
yín hánɡ tónɡ yè chāi jiè
  • Interbank lending;interbank borrowing and lending transaction
  1. 它的利率一般是和30天的伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Londoninterbankofferedrate,简称Libor)相关联的。

    The rate is typically tied to the 30-day London interbank offered rate .

  2. 该项调查涉及libor,即伦敦银行同业拆借利率。

    The probe relates to LIBOR , the London inter-bank offered rate .

  3. 作为基准的3月期伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)上升26.5个基点,至3.476%。

    The benchmark three-month London Interbank Offered Rate jumped 26.5 basis points to 3.476 per cent .

  4. 这个网站上关于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)和巴克莱(Barclays)的最新爆料让人哭笑不得,却又担心不已。

    A husband and wife team who have launched a website critical of Wall Street practices have uncovered an ironic , and troubling , tidbit about LIBOR and Barclays .

  5. 与此同时,货币市场关键部分的借款利率跌至创纪录低点,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)跌破1%。

    Meanwhile , borrowing costs in a key part of the money markets reached record lows as the three-month dollar Libor rate fell below 1 per cent .

  6. 最近花旗表示,已经收到了来自美国和其他外国监管机构关于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)的质询;很多人都认为这一关键借贷利率曾被大银行操纵。

    Citi recently said that it has received inquiries from us and foreign regulators relating to the key lending rate LIBOR , which many contend was manipulated by giant banks .

  7. 在衡量金融危机的指标中,很难找出比伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)更重要的了。

    As a barometer of the financial crisis , it 's been hard to beat Libor , the London interbank offered rate for borrowing short-term funds in the banking system .

  8. 巴克莱已经同意缴纳4.5亿美元罚款,公司被指控在2005到2009年间参与了操纵伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Londoninterbankofferedrate,Libor)。

    Barclays has agreed to pay $ 450 million to settle charges that , between 2005 and 2009 , it was involved in manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate benchmark , or LIBOR , the interest rate banks use to borrow from one another .

  9. 两位消息人士说,对伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)操纵丑闻的调查,促使苏格兰皇家银行在去年某个时候禁止了非监控聊天室的使用。交易员曾利用此类聊天室与竞争对手讨论市场话题。

    Investigations into the Libor interbank lending rate manipulation scandal prompted RBS sometime last year to ban unmonitored chat rooms where traders used to discuss market topics with rivals , two people familiar with those measures said .

  10. 现在若想将欧元交换成美元,投资者必须支付高于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(libor)的溢价,这一现象是2008年底以来首次出现,标志着市场内压力日益增加。

    An investor wanting to swap euros into dollars now has to pay a premium above London Interbank Offered rates ( LIBOR ) for the first time since the end of 2008 in a sign of the increasing strains in the market .

  11. 欧洲银行同业拆借利率飙升至9个月以来的最高水平。

    European interbank rates jumped to their highest for nine months .

  12. 最好的消息是,银行同业拆借市场正在重启。

    Best of all , the interbank lending market is creaking open .

  13. 你可以在伦敦银行同业拆借利率和外汇操控丑闻中看到这种现象。

    You could see this in the Libor and foreign exchange scandals .

  14. 在中国境外进行银行同业拆借、金融机构的拆借与外汇的拆借;

    Making inter-bank borrowings , borrowings from financial institutions and foreign exchange borrowings outside china ;

  15. 官方的银行同业拆借利率有所放松。

    Official interbank rates have eased .

  16. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率

    London interbank offered rate , LIBOR

  17. 比起银行同业拆借的价格,他们更关注石油的价格。

    They were more interested in the price of oil than the price of interbank borrowing .

  18. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率达到6.7975%,远大于英格兰银行的5.75%的基础利率;

    The so-called Libor rate is6.7975 % , way above the Bank of England's5.75 % base rate ;

  19. 欧元伦敦银行同业拆借利率确实存在,但这要追溯到前欧洲货币联盟时代出于连续性目的而进行的互换。

    A Euro LIBOR does exist , but mainly for continuity purposes in swap contracts dating back to pre-EMU times .

  20. 国债利率和银行同业拆借利率的利差在近几周已经急剧扩大了。

    The spread between the cost of borrowing for governments and that for banks has widened sharply in recent weeks .

  21. 这些资金先存入内地的金融机构,然后通过银行同业拆借市场转返香港。

    These funds are placed with financial institutions in the Mainland and are subsequently channelled back to Hong Kong through the inter-bank market .

  22. 日本和澳大利亚央行向货币市场总共注资超过150亿美元,以鼓励银行同业拆借。

    The central banks of Japan and Australia pumped more than $ 15bn between them into the money markets to encourage interbank lending .

  23. 对传染风险的估计也存在低估的可能,同时银行同业拆借市场的传染风险正在从银行同业之间向银行与其他金融机构尤其是证券公司之间扩散。

    There also are sources of underestimation of contagion risk and contagion risk is now spreading to other financial institutions , especially security companies .

  24. 就在去年12月,三月期银行同业拆借利率与央行干预利率之间依然存在着重大差异,但现在,这一差异也已消失。

    The extraordinary divergences seen as recently as last December between three-month interbank lending rates and the Bank 's intervention rate have also disappeared .

  25. 有利于欧元区内和区外流动性配置以及公司融资过程顺利进行的泛欧银行同业拆借市场和公司债券市场已经出现。

    Pan-European inter-bank money markets and corporate bond markets that facilitate distribution of liquidity inside and outside euro area and corporate financing process have emerged .

  26. 3个月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率创8周以来最大跌幅,下跌2.9个基点,至0.85%的创纪录新低。

    The three-month London dollar interbank offered rate fell 2.9 basis points , the most in eight weeks , to a fresh record low of 0.85 per cent .

  27. 操纵伦敦银行同业拆借利率以及近期一系列针对金融企业的指控再次提出这样一个问题:华尔街的文化是不是已经烂到骨子里了。

    LIBOR fixing and a spate of other recent cases against financial firms have once again raised the question of whether the culture of Wall Street is corrupt .

  28. 基础货币供给、银行同业拆借利率的变动与利率市场化改革&我国银行同业拆借利率与基础货币供应关系的实证及其含义

    Basic Money Supply , Change of Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Market Oriented Reform of Interest Rate : the Experimental Analysis of Relationship between Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Basic Money Supply and Its Meaning

  29. 然而,根据《金融租赁公司管理办法》,金融租赁公司可以有某些金融期权,例如依照某些核定可以吸收定期存款、接受保证金、进行银行同业拆借。

    However , under the CBRC measures , CLCS are permitted to have certain financial options , such as absorbing time deposit , accept security bonds , making inter-bank borrowings subject to certain approvals .

  30. 由于投资者寻求更为安全的短期美国政府债券,同时美国政府官员在竭力克服来自国会和其它方面关于纾困方案越来越多的阻碍,银行同业拆借利率急剧上升。

    The rates that banks charge each other soared as investors sought the safety of short-dated US government debt and US officials struggled to address mounting objections to the rescue plan in Congress and beyond .