
  • 网络Relaxation time;slack;Slack time
  1. 一种基于松弛时间的服务网格资源能力预留机制

    Flexible Resource Capacity Reservation Mechanism for Service Grid Using Slack Time

  2. 约束驱动与松弛时间消除相结合的硬/软件划分算法

    An Algorithm for Hardware / Software Partitioning Using Constraint-Driven and Elimination of Slack Time

  3. 而在PS单分子链球中只有15%苯环的松弛时间为3.9s。

    However , in the system formed by PS single chain spheres , only 15 % benzene rings with a relaxation time of 3.9 second .

  4. 这些新时间谱比前文报道的含3个松弛时间的谱能更好地描述该流体的储能模量G′。

    These new spectra show better capabilities in describing the storage modulus G ' of the fluid than that of the spectrum with only three relaxation periods reported in the previous paper .

  5. 讨论了松弛时间对切向电场强度Et及法向电场强度En的影响,给出了几个典型位置的电场强度随时间变化的曲线,为GIS的绝缘设计提供参考。

    Some effects caused by relax time and electric field strength curves along with time are shown in this paper . It provides reference for GIS insulation design .

  6. 研究结果认为,可用PETα转变的松弛时间分布来描述PET非晶区分子链段运动能力的大小和分布;

    The investigative results showed that the size and distribution of molecular segmental mobility in PET amorphous region could be described by the relaxation time distribution of PET α transition .

  7. 确定了与实验松弛时间相符的非弹性碰撞数ZV,ZR,得到了有转动、振动激发耦合的离解反应的满意的直接模拟。

    The inelastic collision numbers are determined in accordance with the relaxation times obtained experimentally , a satisfactory simulation for the dissociation coupled with rotational and vibrational excitation is realized .

  8. 同时使用不同的有机溶剂测量聚丁烯溶液的Maxwell模型松弛时间和分子扩张因数。

    For non-ionic polymer , polyisobutylene was dissolved in different organic solvents . The molecular expansion factor decreased and the Maxwell relaxation time increased with increasing solvent viscosity .

  9. 在减小松弛时间和挤出膨胀方面,自制均匀剂的作用效果优于40MS(F)。

    In the aspects of decrease of relaxation time and extrusion swelling , the homogenizing agent HA is better than 40MS ( F ) .

  10. 分析了一种Boger流体的松弛时间谱和该流体的粘弹性表征问题。

    The relaxation spectra and description of the viscoelastic Boger fluid were analyzed .

  11. 本文采用流变学方法从剪切流变和拉伸流变两方面,通过对剪切粘度、储能模量和损耗模量、松弛时间谱和拉伸粘度的表征,对四种具有不同分子结构PET的熔体强度进行分析。

    In this work , the melt strength and viscoelasticity of four types of PET was analyzed through characterization of shear rheology and extensional rheology of PETs , including the dynamic complex viscosity , storage and loss modulus , relaxation spectrum , and extensional viscosity .

  12. 通过广义的Maxwell模型,研究其松弛时间谱与滚动摩阻的关系,得出了轮胎滚阻系数与松弛时间谱的计算关系并讨论了滚轮前进速度对滚动摩阻系数的影响。

    Introducing the generalized Maxwell model and corresponding the relax time spectrum lead to the calculating relation of the tire rolling coefficient and relax time spectrum , and the influence of velocity on coefficient of rolling friction is discussed .

  13. 结果:二尖瓣频谱E波的峰值速度与A波的峰值的比值,等容松弛时间,室间隔与主动脉根部的夹角,主动脉运动幅度是较敏感的老化指标,可进入多元回归方程。

    Results : Ratio of rapid filling peak velocity to atrial peak velocity ( E / A ), relaxation time , the angle between septum and the root of aorta and the amplitude of aortic wall movement were the sensitive cardiac aging indexes and could enter multiple stepwise regression equation .

  14. 根据相应的Debye模型方程式,实验测得的介电常数和频率间的关系经计算机拟合,得到了复合膜的松弛时间,介电常数等。

    And then according to the corresponding simulating formula , the relationship between the experimental dielectric constant and frequency was fitted by the computer calculation to gain the relaxation time , dielectric constant etc.

  15. 介绍微尺度传热的研究方法及成果、微型换热器的结构,分析松弛时间理论近似线性化Boltzmann方程散射项的实用性和局限性。

    Research methods and results of heat transfer in micro scale , and the construction of micro heat exchanger are introduced . The availability and inefficacy of the relax time theory to linearize the scatter parts of Boltzmann equation are analyzed .

  16. 利用截断法、Leray-Schauder不动点定理以及椭圆型方程的估计,在松弛时间足够小时,得到解的存在性。

    We show the existence of solutions for sufficiently small relaxation time by applying a truncation method , Leray-Schauder 's fixed point theorem and estimates of the elliptic equation .

  17. 利用高压毛细管流变仪和动态流变仪研究了经超声作用mPE挤出物的流变行为。超声挤出会导致mPE动态交叉点模量升高,特征松弛时间增加,复数粘度和零剪切粘度有所增加。

    Dynamic rheological results indicate that mPE melt , which extruded in the presence of 200W ultrasonic oscillations , has lower dynamic cross modulus , longer characteristic time , higher complex viscosity and zero shear viscosity .

  18. 另外,在微尺度传热传质问题的研究中,LBM刚刚起步,还存在两个关键问题需要解决,即松弛时间与Knudsen数之间的关系以及LBM的边界处理问题。

    In addition , the application of LBE to the microscopic gas flows still has two critical problems , that is , the relation between relaxation time and Knudsen number , another is the boundary treatment of LBE .

  19. 利用求解线性粘弹性问题的弹性粘弹性对应性原理,利用已有的弹性解,求得了考虑地层符合Kelvin流变规律的情况下,地应力场中套管载荷的理论解,并给出了松弛时间的解析表达式。

    Based on the elasticity viscoelasticity correspondence theory and the acquired elastic solution , assuming the formation obey the Kelvin viscoelastic constitutive relation , the theoretical solution of casing loads in rheological formation in tectonic field and the analytic expression of relaxation time are obtained .

  20. 利用时间-温度等效原理,通过平移叠加得到了温度为20℃,松弛时间从10-3~104h的应力松弛模量主曲线;

    Based on the principle of equivalent , the master curve of stress relaxation modulus , which covered the range of 10 - 3 ~ 10 4 hours at 20 ℃, for UPVC was obtained by using superposition .

  21. 固体推进剂热松弛时间分析与测定

    Analysis and measurement of the heat relaxation time of solid propellant

  22. 橡胶材料松弛时间谱与滚动摩阻的关系

    Relation of Relax Time Spectrum and Rolling Friction About Rubber Material

  23. 多普勒测算左室松弛时间常数的研究

    Measurement of Left Ventricular Relaxation Time Constant with Continuous Wave Doppler

  24. 随着温度的上升,花岗岩的松弛时间迅速减小。

    The relaxation time for granite decreases rapidly with the increasing temperature .

  25. 聚苯乙烯松弛时间谱的计算研究

    Study of discrete relaxation time spectrum of PS melts

  26. 而糖酸比越低,应力松弛时间越长。

    Stress-relaxation time becomes longer with sugar-acid ratio decreasing .

  27. 牧草应力松弛时间及其应用

    Stress Relaxation Time of Hay and Its Application

  28. 髓核假体松弛时间与人体椎间盘的松弛时间比较接近。

    The relax time of prosthetic nucleus is similar to that of human nucleus .

  29. 基于生产消耗模型与松弛时间的数据网格服务可靠性研究

    Data grid service reliability analysis based on production & consumption model and slack time

  30. 该算法能够更有效地利用动态松弛时间进一步降低能耗。

    This algorithm can use dynamic slack time more effectively to reduce energy consumption largely .