
  • 网络Epidemiological characteristics;Epidemic characteristics;Epidemiologic feature
  1. 济宁市城区2006~2008年麻疹流行特征分析

    The Analysis on the Epidemiologic Features of the Measles in Jining City from the Year 2006 to 2008

  2. 36例亚急性中毒性脊髓周围神经炎的流行特征是:发病集中,有明显的家庭聚集性;

    Thirty-six cases with subacute poisoning spinal and peripheral neuritis were diagnosed in 1973.The epidemiologic features of those patients were : the same time and place occurrence , as well as family aggregation .

  3. 广州地区HIV感染者的临床和流行特征分析

    Analysis on Clinical and Epidemic Features of HIV Infectors in Guangzhou

  4. 温州市外来流动人口HIV感染的流行特征

    Epidemic Characteristics of HIV Infection of Floating Population in Wenzhou

  5. 采用ERICPCR分型方法分析我院产ESBLs阴沟肠杆菌的流行特征。

    ERIC PCR typing was used to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of ESBLs producing strains .

  6. 通过Excel对疫情资料进行整理、分析,了解1996-2008年中国狂犬病流行特征。

    The data was arranged and analyzed by Excel to understand characteristics of rabies in China during 1996-2008.2 .

  7. 方法通过血清学、流行病学监测,分析菏泽市AIDS流行特征,提出防制措施。

    Methods Epidemic characteristics of AIDS in Heze city were analyzed through serological and epidemiological monitoring to put forward preventive and therapeutic measures .

  8. 2009年新型甲型H1N1流感流行特征及防控措施

    Epidemic situation of emerging influenza virus A / H1N1 in 2009 pandemic and the prevention / control measures

  9. 为了解深圳特区成人糖尿病患病影响因素,对20~74岁常住居民进行了流行特征及相关影响因素调查,利用非条件Logistic回归进行危险因素分析。

    The epidemiological feature and risk factors of DM were investigated among inhabitants at the age of 20 to 74 and analyze of risk factors with unconditional logistic regression .

  10. 目的研究洪涝灾区肾综合征出血热(HFRS,简称出血热)流行特征,为洪涝灾区出血热防制工作提供科学依据。

    Objective To study epidemiological characteristics of HFRS in flooded area so as to provide scientific basis for HFRS control in flooded area .

  11. 目的:分析南宁市1999-2005年献血者HIV感染状况及流行特征和趋势,为采供血机构和相关部门提供决策依据。

    Objective : To analyze the status of HIV infection and its prevalence character and prevalence trend among blood donation population of Nanning in 1999 ~ 2005 to provide policy-making basis for blood supply and transfusion organization and related departments .

  12. 目的为了解咸阳市麻疹流行特征,方法对咸阳市2003-2005年麻疹监测系统(MSS)运转情况进行分析。

    Purpose The goal for understood the Xianyang measles epidemic characteristic Method The analysis of the situation on the Xianyang 2003-2005 year Measles Surveillance System ( MSS ) operation .

  13. 目的:了解儿童肺结核流行特征,探讨实施卫生部加强和促进结核病控制项目(卫项目)工作及停止BCG复种对儿童结核病的影响。

    Objective : To acknowledge the epidemic characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis ( PTB ) in children and evaluate the effect on epidemic situation of PTB after implementing TB control project and terminating BCG revaccination .

  14. 目的了解老年人群2型糖尿病(DM)的患病率和发病率,探讨其流行特征和相关危险因素。

    Objective The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and to investigate the epidemiological characteristics as well as associated risk factors in the elderly army people in Beijing area .

  15. 〔目的〕揭示我国当前出境旅行者腹泻(TD)的流行特征、规律及其对经济造成损失的情况,科学地指导我国国际旅行卫生保健工作。

    Objective To probe the current epidemiological characters and rules of diarrhea ( TD ) among Chinese outbound travelers , and estimate its economic loss for providing scientific guidance on international travel health care .

  16. 目的:旨在通过对AD和VaD临床特征、流行特征和认知功能三方面的对比分析,为两者的病因学研究、鉴别诊断、治疗和预防提供依据。

    Aim : To put forward a support for the etiology study , diagnosis , treatment and prevention on Alzheiemer ′ s disease ( AD ) and vascular dementia ( VaD ) by comparing the clinical features , epidemic characteristics and cognition between AD and VaD .

  17. 方法对上海市卢湾区50a麻疹发病资料进行分析,并应用血清流行病学方法调查一般人群血清麻疹抗体水平,分析麻疹流行特征与人群免疫水平间的关系。

    Methods To analyse the incidence data of measles , seroepidemiology was applied to survey the antibody level in general groups . Results Great achievements was reached in the controlling of measles .

  18. 目的探讨南京地区城乡居民2型糖尿病(T2DM)的流行特征及相关影响因素,为制定有效的预防和干预措施提供科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To explore the epidemic features and related factors of type II diabetes mellitus ( T2DM ) among urban and rural residents of Nanjing and provide scientific basis for effective prevention and intervention of the disease .

  19. 目的:整理1981-2004年河北省肾综合征出血热(HFRS)疫情、疫源地调查资料,分析HFRS流行特征,探索其变化规律,建立适宜可行的疫情预测方法,指导制定肾综合征出血热防控策略和措施。

    Objective : To arrange the epidemic data on human epidemic situation and host animals in Hebei province from 1981 to 2004 , analyze epidemic characteristic of HFRS , explore diversity rule and establish feasible forecast method , and institute the strategy and measure of HFRS control and prevention .

  20. 山东省艾滋病流行特征及流行趋势分析

    Analysis on the characteristic and trend of AIDS epidemics in Shandong

  21. 合肥地区767例梅毒流行特征分析

    An epidemiological analysis of 767 cases of syphilis in Hefei district

  22. 2001年广西疟疾防治效果及流行特征分析

    Effect and Epidemiologic Characteristics of Malaria Control in Guangxi in 2001

  23. 武进市糖尿病流行特征初探

    An explorative study on epidemic features of diabetes in Wujin city

  24. 沈阳市东陵区2004&2008年淋病流行特征

    Gonorrhea Epidemic Characteristics in Dongling District of Shenyang City during 2004-2008

  25. 浙江省1951-2007年麻疹流行特征分析

    Study on Epidemiological Characteristics of Measles in Zhejiang Province , 1951-2007

  26. 1980~2002年深圳市麻疹流行特征分析

    The Epidemiological Characteristics of Measles in Shenzhen in 1980 ~ 2002

  27. 深圳特区少年儿童龋病流行特征研究

    Epidemiological features of dental caries among children and adolescents in Shenzhen

  28. 台山市艾滋病流行特征及其趋势分析

    Analysis of prevalent features and trend of AIDS in Taishan City

  29. 河北省肾综合征出血热流行特征和预测方法研究

    Study on HFRS Epidemic Characteristic and Forecast Methods in Hebei Province

  30. 2005-2008年广州市其他感染性腹泻流行特征分析

    Analysis on epidemiologic characteristic of infectious diarrhea in Guangzhou , 2005-2008