首页 / 词典 / good


liú dàng
  • Wandering;flow;roam;be on the move;roam about;rove;loaf about
流荡 [liú dàng]
  • (1) [roam about;be on the move]∶闲荡,闲游

  • (2) [rove; loaf about]∶流浪

流荡[liú dàng]
  1. 幻影开始在这个肮脏的背景上流荡、燃烧起来。

    On this befouled background visions began to flow and burn .

  2. 只有面对温馨的家,除却所有伪饰后的本真才能如此在客厅间恣意流荡。

    Only when we face the warm house , the essence of ourselves can flow freely in the living room .

  3. 空气里流荡着一股香味。

    A pleasant smell wafted through the air .

  4. 流荡的春风来到你荒凉的居所。

    In your desolate dwelling comes the vagrant spring breeze .

  5. 我本外人任意流荡,基督却亲来寻还;

    Jesus sought me when a stranger , Wandering from the fold of God ;

  6. 我主,让此恩典维系流荡的心归你前。

    Let Thy goodness , like a fetter , Bind my wandering heart to Thee .

  7. 后现代主义在影像世界的流荡

    Post Modernism in Moving Images

  8. 流荡的云片聚集在远野高地的天边。

    The wandering clouds have gathered at the edge of the sky on yonder rise of the land .

  9. 我承认我趋向流荡,趋向离开神的爱;

    Prone to wander , Lord , I feel it , Prone to leave the God I love ;

  10. 是海里的狂浪,涌出本人可耻的沫子来;是流荡的星,有墨黑的幽暗为他们永远存留。

    Raging waves of the sea , foaming out their own shame ; wandering stars , to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever .