- 网络Plastic Strain;PEEQ

Based on the development of the Quantitative Texture Analysis ( QTA ) of materials , the calculation of formability parameters such as plastic strain ratio R and the Taylor factor M of sheet metals from series expansion Coefficients of texture have been studied .
Plastic strain of the composites presented increasing trend for the prolongation of infiltration time when infiltration temperature did not exceed 1173K .
Measurement and application of plastic strain ratio r - values
Effect of Specimen Size on the Plastic Strain Ratio r of steel plate
On-Line r Value Determination of Deep Drawing Steel Sheet
Treatment of Abnormal Value of Plastic Strain Ratio r Value about Metal Thin Steel Plate
Error analysis on the determination method for the plastic strain ratio R value of metallic materials
Effects of electric field annealing on plastic strain ratio ( r value ) of if deep drawing steel sheet
Plastic strain ratio r-values has been applied as one important parameter to describe the forming property of sheet specifically used for Automobile .
The keyword of DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC was used to control the form of blasting cuts , material fail was controlled with plasticity strain .
Rice , is only built on the basis of 2D coaxial stress space but invalid in multi-dimensional stress space since the effect of the third stress invariant on non-coaxiality is ignored .
The strain hardening exponent ( n ), plastic strain ratio value ( r ) and elongation of the cold rolled thin shect have been measured by two different methods .
Specially , in the area C and E , the clay stress path constitutive model can compute plastic strain which will be zero if the modified Cam-clay model is used .
For materials with bilinear stress-strain relations ( See Fig. 2 ), plastic strains expressed in terms of the deflection w will be treated as transverse equivalent loads .
The method is to adopt the ratio of plastic strain range to elastic strain range as the stress-strain parameter , using the staple material constants as the material parameters in damage calculating expression .
The r values in different sheet directions were calculated based on Sachs model and Reaction stress model in consideration of the measured textures .
Finally , by using ANSYS software , plastic deformation of the bill in the decelerated motion has been analyzed , and the reliability of the improved designed reduction gear has been proved .
In this paper , a new method for elastoplastic analysis of tall building structures is presented by use of the elastoplastic strain theory and QR-method .
With the deterioration of heat emission capacity of the backing , the capability of narrowing the zone existing longitudinal residual plastic strain was strengthened by using strip heat sink TIG welding .
A Voronoi cell element , formulated with creep , thermal and plastic strain , and interfacial crack , is proposed for the simulation of thermo-mechanical fatigue behavior of particulate reinforced composites .
FEM Model of sand production in oil well was established with plastic strain criteria , the yield stress criteria of the rock is the Drucker-Prager criteria .
Part of the difficulty with developing the IRP with respect to CT is that the material is used in such a way that continually subjects it to plastic-strain reversals .
In p-q space , considering the values of principal stress changes and the rotation of principal stress axes , the relation between plastic strain increment and stress increment is derived .
Based on this description , the expression of cyclic plastic strain energy is directly obtained and the results are in agreement with those given by Fllyin ( 1984 ) .
Tarting with Lode parameter of plastic strain , this paper has studied inherent relate of Lode parameter of strain ( second main strain ) and each strain parameter in depth , gived appropriate mathematics expression .
The results indicate that shear strength of the joints soldered with Sn-Ag-Cu is greater than that with Sn-Pb , but the shear curves of two kinds of joints obviously show that plastic strain appear before joints crack .
Effects of electric field annealing on plastic strain ratio ( r value ) of IF ( interstitial free ) deep drawing steel sheet were studied by mean of tensile test . The results show that electric field annealing improved the average plastic strain ratio ((?)
But at low strain amplitude , its values are less and the change with cycle number is acute , especially for the alloys with low titanium content and low yield strength such as E10 and M10 alloys .
Various methods which might be used to reveal the voids in the steel were compared . Using a series of the interrupted smooth tensile specimens with an incremental plastic strain , the void nucleation was investigated in a C-Mn structural steel with lower sulphur content .
Experimental results show that a linear relationship between transformation plasticity strain and applied stress exists when martensitic transformation completes in the 5 % Cr steel , and the transformation plasticity parameter of the Greenwood-Johnson model is a constant , which is independent of applied stresses .