
  1. 本文采用激光熔覆技术分别在45钢表面制备Ni基合金及Ni基合金/B4C复合涂层。

    In this paper , the Ni-badsed alloy coating and Ni-based alloy / B4C coating have been obtained by laser cladding .

  2. 运用激光熔覆技术制备的WC颗粒增强Ni基合金涂层以优良的耐磨性能在当前得到了广泛应用。

    Laser cladded Ni-based alloy coating reinforced by WC particles has broad application due to its excellent wear-resistant property .

  3. 基于激光熔覆技术,以纳米Al2O3粉体材料为研究对象,研究了纳米陶瓷块体材料制备的技术。

    Fabrication of Nano-Al 2O 3 bulk materials by laser cladding technology with Nano-Al 2O 3 powder was achieved .

  4. 向Ni60合金粉末中加入适量的In2O3,选取合适的工艺参数,采用激光熔覆技术在45钢表面上获得了无裂纹的高质量熔覆层。

    A high quality and no-crack coatings on a middle carbon steel by laser-clading nickel-based alloy powder with a proper addition of In_2O_3 was obtained .

  5. 采用宽带激光熔覆技术在镁合金表面制备了Cu-Zr-Al合金涂层。

    Cu - Zr - Al alloy coating is prepared by broad - beam laser cladding on the magnesium surface .

  6. 为了推动激光熔覆技术在气门密封面生产中的应用,对目前应用的气门WF218合金进行了激光熔覆层与等离子喷焊层的对比研究。

    In order to promote the application of laser cladding in locomotive valve , the contrast test was carried out on WF218 alloy valve .

  7. 利用激光熔覆技术制得了以快速凝固M7C3为耐磨相、以镍基高温合金为基体的刷式密封高温耐磨复合材料涂层。

    High temperature wear resistant composite material coatings for brush applications consisting of rapidly solidified M 7C 3 wear resistant phase and nickel based solid solution were fabricated on substrate of an austenitic stainless steel by laser cladding .

  8. 应用激光熔覆技术提高核阀零件质量

    Improving Qualities of Nuclear Valve Parts by Laser Cladding Technology

  9. 激光熔覆技术在发动机涡轮导向器修复中的应用

    Applying Study of Laser Cladding In Repairing of Engine Turbine Nozzle Wane

  10. 介绍了激光熔覆技术和激光再制造技术的特点。

    The characteristics of laser cladding and laser remanufacturing technology are introduced .

  11. 材料表面的激光熔覆技术及展望

    The Technique of Laser Dissolving on the Surface of Material and its Prospect

  12. 试论粉末火焰喷焊和激光熔覆技术

    Discussion of the Techniques of Powder Flame Spray - Welding and Laser Cladding

  13. 激光熔覆技术的研究现状与发展趋势

    Research Progress and development trend of laser cladding technology

  14. 激光熔覆技术在雾化空气风机叶轮修复上的应用

    Application of laser cladding technology in repair of impeller of atomization air blower

  15. 激光熔覆技术及其界面问题发展评述

    Review of Laser Cladding Technology and Interface Behaviour

  16. 采用自配的合金粉末,利用激光熔覆技术,对报废锻压模具进行了修复;

    The scrap mould were repaired by laser cladding technology with self-made alloying powder .

  17. 激光熔覆技术研究进展及其工业应用

    Development and Industrial Application of Laser Cladding Technology

  18. 激光熔覆技术在机车气门上的应用

    Application of Laser Cladding Technique to Locomotive Valves

  19. 等离子束表面冶金与激光熔覆技术

    Plasma Jet Surface Metallurgy and Laser Cladding

  20. 激光熔覆技术现已成为先进制造技术的研究热点。

    Recently , laser cladding technology has been the key research in advanced manufacturing technology .

  21. 概述了激光熔覆技术的工艺特点、熔覆材料和工艺方法。

    The technical characteristics , laser cladding materials , process are reviewed in the paper .

  22. 激光熔覆技术在航空工业中的应用

    Application of Laser Cladding in Aviation Industry

  23. 采用激光熔覆技术在45钢表面获得镍基合金涂层。

    The Ni based coating on 45 steel has been obtained by laser cladding technology .

  24. 利用激光熔覆技术,在工业纯钛表面原位合成了TiC/Ti复合材料。

    TiC / Ti metal matrix composite was prepared by in-situ fabrication through laser surface melting .

  25. 激光熔覆技术在修复高转速空压机转子中的应用

    The Application of Laser Melting and Covering Technology to the Repairing of High Speed Compressor Rotor

  26. 展望了激光熔覆技术在塑料模具精密修复中的应用。

    The application of laser cladding in the precise repairing of plastic moulds were prospected also .

  27. 金属表面激光熔覆技术是近年来发展起来的一种新型表面处理工艺。

    Laser cladding on metal surface is a new surface modifying technique developed in recent years .

  28. 激光熔覆技术在火电厂耐磨耐蚀表面防护工程中具有重要的应用前景。

    Laser cladding technology have an important prospect in power plant surface resistance of abrasion and corrosion .

  29. 另外,在工艺方面,重要部位采用了激光熔覆技术,大大提高耐磨性。

    Laser melt cover technique is used for key components , so the wearability is greatly increased .

  30. 熔覆层中的裂纹是激光熔覆技术应用的主要障碍。

    The cracks in the laser cladding layer are the main obstacle of the laser cladding technology application .