
duān liáng
  • end beam;end girder;end sill
端梁[duān liáng]
  1. 端梁内部的应力超过了屈服极限,小于强度极限,在应力较大的位置焊接补强板;

    Inner stress of end beam was less than ultimate strength though it over yield limit .

  2. 本文提出一种绘制支承于弹簧地基上固端梁影响线及四边固定板影响面的方法。

    This Paper gives a method of drawing the influence line of fixed end beam and the influence area of fixed edge flat plate which are lying on the elastic foundation bed .

  3. 主端梁结构件与ANSYS分析软件接口的实现。

    The realization of interface between girder , end girder structure parts and ANSYS software .

  4. Timoshenko固端梁特征值问题近似计算方法

    An Approach for Solving the Eigenvalue Problem of Timoshenko Clamped Beam

  5. 在对主、端梁进行全面受力分析的基础上建立了桥式起重机桥架结构的优化数学模型,采用MATLAB进行优化处理,最终得到满意的结果。

    The optimized mathematical model is established by analyzing all forces acted on the main girder and the end girder . The optimized solution can be got with MATLAB and a satisfied result can be got at last .

  6. 34.5m桥式起重机端梁更新方法

    The Way to Renew the End Girder of 34.5 Overhead Travelling Crane

  7. 280t吊车端梁裂纹的探讨

    Study of Girder Crackle in 280t Crane

  8. 以10单元固端梁和海洋平台为例,分别运用普通遗传算法和改进的CHC算法进行损伤诊断,对不同的损伤指标进行了详细的讨论;

    Both SGA algorithm and improved CHC algorithm are applied to diagnose the damage of a 10-unit fixed-end beam and an offshore platform , and different objective functions are discussed in details .

  9. 某150t冶金起重机投产运行10多年后,主小车架马鞍形端梁局部产生了一些肉眼可见的裂纹。

    The saddle-shaped end beams of the trolley structure of a150 t metallurgical crane , which had been in use for10 years , came to have a lot of visible cracks .

  10. 论文中以20t-22.5m-A5桥式起重机的主梁和端梁为基本模型进行了建模分析和计算验证。

    In this paper , the 20t-22.5m-A5 bridge-type crane 's main beam and carry beam are taken as basic models and their parameters as referenced parameters .

  11. 主梁、端梁、桥架的三维参数化建模;

    The parametric construction of girder , end girder , bridge frame ;

  12. 桥式起重机端梁裂纹的原因分析和修复措施

    Analysis and repairing measures to cracks in end girders of overhead traveling crane

  13. 桥式起重机端梁三维有限元受力分析

    Three dimensional finite element analysis for the end carriage of the overhead traveling crane

  14. 桥式起重机端梁制造工艺改进

    Improvement on Bridge Type Hoist End Beam

  15. 然后,通过对固端梁的数值模拟研究,验证了本文方法在不完整低阶模态条件下的损伤定位性能。

    Next , the effectiveness of the proposed method was illustrated by numerical simulation of a fixed-end beam .

  16. 葫芦双梁主梁与端梁高强度螺栓连接的校核

    Check calculation of high tensile bolt connection between girders and carriages of double girder overhead traveling crane with electric hoist

  17. 宽端梁(16t+16t)双钩桥式起重机的电气设计方案优选

    Optimization of Electrical Design Scheme for Two Hook ( 16t + 16t ) Bridge Type Overhead Crane with Wide End Girder

  18. 桥架的金属结构由主梁和端梁组成,分为单主梁桥架和双梁桥架两类。

    Bridge 's metal structure from the main beam and side beams , divided into single-and dual-beam bridge girder bridge types .

  19. 对不同的边界条件(如简支梁和固端梁)下不同的损伤形式(如竖直裂缝和斜裂缝)引起结构损伤的情况进行试验。裂缝修理;

    The two different boundary conditions considered are simply supported and fixed end support , and the different damage forms ( crack characteristics ) are investigated by numerical experiments .

  20. 本文采用了连续梁、简支梁、固端梁、悬臂梁、桁架等的单点损伤识别,简支梁的多点损伤识别。

    It includes the single site damage detection of continuous beam , simple support beam , fixed end beam , overhanging beam , truss , and the multipoint damage detection of simple support beam .

  21. 为了让遗传算法更适用于结构工程损伤诊断领域,提出了多父体变量级杂交和变量微调等新的改进策略,并运用于固端梁的损伤诊断,取得了满足工程要求的结果。

    Some improved strategies , for instance , multi - parents crossover and fine-tuning of variables , are introduced to detect the damage of a fixed-end beam , and satisfactory results are obtained in the paper .

  22. 外伸端板梁柱连接的滞回性能试验

    Experiment on Hysteretic Behavior of Extended-end-plate Beam-to-column Connections

  23. 剪力墙中间层端节点梁筋锚固方式及锚固性能探讨

    Analysis on the beam bars anchorage mode and performane detail in exterior shear wall joints

  24. 索端在梁以上的高度为1/6跨长。

    Termination of the cables is at a height of 1 / 6 the span above the girders .

  25. 首先,进行了1∶1模型的体外预应力法和粘钢法加固固端支座梁的静载试验。

    First , the author carried out static experiment on the 1:1 model of fixed support beam strengthed by external prestressing and by bonding steel plate .

  26. 将2端固定梁的转角位移方程和改进的力矩-面积法相结合,用于刚架结构的转角和位移的计算。

    A method for calculating rotation angle and displacement in rigid frame is presented which combines rotation angle equation for beam with fixed ends and improved torque-area method .

  27. 本文建立了“端齿梁元”的概念,以考虑端齿轴段与整体轴段间的刚度差异。

    The concept of the curvic coupling beam element is presented in this paper , the difference between the stiffness of the shaft section with curvic couplings and that without curvic couplings are considered .

  28. 体外预应力混凝土梁是指在混凝土梁体外使用无粘结预应力钢筋或索,通过锚固端和梁相连接,通过中间转向块使索偏转的一种预应力结构。

    The externally prestressed concrete beam is defined as a structure & unbounded tendons are used outside the concrete beams , connected with the beam by the anchorage , and deflected by the middle deflecting blocks .

  29. 这两种搭接方案会造成混凝土浇筑困难、施工复杂等问题,因此工程界迫切希望顶层端节点梁、柱负弯矩钢筋搭接能得到改善。

    The two measures may lead to difficulty in concrete placement and construction , therefore , improvement of connection of steel bars for beam and pillar negative moment in end node of frame top layer is highly expected .

  30. 以静电驱动的双端固支梁为例用ANSYS模拟软件对模型进行了验证,结果表明模型具有较高的精度。

    It proved precise in comparison with ANSYS software with example of the electrically actuated fixed-fixed microbeam .