
  • 网络South Korean financial crisis
  1. 1997年的韩国金融危机,为跨国并购提供了良好的契机,同时,韩国以跨国并购形式吸引FDI也为韩国尽快摆脱金融危机的阴影做出了不可否认的贡献。

    In the financial crisis in 1997 an opportunity was provided for transnational mergers and acquisitions , and the country 's using this form of investment to attract FDI has made undeniable contribution to getting out of the crisis .

  2. 韩国金融危机中银行特许权价值降低的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Bank Franchise Values Reducing in Korea 's Economic Crisis

  3. 汉江奇迹的消亡&韩国金融危机原因分析及其启示

    LOST OF HAN-GANG RIVER MIRACLE & Reasons for Korea financial crisis and Enlightenment

  4. 对韩国金融危机原因的思考

    Considerations on the financial crisis in South Korea

  5. 本文探讨了韩国金融危机后成功的公共部门改革所需要的官僚个人能力和工作能力的角色和功能。

    This research discusses the role and functions of bureaucratic capacity and competence for successful public sector reforms following a Korean financial crisis .

  6. 韩国金融危机后,经济高速增长过程中的高费用、低效益的结构性弊端暴露无疑。

    After Korean financial economic crises , the structural drawback of high consuming , law profit revealed completely in the course of highly developed economy .

  7. 韩国治理金融危机的成功经验与启示

    Measures to Korean Financial Crises : the Successful Experience and Enlightenment

  8. 一些西方学者和国内学者把韩国迅速摆脱金融危机并恢复经济增长的原因归结为政府干预被削弱以及市场作用得以发挥的结果。

    A group of scholars from domestic side as well as from international side contributed the rapid recovery from the financial crisis and economic growth to the weakening of governmental intervention and the enhancing of market role .

  9. 本文分为三部分:一、韩国企业集团与韩国金融危机。

    This paper consists of three parts : Part one , the relationship between the Korean conglomerate and Korean financial crisis .

  10. 但与泰国或韩国在1997年金融危机爆发前的情况不同,中国的外债规模并不很大。

    But unlike Thailand or South Korea before the Asian financial crisis erupted in 1997 , China hasn 't borrowed heavily abroad in foreign currencies .

  11. 对于日本和韩国来说除了由金融危机引起的国内信贷问题外,最严峻的是其债务问题。

    For Japan and South Korea , except for the problem of domestic credit caused by financial crisis , the most serious problem is their debt issue .

  12. 该部分在论述韩国企业集团的发展过程,分析韩国企业集团特点的基础上,指出了韩国企业集团与韩国金融危机的内在联系。

    This part is concerned with the development of Korean conglomerate , its features and argues its relationship with the Korean financial crisis .

  13. 韩国资产管理公司(Kamco)昨天宣布了在中国收购不良贷款的雄心勃勃的计划。该公司是韩国在亚洲金融危机后成立的国营机构,职责是处置国内的不良贷款。

    Korea Asset Management Corp , the state-run agency set up to dispose of domestic bad loans following the Asian financial crisis , yesterday outlined ambitious plans to buy non-performing loans in China .