
  1. 实验结果表明,经三聚氰胺树脂添加0.6% ̄1.0%的银离子抗菌剂饰面的人造板表面,24h对阴性和阳性菌的杀灭率均达到99%以上,抗菌活性大于2.4,达到了杀灭细菌的目的。

    The results show that when the proportion of silver bactericide added in the melamine resin is 0.6 %  ̄ 1.0 % , the killing rate of bacteria during 24 hours is more than 99 % in the surface of the panels and the bactericide activity is more than 2.4 .

  2. 根据测量到的抑菌圈直径,比较无机银离子抗菌剂不同浓度配比的抗菌效果;比较此种抗菌剂对不同菌种的抗菌作用。

    According to measurement of bacteriostatic circle diameter , the results were discussed with comparison of anti-microbial effect of the inorganic metal silver ions anti-microbial agents in different ratio of concentrations and the different effect to the two kinds of organisms .

  3. 抗菌材料制备阶段主要采用实验法,选用无机金属银离子抗菌剂以不同浓度与制备好的三聚氰胺树脂混合,浸渍装饰纸并烘干,适当条件下热压制成三聚氰胺树脂浸渍纸饰面人造板。

    The inorganic metal silver ions anti-microbial agents were chosen in different concentrations , and then mixed with melamine resins prepared . The decorative papers were impregnated in the mixture and dried , finally hot-pressed into the melamine impregnated paper decorative board under appropriate conditions .

  4. 介绍了一种新型的HN-300型银离子无机抗菌剂的抗菌原理和特性,阐述了开发生产抗菌干法腈纶的方法和技术。

    The anti-microbial mechanisms and the specific characteristics of HN-300 type silver-ion inorganic antimicrobial agent are introduced in this paper . The methods and techniques to produce the permanent anti-microbial dry-spun fiber are described .

  5. 以磷酸氢钙为载体,银锌离子为抗菌剂,在1100℃氧化气氛下烧结制得抗菌性能显著、耐候性稳定的抗菌陶瓷。

    By adding silver ions and zinc ions in CaHPO_4 and sintered at 1 100 ℃, a novel Ag-series inorganic antibacterial ceramic with excellent bactericidal property and weather resistance was made .