺圣殿里踟躇徘徊。

    Be superior in the temple of God temple remained hesitant hesitate .

  2. 圣殿的坍塌&陈染对父权制神话的解构

    Collapse of Temple of God & Chen Ran 's interpretation to the patriarchic myth

  3. 来了解一下地狱之火和Grimestone。为了欢度万圣节,德克萨斯一所教堂将圣殿装扮成魔幻般的地狱。

    Talk about Hellfire and Grime stone , a Texas church turned its into an hell for Halloween .

  4. 当Mila和Oa由于那时的大量旅行而离开公寓时,出于对我们王国的尊重,他们将这个圣殿搬到一棵橡胶树下。

    As they vacated due to their extensive travel at the time , they moved the shrine under a gum tree in honor of our kingdom .

  5. 圣殿主任司铎热罗尼莫.雷耶斯(GeronimoReyes)蒙席说,庆典是一个良机去反省自己的生命及圣李乐伦的殉道事迹。

    Monsignor Geronimo Reyes , parish priest and rector of the Minor Basilica , said the celebration is a good opportunity to reflect on the life and martyrdom of the Filipino saint .

  6. 我,Sara祖先,以及许多和我一起工作的祖先们,都将在你休息入睡或进入冥想前,应你的要求来帮助你找到进入这些圣殿的方式。

    Ancestor Sara and many others that work with me will aid each in finding their way to the temples upon request and just as you retire for sleep or enter a time of meditation .

  7. 由大型仓库改建的办公室与Pinterest应用一样,是一座简洁、纯白的“圣殿”,阳光从游泳池般大小的天窗照射进来,播洒在中央公共餐厅里。

    The large former warehouse is , like the app , a temple to clean , white lines , with sunlight pouring through a swimming pool-sized skylight on to a central communal dining room .

  8. 来自俄勒冈州波特兰市的作家、高尔夫球场设计师约翰·斯特朗(JohnStrawn)在本世纪初经常访问爱尔兰。他说自己渴望在都柏林的圣殿酒吧区漫步,被那里诱人的酒吧里传来的热情的小提琴声温暖着。

    John Strawn , an author and a golf-course architect from Portland , Ore. , who visited Ireland often in the early 2000s , said that he would longingly walk Dublin 's Temple Bar district warmed by the fiery fiddles of the inviting pubs .

  9. 这一疗愈在Anasonya所维系的地心许多疗愈圣殿中可得,你可以通过在做梦时间或者冥想中意愿拜访它们来得到更新。

    This healing is made available from many temples in the Aurora that Anasonya holds and one may visit them to receive an upload and update through intention during dream time or meditation .

  10. 如今峨找到了峨心中圣殿的女皇。

    And today I found the Queen to reign my heart .

  11. 多么野蛮!剧院是艺术的圣殿。

    What temerity ! The theater is a temple of art .

  12. 但是传说中圣殿武士团为了保护圣地而建立的。

    But the Templars were created to protect the Holy land .

  13. 圣殿内放着一面镜子,那便是她的化身。

    In the inner sanctum she is represented by a mirror .

  14. 把我仅有的圣殿变成健身地牢

    And to turn my only sanctuary into a fitness dungeon .

  15. 柏林博物馆岛&艺术与科学的圣殿

    Museum Island in Berlin : The Sanctuary of Art and Science

  16. 寺的方向,必须朝着麦加的圣殿“克尔白”这一要求。

    Others again adopt an orientation of the rectangular shrine itself .

  17. 口语要素&通向流利口语圣殿的捷径。

    Spoken English Elements ─ your shortcut to perfect spoken English !

  18. 圣殿骑士据点能够招募圣殿骑士。

    The Templars'Order House allows the recruitment of veteran Templar knights .

  19. 瑞:我真的被邀请进你的圣殿了!

    RHETT : Am I actually being invited into the sanctuary ?

  20. 当耶稣看到圣殿被一些无餍的贪婪所玷污的时候。

    When Jesus saw the Temple being desecrated by unbridled greed .

  21. 为什么圣殿骑士要偷他们自己的宝藏?

    Why would a Knight Templar try to steal their own treasure ?

  22. 在沙龙拜访圣殿山的前一天。

    The day before sharom 's visit to the moumt .

  23. 为什么,因为他们想建圣殿。

    Why ? Because they wanted to build a temple .

  24. 古雅的圣殿博物馆忙碌的馆长。

    The bustling curator of the quaint Museum of the Holy shrine .

  25. 第二十篇章你已安坐在我心灵深处的圣殿。

    Thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart .

  26. 神圣的能量自圣殿骑士的体内发出,降低敌人的能力!

    A holy energy emitted from the tamplar , weackening his foes .

  27. 你愿意找到一座华丽的圣殿吗?

    Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean ?

  28. 更方便我们进入绝地圣殿。

    Easier for us to enter the Jedi Temple it will be .

  29. 王者圣殿举办的活动,大家快来参加!

    King Temple conducts the activity , everybody participates quickly !

  30. 当时,耶路撒冷圣殿发生了改变。

    Around this time changes were made to the temple in Jerusalem .