
  • 【医】end to end anastomosis
  1. B组为右侧腓神经切断,即行端端吻合;

    In group B , the right peroneal nerve was sectioned and sutured with end to end neurorrhaphy .

  2. B组中1例肾节段动脉误扎端端吻合成功,1例伤口延迟愈合。

    In group B , the renal segmental artery was inadvertently injured in 1 case and anastomosis was performed successfully ; and wound healing delay occurred in 1 case .

  3. 利用Solidworks软件设计的两种新型手术器械-乳腺皮瓣剥离手术刀和可降解小肠端端吻合支架,工程图符合专利申报及生产要求,顺利申报两项国家实用新型专利。

    The two new surgical instruments designed with Solidworks , flap dissector of breast and biodegradable end-to-end intestinal anastomosis stent , conformed to the requirement of patent declaration and become Utility Model Patent successfully . 3 .

  4. 24例中,拟行OLT者21例,其中13例行供体门静脉与受体门静脉端端吻合,2例处于待肝状态,6例吻合方式改变或放弃手术。

    Twenty-one patients were candidates of OLT , 13 patients underwent portal vein end-to-end anastomosis , 2 patients were awaiting transplants , and 6 patients underwent anastomosis changes or giving up operations .

  5. 结果:实验侧脊髓前角及脊神经节可见HRP标记细胞,端端吻合效果显著好于端侧吻合,端侧吻合后再生纤维中感觉纤维和运动纤维兼而有之。

    Results : The labelled neurons were also found in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and the spinal ganglia . Conclusion : The regenerative nerve fibers had motor fibers as well as sensory fibers by end to side neurorrhaphy .

  6. 方法:SD大鼠30只,抽签法随机分为A,B两组,将脊髓在L1平面横断后,在硬膜囊内将L3神经根移位于S1神经根端端吻合。

    METHODS : Thirty SD rats were randomly divided into group A and B.The paraplegic animal model was made by a transverse injury of the L1 spinal cord , then L3 nerve root was transferred to S1 nerve root and intradural microanastomosis was performed .

  7. 【方法】对近5年12例手术证实的闭合性股动脉损伤患者,采用端端吻合、静脉移植、ePTFE人工血管等方法治疗。

    【 Methods 】 Twelve cases with close femoral arterial injuries confirmed by the clinical examination and Doppler were treated by end-to-end arterial anastomosis , blood vessel and ePTFE artificial blood vessel grafting .

  8. 甲状颈干的外径与椎动脉相似,适合端端吻合,但仅有38.5%具有合适的血管干(大于10mm)。

    Thyrocervical artery had similar caliber to vertebral artery so that end to end anastomosis could be carried out between them , but only 38.5 % of this artery had adequate artery trunk ( more than 10 mm ) .

  9. 方法在大鼠坐骨神经损伤模型上,应用几丁糖胶原复合膜缝制成神经导管分别套接5mm、10mm神经缺损及直接端端吻合组,以单纯端端吻合组为对照。

    Methods using rat sciatic nerve model , chitosan collagen film was sutured into conduit to bridge 5 mm , 10 mm nerve defect or wrapped up at the site where was direct coaptation , took simple direct coaptation as control group .

  10. 最后1次手术方式为胆管端端吻合2例,胆管壁缺损修补4例,单纯缝线拆除3例,胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合27例。

    The last surgical treatment was performed in all patients by the end to end anastomosis of bile duct in 2 cases , the repair of bile duct injury in 4 ones , the removal of suture in 3 ones , the Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy in 27 ones .

  11. 结论与间断吻合技术相比,连续端端吻合外径为0.7mm~2.2mm的血管,能明显节省吻合时间。

    Conclusions The CST is a reliable and time - saving procedure in the end - to - end anastomosis of vessels with external diameter ranging from 0.7 mm to 2.2 mm .

  12. 胆管修补(端端吻合)+T管支撑引流5例、胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合16例,腹腔穿刺+鼻胆管引流1例(ENBD)、损伤胆管修复,置管引流3例。

    Among all the cases , 5 received bile duct repair ( end-to-end anastomosis ) and T-tube supporting and drainage ; 16 underwent chole-enterostomy ( Roux-en-Y ), 1 had abdominal cavity puncture and endoscopic nasobiliary drainage ( ENBD ), and 3 received bile duct repair and tube drainage .

  13. 不使用T型引流管胆管端端吻合在成人经典原位肝移植中的应用

    Duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction without T-tube drainage in classic orthotopic liver transplantation

  14. 肝上下腔静脉用端端吻合连续缝合的方法。

    Suprahepatic inferior vena cava was anastomosed end-to-end with running suture .

  15. 端端吻合重建胆道。

    Reconstructing the hepatic duct on anastomosis in end-to-end fashion .

  16. 不同型号钛环行端端吻合内瘘手术的临床研究

    The clinical study of arteriovenous anastomosis by various titanium staples

  17. 行结肠部分切除者6例行端端吻合,10例行侧侧吻合。

    Cases were given tip-to-tip anastomosis and 10 cases side-to-side anastomosis of colon .

  18. 吻合的方式是端端吻合。

    The fashion of arterial reconstruction is end-to-end anastomosis .

  19. 结论:端端吻合胆管重建是活体肝移植中胆管重建的可行、有效的方法。

    CONCLUSION : The duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction is feasible and effective in LDLT .

  20. 腮腺导管损伤一般采取导管修复重建治疗,可采用端端吻合、自体静脉移植等方法。

    The treatments included anastomosis of parotid duct , self - veins transfer , ect .

  21. 面神经缺损快速延长后即刻端端吻合修复的初步临床应用

    Primary clinical study on using end-to-end neurorrhaphy following rapid nerve expansion to repair facial nerve defect

  22. 结论端端吻合优于端侧吻合;

    Conclusion 1 . The end to end coaptation is superior to the end to side coaptation .

  23. 目的:比较面神经损伤后端侧吻合与端端吻合方法的治疗效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the results of end - to-side neurorrhaphy and end-to-end neurorrhaphy after facial nerve injury .

  24. 对照组:切断右侧喉返神经后立即行神经端端吻合。

    In control group right recurrent laryngeal were incised and sutured immediately by means of end to end nerve anastomosis .

  25. 合并血栓形成4例。其中端端吻合12例,直接修补4例,静脉移植4例;

    Of them , 12 cases received end-to-end anastomosis , 4 cases primary repair , and4 cases saphenous vein transplantation .

  26. 结果27例分别行单纯修补、端端吻合、十二指肠-空肠-Roux-en-Y吻合、憩室化手术,22例痊愈。

    Results : 22 cases treated with simple suture , duodenal anastomosis , Roux-en-Y jejunoduodenostomy and duodenal diverticularization were healed .

  27. 共吻合血管241对,其中端端吻合203次,三点式套缝28次,端侧吻合5次。

    Anastomosed vessels were 241 pairs , among of which there were 203 end-to-end , 28 sleeve and 5 end-to-side anastomoses .

  28. 方法600例大鼠肾移植,切除自体肾后分别行异体原位肾动脉、静脉和输尿管的端端吻合。

    Methods The orthotopic transplantation of kidney was performed with end-to-end anastomoses of renal vessels and ureters in600 bilateral nephrectomized rats .

  29. 我们对5例食管中段癌患者行食管中段癌切除,保留食管下端括约肌生理功能,左颈部食管端端吻合,对防止术后返流性食管炎效果满意。

    Five cases of carcinoma located in the middle portion of the esophagus were resected with end-to-end anastomosis in the left neck .

  30. 目的评估不使用T型引流管的胆管端端吻合在成人经典式原位肝移植中应用的可行性及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction without T-tube drainage in adult orthotopic liver transplantations ( OLTs ) .