
  • 网络silver concentrate
  1. 利用KClO3作氧化剂,对银精矿进行氧化预处理,考察了盐酸浓度、氧化剂加入量、亚硫酸钠浓度和浸出时间对银浸出率的影响。

    The KClO_3 is used as oxidant to pretreat silver concentrate , the effecting factors such as muriatic acid concentration , KClO_3 adding amount , the sodium sulphite concentration and the time on silver leaching rate are discussed .

  2. 矿浆电解法提取银精矿有价金属

    Abstracting the Valuable Metals from Silver Concentrate by Slurry Electrolysis Process

  3. 用ICP-AES法测定银精矿中银铜铅锌砷

    Simultaneous determination of Ag , Cu , Pb , Zn and asin silver concentrate by ICP-AES

  4. 银精矿Ⅰ及银精矿Ⅱ中Ge的回收率达到66.04%,Ga大部分损失于尾矿中。

    The recovery of Ga was about 66.04 % in concentrates I and concentrates II , but Ga mostly lost in gangue .

  5. 焦炭精矿含炭68.36%,回收率90.77%。银精矿Ⅰ及银精矿Ⅱ中Ga的回收率达到57.72%,Ga大部分损失于尾矿中。

    The coke had a C content of 68.36 % , and the recovery was 90.77.the recovery of Ga can reached 57.72 % in the concentrates I and concentrates II , so there was a loss of Ga in the gangue .

  6. 锰银精矿粉球团冶炼工业试验

    Industried-scale experiment of smelting for manganese and silver concentrate pellet

  7. 银精矿加石灰焙烧过程中银的化学物相变化

    Chemical phase changes of silver in lime roast prosess of silver-gold concentrate

  8. 铜锌银精矿冶炼新工艺

    A New Hydrometallurgical Process for Complex Ore Containing Copper , Zinc and Silver

  9. 从高碳银精矿中提取金银的工艺研究

    Extraction of gold and silver from carbonaceous silver concentrates

  10. 某银精矿氰化尾渣中铅和锌的浮选回收试验

    Study on Flotation Experiment of Lead and Zinc from Cyanide Gangue Residues in a Silver Concentrate

  11. 进行了矿浆电解法从复杂银精矿中提取银的研究。

    This paper describes the research on in-pulp electrolysis for extracting silver from the complex silver concentrate .

  12. 盐酸氧化酸浸亚硫酸钠浸出法处理银精矿氧化焙砂的研究

    Treatment of Oxidizing Calcine of Ag Concentrate by Oxidizing Leaching with Hydrochloric Acid and Leaching with Sodium Sulfite

  13. 氰化&铁盐氧化法从炭质银精矿中提取金银试验研究

    Experimental study on extraction of gold and silver from the carbonaceous silver concentrate By cyanidation & ferric salt oxidizing process

  14. 银精矿Ⅰ含铁55.39%,银精矿Ⅱ含铁40.65%,铁总回收率60.04%;

    The concentrates I and concentrates II contained 55.39 % and 40.65 % Fe , and the recovery of Fe was about 60.04 % ;

  15. 碳质银精矿富氧&氯化焙烧工艺及动力学研究包头矿稀土催化剂焙烧反应动力学研究

    Study on the Oxygen-enriched-chloride Roasting Technique and Kinetics of Carbonaceous Silver Ore Study on Decomposition Mechanism of Rare Earth Catalyst from Baotou Rare Earth Concentrate

  16. 该锰银精矿的主要金属矿物为硬锰矿、软锰矿、黄铁矿、褐铁矿、少量毒砂、赤铁矿和闪锌矿;

    Main metallic minerals in the manganese-silver concentrate were psilomelane , pyrolusite , pyrite , limonite , and a few arsenopyrite , hematite and sphalerite .

  17. 研究表明,新的用药制度抗矿浆中锌离子影响能力强,银精矿中的锌含量比原厂家使用的用药制度少;

    The flotation results clearly show that the new chemicals prescription of flotation has strong ability to resist Zn2 + effect and the Zn2 + in the silver concentrates obtained by the new chemicals prescription of flotation is less than the old 's in the existing zinc plan .

  18. 锰银混合精矿含银496.2g/t,含锰30.42%;银回收率72.75%,锰回收率74.685%;

    The manganese-silver mixed concentrate contained 496.2g/t Ag , 30.43 % Mn , and gained recovery 72.75 % Ag , 74.68 % Mn .

  19. 硫化银锰精矿全湿法提银新工艺

    Whole-wet Silver Extraction Technology for Mixed Treatment of Silver-manganese Sulfide Concentrate

  20. 银锰精矿焙烧-硫酸浸出提银新工艺

    Silver Extraction from Silver-manganese Concentrate by Roasting-leaching with Sulfuric Acid

  21. 某矿含银铅精矿氰化提银工艺的技术改造

    Technical Reformation of Silver Extracting from Silver-containing Lead Concentrate by Cyanidation in Some Mine

  22. 含铅锌银硫精矿湿法综合回收工艺研究

    Study on the Hydrometallurgy Comprehensive Retrieve Technique rof Sulphur Concentrate Containing Lead Zinc and Silver

  23. 金氰化尾渣回收铅银提高精矿品位的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Recovering Lead and Silver from Cyanided Gold Tailings to Improve Concentrate Grade

  24. 银金精矿的焙烧条件对焙砂中金银提取的影响

    Influence of Roasting Conditions for Silver gold Concentrate on Extracted Gold and Silver from Its Calcine

  25. 水氯化法从银金精矿焙砂中提取金银的研究

    Extraction of Gold and Silver From the Calcine of a Silver-Gold Concentrate by Aqueous Chloridizing Process

  26. 本研究处理物料&银锌精矿,是湿法炼锌厂锌浸出渣的浮选银精矿。

    In this paper , a new hydrometallurgy process of Silver-zinc concentrate is researched . Silver-zinc concentrate comes from the flotation procedure of zinc leached residues .

  27. 对广西某锰银浮选精矿进行了工艺矿物学的研究,查明了锰银浮选精矿的工艺矿物学性质。

    The process mineralogy of manganese-silver concentrate in Guangxi province was studied in this paper , and the occurrence state of silver in the concentrate was found out .

  28. 将浮选精矿和银锰磁选精矿合并,用焙烧黄铁矿产生的SO2和纤维素还原剂进行还原浸出,锰溶于液相中,银在浸出渣中富集;

    The manganese in the concentrate of both flotation and magnetic separation was dissolved in a reducing leaching , in which pyrite and some cellulose reductant were used .

  29. 银金混合精矿中砷的细菌脱除

    Removal of arsenic from silver - gold concentrate by bacterial leaching

  30. 万年银金矿混合精矿系高砷精矿。

    The silver-gold concentrate of Wan-Nian Silver-Gold Mine is of high content of arsenic .