
  • 网络Circulation mode;Flow-through
  1. 并根据SWOT分析矩阵表,给出了不同环境组合情况下鲜活农产品绿色供应链流通模式成员企业所应采取的不同战略。

    We bring up different stratagem which the member enterprises of green supply chain circulation pattern of fresh agricultural product adopt in the different condition combination according as SWOT analysis matrix .

  2. 小城镇现代商品流通模式初探现代人口学

    Basic Study on Mode of Modern Commodity Circulation in Small Towns

  3. 中美两国药品流通模式的比较与探讨

    Comparison of Drug Distribution Mode Between America and Ch in a

  4. 基于国际经验的农产品流通模式研究

    Study on Agricultural Products Circulation Mode Based on International Experiences

  5. 陕西苹果流通模式优化研究

    The Study of Optimizing about Currency Modes of Shaanxi Apples

  6. 我国农产品终端流通模式改革研究

    Research into agricultural product terminal circulation mode reform of China

  7. 高校图书馆流通模式的探讨

    Probe into the Circulation Mode of the University Library

  8. 论我国流通模式的创新发展

    On Innovating and Developing the Circulation Pattern in China

  9. 提出的促进陕西苹果流通模式优化的发展策略也是具有实践价值的。

    And it is worthy of optimizing about currency modes of ShaanXi apples .

  10. 对构筑新的医药流通模式的思考

    Thinking of Building up a New Medicine Circulating Mode

  11. 关于国有股上市流通模式的思考

    Thoughts on Circulation Pattern of State - owned Shares

  12. 电子商务环境下的流通模式创新

    On Innovations of Distribution Pattern in the E-commerce Environment

  13. 改进中药材生产和流通模式探讨

    Study on Improvement in Production and Circulation Mode of Chinese Traditional Medicinal Materials

  14. 论现代商业流通模式对我国农资市场的影响

    Discussion on the effects of Chinese agricultural commodities market from modern commerce model

  15. 成都市蔬菜流通模式研究

    Research on Distribution Pattern of Chengdu 's Vegetable

  16. 美国药品流通模式分析与启示

    US drug distribution model analysis and revelations

  17. 鲜活农产品供应链管理流通模式的发展为解决这一现实难题提供了新的解决方案。

    The development of fresh agricultural product supply chain management mode provides the new solution .

  18. 总结了现今主要的家具流通模式,并对国外家具流通模式进行了介绍。

    Summarized the major furniture circulation model nowadays , and introduced foreign furniture circulation model .

  19. 网络的第三种功能就是给传统的流通模式重下定义。

    The third thing the Net does is that it redefines traditional models of distribution .

  20. 方法通过查阅相关文献,分析美国药品流通模式的特点。

    Methods Based on the documents and reports , the characteristics of US model were analyzed .

  21. 目的为了学习和借鉴美国高度集约化的药品流通模式的经验。

    Objective To learn the good experience of US drug distribution model and use it as reference .

  22. 农产品流通模式问题是农产品流通的重要课题和关键环节。

    The model of agricultural products circulation is an important issue and the key link of it .

  23. 惠及三农的农产品流通模式研究

    Analysis on the Agricultural Products Circulation Mode Helping The Problem of " Agriculture , Rural Areas and Farmers "

  24. 农商对接:农产品流通模式创新问题研究&基于重庆城口县和开县的调研

    Research into innovative mode of agricultural products circulation & Based on survey on Chengkou County and Kaixian County of Chongqing

  25. 目前,汽车流通模式已经处于非均衡状态,制约了汽车业的发展。

    At present , the car circulation pattern has been in a unbalanced state , restricted the development of auto industry .

  26. 基于此,本文设计了我国果品快速供销反应冷藏链与冷藏链流通模式。

    On this basis , it designs the quick response cold chain for China fruits supply and cold chain distribution mode .

  27. 未来社会上会出现传统商贸流通模式和新型的商贸流通模式并存的局面。

    In the future there are both traditional model of commodities interflow and new model of commodities interflow in our society .

  28. 改变了传统的商品流通模式,减少了中间环节,生产者和消费者可以直接交易。

    Has changed the traditional pattern of circulation of commodities , reducing the intermediate links , producers and consumers can deal directly .

  29. 本文的研究成果有望对优化北京市生鲜蔬菜流通模式起到一定的指导作用。

    The result of this paper is expected to give some proposal to the optimization of circulation pattern of fresh vegetables in Beijing .

  30. 研究结论表明:不同农产品流通模式中农户福利水平具有显著的差异。

    The findings showed that : There are some significant differences about the level of farmers ' welfare in different ways of agricultural products transaction .