
  • 网络Passivation for stainless steel;Passivation;passivation-stainless steel
  1. 该模型认为316L不锈钢钝化膜由三层构成:最外层主要是由Fe的氧化物以及少量Cr的氧化物组成;第二层主要是Cr的氧化物,含有少量Fe,Mo和Ni的氧化物;

    The results showed that passivation film was formed by three layers : oxides of Fe and small amount Cr in the first layer ;

  2. 附录X1提供了一些适用于特殊等级不锈钢钝化处理选择的非强制性的技术资料并提供了总的指导方针。

    Appendix X1 gives some nonmandatory information and provides some general guidelines regarding the selection of passivation treatment appropriate to particular grades of stainless steel .

  3. 不锈钢钝化的偶极模型变角XPS在不锈钢钝化膜研究中的应用

    Bipolar model of the passivity of stainless steels variable angle XPS and its application in studies of films formed the passive on stainless steels

  4. 304L不锈钢钝化膜半导体性能研究

    Semiconductive properties of passive film formed on 304L stainless steel

  5. 医用317L不锈钢钝化状态的电化学评定方法研究

    Investigation on electrochemical method for evaluating passive state of medical stainless steel 317L

  6. 不锈钢钝化膜形成和破坏过程的原位ECSTM研究

    In situ ECSTM investigation on formation and breakdown of passive film for polycrystalline stainless steel

  7. 添加02%Y增大了SiO2在不锈钢钝化膜中的比例,从而使合金中Si可充分形成富SiO2的钝化膜。

    The results show that 0 2 % Y addition can increases the SiO 2 proportion in the passive film of stainless steel so that it makes the SiO 2 content more rich of passive film in the alloy .

  8. 根据阳极极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱,比较了模拟冷却水中氯离子和硫离子对316L不锈钢钝化膜耐蚀性能的影响。

    Through anode polarization curve and electrochemical impedance chart , comparison between influences of Cl and S ions on corrosion-resistance performance of passive film on 316L stainless steel in simulated cooling water was conducted .

  9. 高铬镍不锈钢钝化膜及其耐腐蚀性能

    Passive Film and Corrosion Behavior of High Cr-Ni Stainless Steel

  10. 电化学改性不锈钢钝化膜的XPS/SERS研究

    Xps / sers study of electrochemically modified passive film on stainless steel

  11. 电位法不锈钢钝化膜质量测定的研究

    Study on Measuring the Stainless Steel Passivation Films of Electric Potential Ways

  12. 321不锈钢钝化膜孔蚀破坏的原子吸收光谱研究

    Study of pitting breakdown for 321 stainless steel in NaCl media by AAS

  13. 光电化学方法研究不锈钢钝化膜的局部破坏

    Study on localized breakdown of passive films on stainless steels by photoelectrochemical method

  14. 18&8不锈钢钝化膜的光电化学研究

    Photoelectrochemical Investigation of Passive Film on 18-8 Stainless Steel

  15. 不锈钢钝化膜研究进展

    The Research Progress of Passive Film on Stainless Steel

  16. F-对酸性介质中316不锈钢钝化性能的影响

    Effect of fluoride ions on passive performance of 316 stainless steel in acid media

  17. 氢对不锈钢钝化膜破裂应力的影响

    Effect of hydrogen on fracture stress of passive film of type 316 stainless steel

  18. 不锈钢钝化膜表面形貌的表征

    Characterization of Stainless Steel Passive Film Morphology

  19. 交变电场对321不锈钢钝化膜性质的影响

    Effect of alternating voltage modulation on the features of the passive film on 321 stainless steel

  20. Zn~(2+)对不锈钢钝化膜半导体性质的影响

    Influence of Zn ~ ( 2 + ) on Semi-conductivity of Passive Films of Stainless Steel

  21. 不锈钢钝化膜表面改性及耐蚀机理研究

    A Comprehensive Study of the Passive Film of Stainless Steel Modified by a Novel Electrochemical Technique

  22. 不锈钢钝化膜耐蚀性与半导体特性的关联研究

    A Correlation Study of Corrosion Resistance and Semiconductor Properties for the Electrochemically Modified Passive Film of Stainless Steel

  23. 综述不锈钢钝化的各种工艺,阐述了对钝化膜质量的控制。

    Different processes for passivation of stainless steel are summarized . Quality control in the passivation process is discussed .

  24. 实验结果表明,不锈钢钝化膜表面的性质与缝内溶液的状态是影响缝隙腐蚀诱发过程的两个重要因素。

    The results indicate that the inhomogencity of the passive film and the conditions of solution within the crevice have a great effect on the initiation of crevice corrosion .

  25. 本文旨在研究Zn2+对不锈钢钝化膜半导体性质的影响,从半导体角度解释其抑制金属腐蚀的原因。

    This article aims to study the influence of Zn2 + on the semi-conductor properties of passive films of the stainless steel and tries to explain why it reduces the corrosion .

  26. 本文从理论分析出发,结合有关的实验,阐述了电位法测定不锈钢钝化膜质量的原理,并且给出了一种具体实用的测量方法。

    This paper , based on the theoretical analysis and related experiments , elaborates on principles of applying electric potential ways to stainless steel passivation films and suggests a practical method to measure it .

  27. 结果表明:随氢含量的增加,不锈钢钝化膜的临界破裂载荷降低,位移偏移量减小,氢导致钝化膜的径向抗拉强度(应力)和弹性模量降低,钝化膜随氢含量的增加而逐渐软化。

    The results showed that the critical fracture load of passive films reduced and the displacement excursion decreased with increasing the concentration of hydrogen . The reduction of radial breaking stress and elastic modulus of passive films is attributed to that hydrogen changes the structure of passive films .

  28. 认为其主要原因是硅的加入促进了不锈钢的钝化,并使其表面形成外层以SiO2、内层以Cr2O3为主的钝化膜。

    The results indicated that adding high silicon content into stainless steel improved the corrosion resistance significantly in highly concentrated sulfuric acid because of the accelerated passivating process and the formation of SiO 2 in outer layer and Cr 2O 3 in inner layer .

  29. 不锈钢载波钝化的研究和应用

    The Investigation and Application of A. V. Passivation of Stainless Steel

  30. 铸态不锈钢光亮钝化新工艺研究

    New Technology Study on Passivation and Brightening of Cast State Stainless Steel