
  • 网络stream format;Streaming Format
  1. 一种基于ASF的新型多媒体流格式

    A new multimedia stream format based on ASF

  2. 如果正在传输某个文件,列出该文件。如果是源自编码器,列出编码器流格式文件。

    If you are streaming a file , list the file . If sourcing from an encoder , list the encoder stream format file .

  3. 求解对流占优Burgers方程的随流格式

    The follow - flow schemes for solving the convection - dominated Burgers equation

  4. 高级流格式ASF的剖析与应用研究

    The Anatomy and Application Research of ASF

  5. 对DVBOverIP应用来说,如何传送用可变比特率(VBR)压缩的MPEG-2传输流格式的视频是一个重要的问题。

    For application of DVB Over IP , one important issue is about how to transmit compressed variable bit rate ( VBR ) MPEG-2 transport stream video .

  6. 讨论了图片上传的基本方法,分析了在ASP中上传文件的数据流格式,介绍如何利用ASP及Ado.Stream对象的技术开发向Web服务器上传图片的方法,而且不需要其他开发商所开发的图片上传组件。

    This paper discusses the basic method of uploading pictures , analyzes the format of data stream while uploading pictures on ASP , and introduces the method of uploading pictures with ASP and Ado Stream object without uploading pictures components .

  7. 本文着重讨论了基于HTTP协议的文件上传机制,分析了在ASP中上传文件的数据流格式,并指出了在利用VB开发文件上传组件时应注意的几个问题。

    This paper emphasizes the mechanism of uploading files based on HTTP protocol , and analyzes the format of data stream while uploading files using ASP technology . Some questions while developing the uploading files ActiveX component using VB are also proposed .

  8. 文章首先介绍了关于数字电视系统的一些基本概念,MPEG-2传送流格式和MPEG-2的物理接口,以及DS3码流的帧结构。

    In the beginning , the dissertation gives an overview of digital video system and an introduction of the format of MPEG-2 transport stream , MPEG-2 physical interface and frame structure of DS3 stream .

  9. 主要研究了H.323终端在IP网络中的媒体流格式和H.321终端在B-ISDN中的媒体流格式,并编程来实现两终端在网关中的数据流转换。

    The article mainly studies the bit stream formats of H.323 terminal on IP network and H.321 terminal on B - ISDN . Through gateway , two terminals implement data stream conversion between different transmission format .

  10. 本文首先介绍了SDIO控制器的设计需求,包括SDIO的命令与数据流格式、重要命令和SDIO卡内部存储区的结构。

    Firstly , the specification of SDIO controller is introduced , which includes thecommand and data format , important commands and the register construction of SDIOdevice .

  11. 您可以使用它来播放视频、转换视频代码和播放流格式视频。

    You can use it to play video , transcode video , and serve streaming video .

  12. 如果多个文件使用同一流格式,只需将该流格式列出一次。

    If multiple files use the same stream format , you only need to list the stream format one time .

  13. 流格式包含播放机解码流所需的信息,包括:编解码器、比特率以及帧大小。

    Stream formats contain information a player needs to decode a stream , including codecs , bit rates , and frame sizes .

  14. 定义全程都要使用的中介流格式和类型将会使得日后回过头来设置这些原语上的属性更为简单,而不是并行处理这二者。

    Defining the form of the flow and the types that will be used throughout will make it easier to come back later and define the properties on those primitives , rather than doing both in parallel .

  15. 内容包括:现场服务器的整体设计、底层数控设备与现场服务器进行通讯的数据流格式和数据流处理流程、底层数控设备与现场服务器的通讯实现方式、远程客户端与现场服务器的通讯实现。

    The following contents are included : the integrated design of field server , data stream formats , transmission procedures and the way of implementation in communication between CNC machine and field server , remote client and CNC machine .

  16. 针对同类视频转码,本文主要研究同一种编码标准下的压缩视频流格式转码,包括任意尺寸转码、码率转码,以及隔行扫描/逐行扫描变换。

    Aimed at the homogeneous video transcoding , the transcodings of the compressed video stream formats following the same encoding standard are researched in this paper , including the arbitrary size transcoding , bit-rate transcoding , and successive / interlaced scan conversion .

  17. Dream服务和消费端以XML或二进制数据流的格式来交换数据。

    Dream services and consumers exchange data in form of XML or binary streams .

  18. 本文介绍了目前Internet上广泛使用的流媒体格式,重点介绍了Microsoft的ASF(AdvancedStreamingFormat)。

    The paper introduces Stream Media Formats used widely in the Internet , and emphasizes the ASF of Microsoft .

  19. 基于JMF技术实现流媒体格式的转换

    The conversion of streaming media format based on JMF

  20. 最后将swf格式的动画转换成流媒体格式视频FLV。

    Finally , converting SWF format animation to FLV video streaming media format .

  21. ASF格式(高级流媒体格式)是设计用来在互连网中播放的格式。

    The ASF format ( Advanced Streaming Format ) is specially designed to run over the Internet .

  22. 对MPEG2程序流语法格式进行分析,利用计算机的并行处理技术,提出了基于微机的MPEG-2实时音视频编码时的程序流合成方案。

    This paper analyzes the grammatical format of MPEG-2 program stream , and puts forward a syn-thetic plan for the MPEG-2 program stream of audio and video real time encoding by utilizing parallel processing technique .

  23. 在介绍MPEG-2传输流的格式及传输过程中的复用和解复用问题的基础上,提出了一种MPEG-2传输信号流的复用及解复用的设计方案。

    Based on the introduction of the syntax of MPEG-2 TS ( Transport Stream ) and some problems of multiplex and demultiplex , we bring forward the design scheme of MPEG-2 TS special multiplexer and demultiplexer .

  24. 在NT平台上利用视频点播服务器软件,将视频节目源转换成基于广域网传输的流文件格式,客户端利用专门的播放器,可以实现视频节目的实时点播。

    Client can realize VoD of video program with Windows media player by using Netshow server software on Windows NT platform . Video program can be transformed into Active Stream Format ( ASF ) based on the WAN transmission standard .

  25. ASF文件格式是远程教育中使用较多的流媒体格式,ASF文件逻辑上由头对象、数据对象和索引对象组成。

    As a streaming media format , ASF is the widely used in the distance learning . Each ASF file is composed of header object , data object and index object .

  26. 除了InputStream,KeyStore需要知道流的格式(我们使用缺省的“jks”)和存储密码。

    As well as the InputStream , the KeyStore needs to know the format of the stream ( we use the default ," jks ") and the store password .

  27. 本文先阐述了MPEG-1视频、音频压缩编码的技术原理,探讨了MPEG-1数据流的格式以及光盘播放系统的纠错技术;

    Firstly , the thesis expounds the compressing and encoding technology of the video & audio in MPEG-1 standard , and discusses the format of MPEG-1 data , and the way of error-rectifying on digital disc playing system .

  28. 详细论述了用以保护数字化信息资源版权的主流技术,包括防拷贝技术、访问控制、内容保护、流媒体格式、数字水印以及DRM技术,对DRM技术在数字图书馆中的应用前景进行了展望;

    The author details on the available technologies concerning digital copyright protection , including anti-copy technology , access control , content encryption , media stream format , digital watermark , and Digital Rights Management technology , as well as the prospect of utilizing Digital Rights Management technology in digital libraries .

  29. 它们必须能够管理用户帐户、上传内容和流媒体格式。

    They must be able to manage user accounts , upload content , and stream video .

  30. 在媒体的处理上,本文设计了通用的媒体格式抽象层,对各种流媒体格式进行再一层的包装。使不同的流媒体格式能够统一结构。

    A Media Abstraction Layer has been designed to unify the different media format package process .