
  1. 薄壁结构件塑性成形技术研究

    A Study of the Plastic Forming Technology of Thin-walled Structural Components

  2. 双金属复合管塑性成形技术的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Plastic Forming Technique for Double Metal Combined Pipe

  3. 塑性成形技术在金属复合管制备中的应用及展望

    Application and forecast of plastic forming technology in fabricating metal composite tube

  4. 精密塑性成形技术在中国的应用与进展

    Development and application of precision plastic forming technology in China

  5. 带径向扭曲叶片转子精密塑性成形技术的研究

    Research on precision plastic forming technology of rotor s with twist radial blades

  6. 齿轮的滚压塑性成形技术分析与研究

    Study on Technologies of Rolling Plasticity Forming for Gears

  7. 金属板材的数控逐次塑性成形技术

    The Incremental Plastic Deformation Numerical Controlled of Sheet Metal

  8. 金属塑性成形技术在机械制造业中具有重要地位。

    Metal plastic forming process has extremely important position in machinery manufacturing industry .

  9. 微型三角件的微塑性成形技术研究

    Research on Micro Forming of the Micro-triangle Parts

  10. 作为一种少无切屑的成形工艺,温塑性成形技术正被越来越广泛地应用。

    Technology of warm plastic deformation is being widely used as chipless working process .

  11. 热锻-冷锻复合塑性成形技术

    The Hot Forging-Cold Forging Combined Plastic Forming Technology

  12. 回转塑性成形技术的应用

    Application of rotary plastic forming technology

  13. 冷锻工艺是一种精密塑性成形技术,能够提供高质量、低成本的零件。

    Cold forging process is a precision plastic forming technology to provide high-quality , low-cost parts .

  14. 金属塑性成形技术在金属零件的生产制造过程中起着十分重要的作用。

    The metal plastic forming technique is very important to the manufacturing process of metal parts .

  15. 激光冲击成形是指利用激光诱导产生的冲击波压力使板料变形的一种新的板料塑性成形技术。

    Laser shock forming is a novel technique that uses laser-induced shock wave to shape sheet metal .

  16. 塑性成形技术在钢铝复合导电轨制造中的应用及发展趋势

    The plastic working technology and its developmental trend in manufacturing of composite conductor rail of aluminum and steel

  17. 以复合塑性成形技术在万向节叉加工中的应用,说明了采用冲压冷锻技术制造具有不同壁厚的零件是可行的。

    So parts of different thickness can be produced by stamping and cold forging compound plastic forming technology .

  18. 作为一种先进的金属加工技术,微塑性成形技术将在工业生产中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    As an advanced metal forming technology , micro-forming technology plays a very important role in industry production .

  19. 综述了镁合金在汽车工业、电子工业以及航空航天工业上的应用及其塑性成形技术的发展。

    It plastic forming technology and its application in automobile electronic and aeronautic industries are discussed in the paper .

  20. 介绍了球面滚子塑性成形技术及后续加工工艺的特点和方法。

    The plastic formation technique and properties and method of the subsequent machining technology for the spherical rollers are introduced .

  21. 其中,材料对微塑性成形技术的影响和微塑性成形过程中的尺寸效应成为微塑性成形研究的基本问题。

    The infection of material to micro-forming and the size effect in micro-forming has been the basic problems in the research of micro-forming .

  22. 简介了复合塑性成形技术,重点介绍几种复合施力成形技术的特点及应用。

    Compound plastic forming technique has been briefly introduced with emphasis on features and application of several techniques of compound forces applied to form .

  23. 把CAD/CAM技术、数控技术和金属塑性成形技术结合起来,设计一种专用数控设备。

    A special numerical equipment has been designed based on the integration of CAD / CAM , CNC , and the technology of metal plastic forming .

  24. 由于加工对象尺寸微小,微塑性成形技术存在不同于宏观成形的规律。

    However , because the size of specimen in processing are extremely small , the law in micro plastic forming technology is different from macro plastic forming .

  25. 微塑性成形技术作为微加工的一种,在微型零件的精确、高效和批量成形中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    As one of micro manufacture ways , micro plastic forming has quite important station in the precision , high quality and mass production forming of microparts .

  26. 粉末锻造是将传统的粉末冶金工艺和精密模锻相结合发展起来的一种新型高性能精密塑性成形技术。

    Powder forging ( P / F ) is a new-style and high-performance plastic forming technology which combines conventional powder metallurgy ( P / M ) with precision forging techniques .

  27. 先进塑性成形技术的发展要求实现优质、高效、低耗、洁净和灵活性,即向柔性化、精密化、数字化方向发展。

    The advanced plastic formation technology is required to realize high quality , high efficiency , little dissipative , clean and flexible , namely to flexibility , precise-rization and digitization .

  28. 粉末锻造是一种新型高性能的精密塑性成形技术,但其成形时的特殊性导致目前缺乏完善的、普遍适应的粉末锻造成形理论。

    Powder forging is a new-type and high-performance plastic forming technology . But , there is still no a perfect universal theory of powder forging because of its deforming particularity at present .

  29. 介绍了精密塑性成形技术在中国的发展现状。重点介绍了致力于此领域的厂家和研究单位及其所做的工作,以及代表精密塑性成形技术水平的典型工件。

    The application status of hot forging , cold forging and warm forging in China is presented in this paper and also the development of precision plastic forming technology in recent years is introduced .

  30. 提出了以数字化为体现主因素的数字化塑性成形技术体系,从产品过程驱动的角度指明了体系中的关键技术所在。

    At the same time , the digital plasticity forming technology system taking digital as main factors were put forward , and key technologies in system were also put forward from production driven viewpoints .