
shènɡ zhàn
  • jihad;holy war;crusade
圣战 [shèng zhàn]
  • [holy war]发生在民族或不同教派之间的为某种宗教目的而发动的战争

  1. 你的“圣战”结束后,我们可以一起吃牛排。

    Maybe after your jihad , we can grab some steaks .

  2. 圣战将最终获得胜利。

    The end result of the holy Jihad will be victory .

  3. 传说这名圣战者杀死了一条恶龙,解救了被困的公主。

    Legend says that he was a fighting saint who slew8 a dragon to free a princess .

  4. 甚至还观看了今年对阵杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的橄榄球决赛。这场比赛在当地被称作圣战。

    They even got to see the final bit of this year 's football game against Brigham Young , known locally as the Holy War .

  5. 几分钟后,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯•科米(JamesComey)告诉国会,FBI很难破解圣战分子使用的加密工具。

    A few minutes later , James Comey , the FBI director , told Congress that it is struggling to crack encryption tools used by jihadis .

  6. 如果西方无法在无政府的局面中协助恢复秩序,其他势力便会呈风起云涌之势不论是马里的圣战分子,还是阿富汗死灰复燃的塔利班(taliban)分子。

    If the west is unable to help restore order in an anarchic situation , other forces will emerge whether it is jihadists in Mali or a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan .

  7. 它们对SAR11细菌发动了圣战。

    And they 're waging holy war on the SAR11 bacteria .

  8. 朝鲜警告可能会对韩国发动圣战,包括动用核武器,而韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)则誓言,一旦领土再次遭袭,韩国将进行无情的反击。

    North Korea has warned of a holy war against the South , including use of nuclear weapons , while President Lee Myung-bak , of South Korea vowed a merciless counterattack if its territory were assaulted again .

  9. 尽管许多此类要求很直接——例如,消除YouTube或Twitter上的圣战宣传标语——但仍有人担心,此类压力可能延展至要求科技公司调整算法,以便向容易受影响的用户屏蔽某些类型的内容。

    While many such requests are straightforward - removing jihadist propaganda from YouTube or Twitter , for example - there are concerns that such pressure might extend to modifying their algorithms in order to hide certain types of content from easily susceptible users .

  10. 这意味着其他组织(以哈马斯或者圣战者为例)现在要效忠和支持ISIS的目标,暂时搁置自己的目标。

    This means that the goals of these other groups ( Hamas or the Mujahidin for example ) are now subservient to the need to pledge allegiance to and support ISIS in the pursuit of their goals .

  11. 在干啥?又是一场王国的圣战?

    What is this ? Another glorious battle for the kingdom ?

  12. 这是圣战,你必须尊重它。

    Holy war and all , you had to respect that .

  13. 对许多穆斯林人来说,圣战意味着一种内部精神斗争。

    To many Muslims , jihad means an internal spiritual struggle .

  14. 现在你们就要看到圣战的荣耀了

    Now you are going to see the glory of jihad .

  15. 98一个矮人牧师宣布向兽人发动一场圣战。

    98 A dwarf cleric declares a holy crusade against ores .

  16. 而法国境内存在成千上万的潜在的“独狼”圣战分子。

    And France has a reservoir of thousands of potential do-it-yourself jihadis .

  17. 和平的天性,是否已令你投向圣战?

    Has your peaceful nature led you on a crusade ?

  18. 把这看作是对私欲的圣战吧!

    Oh , Allah ! This is my jihad against vain desires !

  19. 最后,我谈一下即将在耶路撒冷召开的(面对圣战)会议。

    To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem .

  20. 哈马斯并不完全是传说中的“他们全都是圣战分子”的铁板一块的组织。

    Hamas is not quite the monolithic organisation of " they-are-all-jihadis " myth .

  21. 他和你在阿富汗一起圣战过吗?

    Did he do Jihad with you in afghanistan ?

  22. 与圣战分子有关的激进组织渐渐成为更强的精兵。

    Extremist groups with Jihadists ties are proving to be more effective fighters .

  23. 目前阿拉伯起义把暴力的圣战者逼到了悬崖边上。

    So far the Arab spring has cast violent jihad to the margins .

  24. 拉孔布:大部分年轻的圣战分子都出自中产阶级家庭。

    LACOMBE : Most of the young jihadists come from the middle class .

  25. 大约有五分之一的叛军,其中一些是最有组织的,是圣战分子。

    About a fifth of the rebels-and some of the best organised-are jihadists .

  26. 交叉的刀意味着圣战和自卫。

    The both crossed knifes indicate jehad and self-defence .

  27. 第二,认识到圣战组织将主要被穆斯林自身击败。

    Second , recognize that jihadists will be defeated mainly by Muslims themselves .

  28. 但约翰·布朗的圣战却已走到了尽头,他的儿子们纷纷战亡,

    But John Brown 's crusade is over . His sons are dead .

  29. 而大的圣战是要发展社会。

    The big jihad is to develop the society .

  30. 对全球的圣战分子而言,上了天堂才会有回报,所以生命是下贱的。

    For global jihadists the reward is in paradise , so life is cheap .