
  • 网络loose bed;unconsolidated formation;loose level;loose level (of an enterprise group);loose strata
  1. 淮北煤田松散层电性特征及富水性评价

    Electrical Property Features and Water Abundance Assessment of Loose Strata in Huaibei Coalfield

  2. 两淮地区的大多煤系地层都被巨厚松散层所覆盖,其底部的第四含水层直接覆于煤系地层之上,威胁煤矿安全生产。

    In Huaibei mining area , most coal measure strata are covered with extremely thick loose strata , at the bottom of which the fourth aquifer threatens the safety of coal mining .

  3. 厚松散层下近风化带保水采煤的GIS研究

    Research on Water-Keeping Mining Under Thick Unconsolidated Strata Adjacent to Weathered Zone with GIS

  4. UDEC模拟厚松散层及超薄覆岩条件下开采防水煤柱覆岩突水可能性

    UDEC simulation of the water-pouring probability in exploiting waterproof coal pillars under the conditions of thick loose bed and ultrathin overlying strata

  5. 对表部松散层,必须先施工止浆垫;每段停注压力必须大于2MPa。

    It must be first to do stopping-grouting mat for soft surface layer and tbe pressure of stopping-grouting must be more than 2 Mpa .

  6. 厚松散层下开采预计的概率积分法修正模型

    Correction model to probability integration method in mining under thick alluvial

  7. 巨厚松散层下深部宽条带开采地表移动规律

    Surface Movement Laws of Deep Wide Strip-Pillar Mining Under Thick Alluvium

  8. 厚松散层薄基岩条带法开采采留尺度研究

    Study on strip mining size under thick alluvium and thin bedrock

  9. 套管护壁解决松散层钻进难题

    Casing pipe wall protection solving the problem of looes strata driling

  10. 巨厚松散层下重复开采地表沉降规律研究

    Surface Subsidence Rule of Repeatedly Mining under Extra - thick Loose Aquifer

  11. 煤矿工业场地内深厚松散层的水平移动特征研究

    Horizontal movement characteristic study of the deep unconsolidated layers in mine yard

  12. 套管隔离液在巨厚松散层套管起拔中的应用

    Application of Case Isolating Liquid for Drilling in Super Thick Unconsolidated Stratum

  13. 厚松散层水体下简易放顶煤开采的试验

    Experiment of Simple and Easy Caving Mining under Water Body with Yolk Coal Seam

  14. 地表厚松散层浅埋煤层组合关键层的稳定性分析

    Analysis of combinatorial key strata stability in shallow coal seam with thick loose bed

  15. 厚松散层下开采地表移动预计及岩移参数分析

    Estimate of surface movement and rock movement parameter analysis under thick soil layer mining

  16. 巨厚松散层下开采覆岩移动规律研究及应用

    The Study of the Mining Movement Rule under the Thick Loose Layer and Application

  17. 松散层介质压缩爆破成井口部保护试验研究深孔爆破法天井掘进

    Research on experiment of protection of well mouth constructed by compression blasting in loose stratum

  18. 厚松散层放顶煤开采条件下地表移动参数研究

    Study on parameters of surface movement caused by top-coal caving mining under thick alluvial soil

  19. 巨厚松散层下条带开采地表沉陷机理及岩层移动模型的探讨

    Discussion of subsidence mechanism and strata movement model about stripe mining under thick soil layer

  20. 厚松散层条件下的岩层移动特征探讨

    Approach on move character of thick alluvium

  21. 厚松散层浅埋煤层覆岩破断判据及跨距计算

    Criterion of broken and limit stride calculation in shallow coal seam coved with thick loose layer

  22. 厚松散层地表移动变形预计的双曲函数法

    Applying hyperbolic function to predict the surface movement and deformation in the condition of thick alluvium

  23. 浅层折射法在陕北侏罗纪煤田松散层调查中的应用及效果

    Application and Effect of Shallow Seismic Refraction Method in Jurassic Coalfield Loose Beds , Northern Shaanxi

  24. 基于光纤光栅监测的厚松散层井筒变形预测研究

    Study on the Prediction of Shaft Deformation with Huge Unconsolidated Soil Layer Based on FBG Monitoring

  25. 分段划分巨厚松散层移动角参数的方法

    Method for determination of displacement angle parameters for a very thick loose layer divided into sections

  26. 中小型煤矿浅埋厚松散层薄基岩下安全开采

    Safety mining operation of medium and small coal mines under thick loose layer basic rock in low depth

  27. (企业集团的)松散层当水中含有高浓度离子时,扩散层会明显收缩。

    When the water contains a high concentration of ions , the diffuse layer would obviously be compacted .

  28. 而煤层埋藏浅、基岩薄、松散层厚度大,开采煤层厚度大。

    The shallow coal seam mining , the thick alluvium and thin bedrock , thick coal seam mining .

  29. 如何解决煤矿建井中的松散层、流沙和地下渗(涌)水是目前建井工程中的棘手问题。

    To settle loose bed , quick sand and ingress of groundwater are trouble some problems during coalmine construction .

  30. 地面注浆封堵松散层段井筒涌水地面验电器的研制

    Controlling the water inrush from loose layers in shaft by grouting from land surface the development of the ground electroscope