
  • 网络Pakistan Navy
  1. 巴基斯坦海军计划向中国采购2艘导弹快艇,4艘护卫舰,以及一批直升机。

    The Pakistan navy has plans for the purchase of two missile boats from China , four frigates and helicopters .

  2. 接近谈判的巴基斯坦海军一名前高级军官称,这份合同可能价值40亿至50亿美元。

    A former senior Pakistan navy officer close to the talks said the contract could be worth $ 4bn - $ 5bn .

  3. 位于德里的贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁大学的谢刚说,他们还对中国向巴基斯坦海军提供援助感到不满。此举将使巴基斯坦海军到2015年拥有与印度一样多的护卫舰。

    They also resent China 's assistance to Pakistan 's navy , which will as a result by2015 have as many frigates as India , according to Srikanth Kondapalli of Delhi 's Jawaharlal Nehru University .

  4. 与俄罗斯开展联合护航行动,与韩国、巴基斯坦、美国海军舰艇开展反海盗等联合演习演练,与欧盟协调为世界粮食计划署船舶进行护航。

    They have conducted joint escorts with their Russian counterparts , carried out joint anti-piracy drills with naval ships of the ROK , Pakistan and the US , and coordinated with the European Union to protect WFP ships .