
  • 网络Assembly line;PVC;Flow Production Line;Production Line
  1. 本机具有搅拌、混合、加压成型的一整套流水生产线,生产效率高。

    The machine has a stirring , mixing , compression molding a set of assembly line and production efficiency .

  2. 全自动流水生产线,亚洲标准的监控、检验保障体系,精心打造出世界级高品质产品。

    Together with the completely automatic assembly line , supervising , controlling and examining systems of Asian standard , we guarantee to create the world-class products of high quality .

  3. 流水生产线是一个大型的复杂离散的动态系统。

    The pipelining is a large - scale complex separate dynamic system .

  4. 本公司拥有现代化流水生产线和检测设备。

    It possesses modern assembly lines and testing equipment .

  5. 流水生产线工件排放的数学建模

    The Mathematical Modeling of the Placing of the Workpieces in a Production Line

  6. 间歇移动流水生产线分析与组织设计

    Analysis and Design of Intermittently Moved Production Lines

  7. 研究了多机流水生产线的负荷平衡优化问题及其求解方法。

    A study on optimization problem and solving method of load balancing in a SMT flow line .

  8. 多年来,专业生产各种系列焊锡机及各种流水生产线设备。

    Over the years , specializing in the production of various series solder machines and all kinds of assembly equipment .

  9. 由焊机和机器人组成的焊接机器人,它应用于各种流水生产线,将人类从繁重单一的劳动中解放出来。

    Composed of welding and robot , welding robot is applied to various production lines , liberating the human from heavy-single labor .

  10. 目前,公司具备:口服液、胶囊、片剂、颗粒剂、冲剂、粉剂等全自动流水生产线,可根据客户要求进行生产;

    At present , our company possesses the automatic production line of oral liquid , capsule , tablet , granule and powder .

  11. 目前拥有多条流水生产线和现代化的生产设备,为生产出优质的产品奠定了坚实的基础。

    Currently has a number of production line and modern production equipment , in order to produce quality products have laid a solid foundation .

  12. 为了满足制造集成芯片插槽的高速流水生产线质量控制要求,我们研制了一套插针快速敏捷检测系统。

    In order to satisfy the quality control demands of contact pitch on high speed production line , an online realtime inspection system is developed .

  13. 在连续生产型企业中,往往都采用自动化流水生产线。如果生产设备一处发生故障,就可能导致整个昂贵的设备不能使用,甚至生产线的停工,造成极大的损失。

    One failure in the production equipment may lead to disability of the equipment , even shutdown of the whole assembly line , causing great loss .

  14. 所实现的飞动标刻系统解决了流水生产线的激光加工问题,最大限度地提高了激光加工的效率;

    This flying marking system solved the problems in the course of Laser process on product line , and it enhanced the efficiency of laser process at the most .

  15. 毛刺是金属切削过程中最普遍的现象之一,对零件的加工质量及后续的装配、使用有很大的影响,且去毛刺过程费时费力,是整个切削加工过程和自动化流水生产线的最大障碍之一。

    Burr is one of the most common phenomenons in the metal cutting process , which also does a bad contribution to cutting quality , assembling and application in the later process .

  16. 建立一个生产低成本,产品质量高的流水生产线,需要花费很大的投资,因而对生产线的建模和仿真是必不可少的。

    Establishes to produce the low cost , the product quality high pipelining , needs to spend the very great investment , thus to the production line modeling and the simulation is essential .

  17. 优秀的流水生产线、先进的管理模式为东洋炭素占领高端客户群体,覆盖华东广大市场,树立企业卓越品牌起到关键作用。

    The premium production line and leading management model play a key role for Toyo Tanso to attract lead customers , cover the broad market of East China , and establish the company 's supreme brand .

  18. 流水装配生产线系统设计

    System Design of Assembly Flow Lines

  19. 本文论述了流水装配生产线系统设计中装配要素作业时间的决定方法以及生产线的平衡和缓冲库等问题的系统设计方法。

    This paper deals with the system design method of assembly flow line , including determination of the work element time and the balancing problem of the assembly line and buffer storage capacity , etc.