
yín dù céng
  • silvering
银镀层[yín dù céng]
  1. 通过改变阴极电流密度、pH值,考察对银镀层质量的影响,得到最佳的硫代硫酸钠无氰镀银工艺。

    By evaluating the quality of coating under different current densities and pH values , an optimal sodium thiosulphate cyanide-free silver plating process is acquired .

  2. 测定了不同条件下银镀层的焊接性能和键合性能,结果表明,该置换镀银层分别经烘烤、潮湿试验、多次回流及在H2S气体中变色试验后焊接性能和键合性能仍然优良。

    The solderability and bonding of the Ag deposits under different conditions were tested . Results show that the Ag deposits maintain good solderability and bonding after being treated by baking , damping test , reflow for several times and tarnishing test in H_2S gas respectively .

  3. 银镀层影响裂变偶响应时间的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Response-Time Influenced by Silver Plating on Fission Couple

  4. 银镀层抗变色能力测定方法效果的探讨

    Effects of testing methods for anti-tarnish property of silver deposits

  5. 为进一步提高铍青铜弹性件的导电性,在铍青铜上电镀一层银镀层。

    In order to improve its conductivity , silver electroplating was applied .

  6. 银镀层电化学钝化液的分析方法

    Analysis Method for Electrochemical Passivation Solution of Silver Coating

  7. 国内代银镀层动向

    Domestic Tendency to Substitute for silver Coatings

  8. 银镀层变色不仅影响镀层的外观,更重要的是影响镀层的导电性能。

    Silver plating color variation affects not only its outlook but also its electricity conductibility .

  9. 结果表明,金刚石粒子的加入能有效提高银镀层的耐磨性和电接触使用寿命。

    Results show that silver deposits are greatly improved in wear resistance and service life of electric contact .

  10. 实验证明,防止银镀层变色的关键在于降低银的离子化。

    Practices prove that : the key of protection of silver plating color variation lies in reducing silver ionization .

  11. 研究结果表明选择带电入池,无冲击电流方式时,可增强银镀层的结合力。

    The result showed that the mode of sample entering electroplating bath with electrification and without impact current could made the adhesion harder .

  12. 在最佳参数下得到的银镀层光亮平滑,抗变色能力优良,与直流光亮镀银相比较,抗变色性能提高10%以上。

    The anti-arish property of the smooth and bright deposit under optimum conditions is 10 % over that of the deposit under dc conditions .

  13. 通过化学镀可在碳纳米管表面镀上一层连续的银镀层,以增强碳纳米管与金属基体的界面结合力。

    Through electroless plating carbon nanotubes were coated with a continuous layer of silver , which will increase interfacial strength between carbon nanotubes and metal-matrix .

  14. 通过试验,找到了不合格镀银件镀层的回收方法,确定了银镀层的回收和利用工艺。

    The methods for the recycle of silver from discarded silver electroplated wares were investigated , and the processes for the recycle and utilization of the silver coating were established .

  15. 通过对接触电阻的分析,提出了用贱金属锡铈/DJB-823涂层代银镀层的可能性。

    The possibility of using SnCe + DJB-823 composite layer as a substitute for silver coating through completely analyzing of the contact resistance of the parts is described in the paper .

  16. 用本工艺方法在高合金钢上获得的银镀层,在400°±10℃经20分钟高温烘烤,用显微镜放大100倍观察,看不到起皮,鼓泡和剥落。

    The silver coating on steel alloy obtained by this process has been oven-baked under 400 °± 10 ℃ for 20 min. , then examined by a microscope with enlargement of 100 times , and no peeling , blistering and spalling are observed .

  17. 分析了对银镀层质量产生影响的因素,发现预处理工艺和电流分布是影响银镀层质量的关键因素:电流密度会显著影响镀层表面粗糙度,电流密度为0.5A/dm~2时,可以得到表面光滑的镀层;

    We find the pretreatment and electroplating technology is the key of plating layer quality : 1 , current density can influence the roughness of silver plating surface , if it is 0.5 A / dm2 , we can get the smooth silver plating ;

  18. SAM法研究银透过金镀层的表面富集

    An Sam investigation of silver passing through the gold coated layer

  19. 微米级铜-银双金属粉镀层结构及其抗氧化性

    Plating Structure and Antioxygenation of Micron Cu - Ag Bimetallic Powder

  20. 介绍了银-锑合金镀层和镀液中锑含量的分析方法。

    This paper introduces the analysis method of silver-antimony alloy coating and antimony content .

  21. 银-锑合金镀层及镀液中锑含量分析

    Silver-antimony Alloy Coating and Antimony Content Analysis

  22. 需要改善浸银工艺,使得银镀层能够充分地覆盖基底铜,增加浸银电路板的可靠性。

    There should be an improvement of immersion silver process to make a better silver coating which can cover the base copper well to increase the reliability of PCB with immersion silver .

  23. 银化薄层色谱(法)银镀层及银基复合镀层的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Silver Coating and Silver-based Composite Coating

  24. 研究了一种以银为金属基质、稀土氧化物微粒为分散相的复合镀层,可取代银镀层应用于电器开关的电触点上。

    A composite coating containing silver as its metallic matrix and oxide particles of rare earths as disperse phase is developed for electric contacts and may be used as a substitute for pure silver plating film .

  25. 本文研究了一种基于纤维表面巯基改性的化学镀前处理方法,成功的在纤维上形成银催化活化层,引发化学镀银,形成质量好的银镀层。

    This paper put forward to a kind of pretreatment method for chemical plating which is based on mercapto modification of fiber surface , forming a silver active layer on the surface of fiber to initiate electroless silver plating .

  26. 镀层银含量随平均电流密度或导通时间的增大而减少,提高镀液中银的浓度有利于获得高银含量镀层。

    The silver content of the deposits decreases with an increase of the average current density or the on-time .