
  • 网络silver electrode;ag electrode
  1. 三维全内反射荧光光谱法研究细胞色素C在银电极表面的吸附特性

    Study of Adsorption Characteristics of Cytochrome C at Silver Electrode Surfaces Using the

  2. Cu,Zn-SOD在银电极上的原位表面增强Raman光谱

    In-situ Surface Enhancement Raman Spectra of Cu , Zn - Superoxide Dismutase on Silver electrode

  3. 银电极表面上C(60)薄膜的表面增强拉曼光谱研究

    Study on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of C_ ( 60 ) Films on Ag Electrodes

  4. ZnO线性电阻陶瓷体与烧银电极的电接触

    Electrical Contact between ZnO Linear Ceramics and Fired-ON Ag Paste

  5. PZT压电陶瓷谐振器用银电极浆料

    The Silver Paste Applied to PZT Piezoelectric Ceramic Resonator

  6. 3种分子都通过硫原子与银电极形成SAg键吸附在电极表面。

    All the molecules were adsorbed via the sulfur atom by forming the Ag-S bond .

  7. 电化学处理后银电极的表面形貌及SERS光谱

    Surface Morphology and SERS Spectra of Ag Electrode After Electrochemical Treatment

  8. 尿素在银电极表面上吸附及缩合反应的SERS研究

    SERS Study of Adsorption and Condensation Reaction of Urea on Silver Electrode

  9. 银电极表面吸附分子的表面增强喇曼散射(SERS)光谱

    SERS Spectra of Molecules adsorbed at the Surface of a Silver Electrode

  10. DFT理论探讨银电极表面吸附吡啶和水分子的表面增强拉曼光谱

    A DFT Theoretical Study of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Pyridine and Water on Silver Electrodes

  11. 用电化学氧化还原法(ORC)制备了粗糙化银电极。

    Roughened silver electrodes were prepared by electrochemical oxidation-reduction ( ORC ) .

  12. 对不同地区灵芝特性的激光拉曼光谱表征硫唑嘌呤在银电极表面吸附的SERS光谱表征

    Raman Spectra and PL Spectra of Ganoderma lucidum SERS for Adsorption Behaviors of Azathioprine Molecules at Silver Surface

  13. 硫脲与ClO4~-在银电极上的共吸附

    Coadsorption of Thiourea with ClO at Silver Electrodes

  14. 4,4′-联吡啶吸附在银电极上的SERS谱的研究

    Experimental study of surface enhanced Raman scattering ( sers ) spectra of 4,4 ' - bipyridine adsorbed on a silver electrode

  15. 维他命B(12a)、B(12r)和B(12s)在银电极上的表面共振拉曼光谱

    Surface Resonance Raman Spectra of Vitamin B_ ( 12a ), B_ ( 12r ) and B_ ( 12s ) at A Silver Electrode

  16. 采用表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)技术研究了乙腈溶液中C60的悬液在银电极表面的光谱特征,得到了银电极表面C60团簇和表面吸附C60分子的光谱信息。

    The spectroscopic characteristics of C60 on Ag electrodes in nonaqueous solution were studied by surface-enhanced Raman scattering ( SERS ) technique .

  17. 结果表明,吸附于粗糙银电极表面的过氧化物酶和细胞色素c在413nm激光连续照射下被部分还原。

    The results show that the adsorbed microperoxidase and cytochrome c can be reduced under a continuous irradiation of 413 nm laser .

  18. 这种增强比在电化学粗糙的银电极上观察到的更强,后者是许多研究中广泛应用的SERS基底。

    Such enhancement was even larger than that observed on electrochemically roughened silver electrode , which is the most widely used SERS substrate in various studies .

  19. SrTiO3环形压敏电阻器银电极焊接性能研究

    Study on soldering performance of silver electrode in SrTiO_3 ring varistor

  20. 讨论了SeCys和SeMet在银电极上的反应机理。

    Reaction mechanism of SeCys and SeMet at silver electrode is discussed .

  21. 同时研究了石英晶体谐振器的银电极薄膜的制备工艺和薄膜附着力的影响因素,提出以磁控溅射并增加Cr过渡层的方法以增加银电极薄膜的附着力。

    Meanwhile it has been concluded that the adhesion of silver electrode can be strengthened by increasing Cr transition layer with magnetron sputtering through study of the Silver electrode film preparing process and the influencing factor for adhesion of thin film .

  22. 研究了以银电极为指示电极,饱和甘汞电极为参比电极,用自动电位滴定法测定维生素B1含量。

    Determination of the concentration of Vitamin B_1 by the method of automatic potentiometric titration was studied by using silver electrode as indicator electrode and saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode .

  23. 本文介绍了吸附于粗糙银电极表面的毗啶等四种喇曼活性分子的表面增强喇曼散射(SERS)光谱的实验研究工作及所得到的SERS光谱。

    This article presents the experimental investigation of SERS spectra of four kinds of Raman active molecule adsorbed at a roughened silver electrode surface . The SERS spectra of these molecules are given .

  24. 分别用聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)和戊二醛(Glu)溶液在压电石英晶体银电极上固定梅毒抗体来检测不同浓度的标准抗原溶液。

    We utilized polyethylenimine ( PEI ) and Glu solution to immobilize the antibody of Treponema Pallidum on the silver electrode of piezoelectric quartz crystal and detect the standard antigen solution at different concentration .

  25. 采用以光学多道分析仪(OMA)作为信号检测器的拉曼谱仪,进行了不同支持电解质中SCN~-在银电极上电化学吸附的时间分辨拉曼光谱研究。

    Optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) as the detctor was applied in in-situ time-resolved Raman spectroscopic studies on electrochemical adsorp - tion of thiocyanate at silver electrode in different supporting electrolytes .

  26. 提出一种采用电解银电极降低海水中大量Cl的浓度的前处理法,以便海水中微量的Br,NO3以及SO42可以采用快速、灵敏的离子色谱法检测。

    The method of pretreatment to determine trace amounts of Br , NO 3 and SO 4 2 in sea water by ion chromatography was proposed , by which the electrolysing argentine electrode was used to minimize the disturbance of Cl - .

  27. 本文利用SERS技术研究了在粗糙化银电极表面吸附的亮氨酸和异亮氨酸自组装单分子膜结构及其表面性质随溶液酸碱性和电极电位改变的特征。

    In this research , the SERS technique was used to obtain the information about the characteristics of conformation and surface property of leucine and isoleucine SAMs adsorbed at roughened silver surface when the pH value of the solution was changed or electrode potential was shifted .

  28. 用电化学现场表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)研究了非水体系中苯并三唑(BTAH)在银电极表面的吸附及成膜行为,结果表明非水体系中BTAH的吸附行为随电位变化而不同。

    The surface coordination chemistry of benzotriazole ( BTAH ) at silver electrode was investigated by in situ electrochemical surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy ( SERS ) and electrochemical synthesis in the acetonitrile solution .

  29. 增感染料1556、798吸附在银电极上的表面增强拉曼光谱

    SERS of cyanine dyes adsorbed on the surface of silver electrode

  30. 白藜芦醇在银电极上的吸附伏安行为及其应用

    Adsorptive Voltammetric Behavior of Resveratrol and Its Application at Silver Electrode