
  • 网络bank panic;banking panic
  1. 存款保险制度可以保护存款人利益,稳定社会公众信心,防范和化解银行恐慌,维护银行业的整体安全。

    Deposit Insurance System can protect depositor 's interest , stabilize public confidence , prevents the bank panic and maintenance the whole banking 's security .

  2. 希腊的银行恐慌目前正在加剧,如果不采取果断措施防止希腊出现大规模银行挤兑,就很容易促使希腊退出欧元区。

    The bank panic is Greece is now accelerating , and could easily push Greece out of the eurozone unless decisive actions are taken to prevent a massive run on the Greek banks .

  3. 如果没有如此严重的银行恐慌,也许根本就没有经济大萧条本身。

    And if we had not had serious bank panics then maybe there would never have been a Great Depression .

  4. 1931年夏,一系列起源于中欧的银行恐慌,将金融瘟疫传播到英国,并继而传播到美国、法国和全世界。

    In the summer of 1931 , a series of bank panics emanated from central Europe and spread financial contagion , to Great Britain , and then to the US and France and the whole world .

  5. 上世纪30年代的大萧条和70年代的大通胀,以其主要的断代时间而引人注目,并造成了大规模灭绝,例如30年代的银行恐慌和80年代的储蓄及贷款危机。

    The Great Depression of the 1930s and the Great Inflation of the 1970s stand out as times of major discontinuity , with mass extinctions such as the bank panics during the 1930s and the Savings and Loans crisis in the 1980s .

  6. 最坏的情况是,希腊违约但不会造成银行业恐慌或欧元崩溃。

    In the worst case , Greece defaults without a banking panic or a breakdown of the single currency .

  7. 对此,他自己又补充了一些感悟:银行业恐慌对于将通缩冲击传递到实体经济具有特殊的重要意义。

    What he added himself to this analysis was the insight that banking panics had a special significance in transmitting deflationary shocks into the real economy .

  8. 至今未导致其他银行的恐慌提款,是由于日本中央银行的紧急援助和日本政府对银行提供的担保。

    So far this has not led to panic withdrawals from other banks , because of emergency aid from the Bank of Japan and because of government guarantees to the banks .

  9. 上周末齐聚华盛顿的决策者中,一些人更为悲观也更为专业他们目前认为,我们需要与更久远的时期进行对比,例如1914年,当时第一次世界大战的爆发导致了银行业恐慌。

    Some of the more gloomy and geeky policymakers who assembled in Washington last weekend now think we need to reach further back for parallels , such as to 1914 , when the onset of war sparked banking panic .

  10. 而且他自始至终都努力确保公众免于遭受银行业恐慌的更大祸害,即使这需要以“纾困华尔街”为代价(这在政治上不受欢迎,但是两害之中较轻的那个)。

    He has also been consistent in ensuring that the public was saved from the greater evil of bank panics , even at the politically unpopular price of supporting the lesser evil of " bailouts for Wall Street " .

  11. 1934年,它们又设立了存款保险来保护银行账户免受恐慌冲击。

    In 1934 they panic-proofed bank accounts by instituting deposit insurance .

  12. 其它欧洲外围国家的储户们将开始去银行挤兑,恐慌可能接踵而至。

    Depositors would start a run on banks in other peripheral countries and panic could ensue .

  13. 雷曼兄弟破产后,美联储正确地向经济注入了大量流动性,从而到2009年春季结束了银行业的恐慌。

    The Fed correctly flooded the economy with liquidity after the Lehman collapse , thereby ending the banking panic by the spring of 2009 .

  14. 就像美元和美国国债在2008年末银行业极度恐慌之时止跌回升一样,这一效应可能会持续好几个月。

    This effect may persist for some months , just as the dollar and Treasuries rallied in the depths of the banking panic in late 2008 .

  15. 对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。

    Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash .

  16. 存款保险制度能有效降低改革中银行挤兑及银行恐慌发生的可能性。

    The deposit insurance can reduce the probability of bank run and even bank panic effectively .

  17. 存款保险制度作为公共金融稳定网的重要环节,在保护小额存款人利益、防止银行挤提与恐慌等方面具有重要作用。

    As a key link in public finance stability net , deposit insurance system has vital function in protecting small amount depositors and preventing bank-run and panic .

  18. 可以看出,防止银行挤兑和金融恐慌的蔓延成为世界各国建立存款保险制度的共同背景。

    We can find that preventing bank run and the spread of finance panic were the common background for the countries to set up the deposit insurance system .

  19. 1933年,为了有效抑制银行挤兑和由此诱发的银行恐慌,美国《格拉斯&斯蒂格尔法》通过了建立联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的法案。

    In 1933 , Federal Government established Federal Deposit Insurance Company ( FDIC ) in order to restrain Bank Runs effectively .

  20. 从中央银行的职能来看,金融稳定是央行的重要职能之一,而资产价格波动与银行恐慌和金融危机之间有着密切的联系,威胁着央行金融稳定的目标的实现。

    Secondly , the central banks have the duty to realize financial stability . Nevertheless , the fluctuation of asset prices is closely linked with bank panic and financial crisis , and threatened the realization of financial stability .

  21. 它是在中央银行的制度变迁中逐渐发展起来的。最后贷款人制度可以实现弹性的货币供给,改善存款合约的结构,从而有效地遏制银行恐慌。

    Two of the important roles of a lender of last resort are the provision of an elastic currency and improvement of structure of deposit agreement , which can effectively avoid the banking panics .

  22. 后来,银行和竞争对手货币市场基金共同打造了一个无保险、无监管的庞大融资体系,刺激问题贷款激增,导致银行很容易遭受恐慌性挤兑1933年的法案本可杜绝这类挤兑。

    Later banks joined with their money market competitors to create a vast uninsured and unregulated funding system that fuelled an explosion of dodgy lending and made banks vulnerable to the sort of panicky withdrawals that the 1933 rules ought to have ended .