
  • 网络flowing Void;Flow void;flow void effect;flowing void effect
  1. 结果MRI典型表现为硬脑膜窦内正常流空效应消失,代之以异常等信号或高信号影。

    Results MRI showed the normal flowing void of the dural sinus disappeared , instead of the abnormal high signal intensities .

  2. 畸形血管团MRI表现:多数T1、T2加权像为纡曲成团的低或黑信号区(流空效应)。

    On the photo of MRI , most of T1 and T2 photos had a lower or black signal area ( flow-empty actions ) .

  3. 在血管畸形的影像中,由于流空效应产生的影像是诊断的一个线索。

    In cases of vascular malformation , the presence of a signal void caused by vascular structures containing flowing blood is a clue to the diagnosis .