- 网络Palestinian Prime Minister

For the next two days , the Palestinian prime minister will be hosting a Trade and Investment Forum in London .
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wound up her visit by hosting a trilateral meeting with the Israeli defense minister and Palestinian prime minister .
Minister Ismail Haniyeh has called the Israeli offence into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank " a real war " .
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri made a terse statement after Fatah nominated the current prime minister of the Palestinian Authority , Salam Fayyad .
The measures were announced following talks between Secretary Rice , Israel 's Foreign and Defense Ministers and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Jerusalem .
Standing next to Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad , Mr. Brown said the settlement issue must be resolved if there is to be a lasting peace .
The Palestinian Prime Minister also warned Israel against unilateral moves , such as seizing parts of the West Bank and Gaza strip , saying it will never be accepted by the palestinians .
Ismail Haniyeh : the New Prime Minister of Palestinian
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was less optimistic , citing economic problems in Palestinian areas caused by Israeli roadblocks and a shortfall in the collection of funds pledged last year by international donors , including Gulf oil states , in Paris :
Mr. Bush will meet separately with President Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad .
Prime Minister Arafat passed this year ending the long term polarity of struggle between Palestine and Prime Minister Sharon of Israel .