
  1. 从而确定了MgO/Ni系材料弹塑性本构关系。

    Thus , the elastoplastic constitutive relation for the materials in the MgO / Ni series has been decided .

  2. 关于Drucker公设和塑性本构关系的进一步研究

    Further Study on the Drucker Postulate and Plastic Constitutive Relations

  3. 应用TotalLagrange描述、弹塑性本构关系及非线性壳体理论,建立加肋轴对称旋转壳的非线性稳定性分析的控制方程。

    Using Total Lagrange method and elastic-plastic constitutive equation and non-linear theory of thin shell , the basic formulas for the ring-stiffened axial symmetric shell of revolution have been introduced in this paper .

  4. 基于D-P准则的理想弹塑性本构关系积分研究

    On integration algorithms for perfect plasticity based on Drucker-Prager criterion

  5. 弹塑性本构关系的Ilyushin应变空间理论研究进展

    Advances of ilyushin 's strain space theory of elasto plastic constitutive equation

  6. 本文在研究了材料弹塑性本构关系模型、强度准则、非线性有限元求解方法和接触问题的基础上进一步研究了如何将这些理论在通用大型有限元ANSYS软件中实现。

    This paper has studyed the material elastic-plastic constitutive model , strength criterion , non-linear finite element contact problem solving methods and on the basis of further study of how these theory in general-purpose finite element ANSYS to achieve .

  7. 将ANAND粘塑性本构关系引入到焊后热处理消除残余应力的有限元计算中。

    ANAND viscoplastic constitutive equation was introduced into the FE model for calculation of the reduction of welding residual stresses during the post weld heat treatment .

  8. 采用遵循有限变形理想弹塑性本构关系和Drucker-Prager屈服准则的空间等参实体单元,模拟二次衬砌和围岩。

    The secondary lining and surrounding rock are simulated with space iso-parametric solid element that follows constitutive equations of finitude deformation ideal elastic-plasticity and yield criterion of Drucker-Prager .

  9. 对岩土弹塑性本构关系进行总结,对Drucker-Prager模型及其模型参数的选取作了简要说明。

    The thesis also sums up the constitutive relationship of the elasticity and plasticity of the soil and briefly accounts for the Drucker-Prager Model and the choice of the model parameters .

  10. 接着以应力空间中的屈服函数和Drucker公设为基础,以材料本构关系的内变量理论为工具,推导并建立了增量型热粘塑性本构关系的普适形式和计算流程。

    In the second part , the universal form and computational routine of the incremental thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relation are established , based on the yield function in stress space and Drucker 's postulate and by means of the internal variables theory .

  11. 从非线性应变-位移关系式和弹塑性本构关系出发,基于V.Mises屈服条件和流动法则,采用绝对节点坐标法,用虚功原理建立了作大范围运动弹塑性空间薄板的动力学方程。

    Based on V.Mises yield condition and flow rule , dynamics variational equations for a three-dimensional elasto-plastic plate are established using virtual work principle and absolute nodal coordinate formulation .

  12. 岩石介质变模量帽盖模型的弹塑性本构关系

    The Elastoplastic Constitutive Relation of Generalized Cap Model for Rock Medium

  13. 复合材料的界面损伤过程与弹塑性本构关系

    Damage process and elastoplastic constitutive relations of interface of composite materials

  14. 接触面弹粘塑性本构关系研究

    Research on elastic - visco - plastic constitution of interfaces

  15. 含旋转椭球形夹杂复合材料的弹塑性本构关系

    Elastic-plastic constitutive relation of a composite containing revolutionary ellipsoidal inclusions

  16. 高抗冲聚苯乙烯的应变率敏感性及粘塑性本构关系

    The strain rate sensitivity and viscoplasticity constitutive relation of high impact polystylene

  17. 应变空间中一般加载规律的弹塑性本构关系

    Elasto-plastic constitutive relation under general loading law in strain space

  18. 短纤维/晶须增强金属基复合材料的弹塑性本构关系

    Elasto-plastic constitutive relation of short fiber / whisker reinforced metal matrix composites

  19. 多相颗粒复合材料的弹塑性本构关系

    Constitutive Relation of Composite Material on Several Phase Elastoplastic Grains

  20. 钢结构地震反应分析的循环塑性本构关系

    The cyclic plasticity constitutive relations for analyzing the earthquake effect of steel structures

  21. 关于大变形条件下晶体弹&塑性本构关系的研究

    The Constitutive Relationship of Crystals with Large Elastic-Plastic Deformation

  22. 混合硬化弹塑性本构关系及其在环件冷辗扩模拟中的应用

    Elastic-plastic constitutive relation with hybrid hardening and application in cold ring rolling simulation

  23. 岩体介质渐进破坏的弹塑性本构关系

    Elastoplastic constitutive relations of progressive failure for rocklike media

  24. 各向同性硬化材料弹塑性本构关系的渐近积分及其计算精度

    Asymptotic integration of elasto-plastic constitutive relation for isotropic hardening material and its computational precision

  25. 通过对时间的离散,此问题又可细化为逐步二次规划问题,并采用有效集法来搜索启动滑移系,进而求得弹塑性本构关系。

    By time discretization this problem is equal to a sequential quadratic programming problem .

  26. 率无关非比例循环弹塑性本构关系

    A rate-independent constitutive law for nonproportional cyclic plasticity

  27. 弹塑性本构关系的一种新提法

    A New Light on the Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Relation

  28. 在围压冲击条件下岩石损伤粘塑性本构关系

    Rock Damage Viscoplastic Constitutive Relationship with Compress

  29. 塑性本构关系的应变路径理论

    Strain Path Theory of Plastic Constitutive Relation

  30. 膨胀土和砂土弹塑性本构关系数值建模研究

    Study on Numerical Method in Modeling the Elastoplastic Constitutive Relationships of Expansive Soil and Sands