
  • 网络Newton Apple Tree
  1. 重力,牛顿,苹果树,再做一次

    Gravity . Newton . Apple tree . Do it again .

  2. 不过后来听了牛顿在苹果树下被掉下的苹果打中脑袋的故事以后,我便时常独自一人在夜空中呆坐着,等待着被从天上掉下的星星打中。

    Later I would sit alone contemplating at the starlit sky , waiting for the fallen star to find me , just as in the story with Newton and the fallen apple .

  3. 牛顿一次苹果树下乘凉时的启发,最终导致发现了万有引力,而这个定律后来成了航天科学的基础。

    Under a Newton apple tree enjoys the cool air the time inspiration , finally caused to discover the gravitation , but this law has afterwards become astronautics science foundation .