
  • 网络layer space;deep-space
  1. k半层空间的伪开紧映象

    On Pseudo-Open and Compact Images of k-Semistratifiable Spaces

  2. 计算机支持PBL的三层空间模型研究

    Tri-Layer space model of computer support Problem-Based Learning

  3. 由于CO2气突发性大量注入而充满了储层空间,阻止烃类气体进一步注入,因而形成CO2气藏。

    The reservoirs were fully filled by the CO_2 gas during a short period , which prevented the hydrocarbon gas from further migration into the reservoirs to form the CO2 gas pools .

  4. 本文引入了与已知的一些空间类非常类似的两个概念,我们分别称它们为弱MCP空间与弱层空间。

    In this note , we introduce two new classes of spaces , called weak MCP spaces and weak stratifiable spaces , respectively .

  5. 为了有效解决复杂构造和岩性储层空间评价和流体预测等问题,三维VSP勘探越来越受到重视。

    In order to effectively solve the complex evaluation of structure and lithology and fluid prediction of reservoir space issues , three-dimensional VSP exploration is getting more and more attention .

  6. 饭店充满张力的两层空间以秋天色调为主的装修,设计师来自JouinManku的事务所,而巴黎AlainDucasse饭店的设计师也来自这家。菜单由名厨马克·哈伊伯林(MarcHaeberlin)监督打造——此人在城南还拥有一家米其林三星饭店AubergedeL’Ill。

    The dramatic two-level space was decorated in autumnal colors by the Jouin Manku firm - known for designing restaurants for Alain Ducasse - while the menu was overseen by the chef Marc Haeberlin , whose Auberge de L'Ill restaurant to the south has three Michelin stars .

  7. 我们对外层空间的认识有了很大进展。

    We have greatly advanced in our knowledge about outer space .

  8. 表征井间储层空间的新工具&轨道可控震源

    The orbital vibrator a new tool for characterizing inter well reservoir space

  9. 塔北隆起西部火山岩储集层空间格架的地球物理响应

    Geophysical behaviors of volcanic reservoirs , western Tabei uplift , Tarim Basin

  10. 同时还提出了满层空间的几个新的等价条件。

    And also some new equivalent conditions of stratified spaces are given .

  11. 南堡35-2油田储层空间分布特征研究

    Distribution characters of reservoir space in Nanpu 35-2 Oilfield

  12. 太空军备竞赛对外层空间法的挑战

    Challenge of Military Contests on Outer Space Law

  13. 联合国外层空间会议

    Conference of the United Nations on Outer Space

  14. 空间目标识别就是对外层空间运行的目标进行类型或属性辨认。

    Identification of space object is to determine the type and attribute of space object .

  15. 地震反演和地质统计是表征储层空间分布的两种方法。

    Seisnic inversion and geostatistic methods are two important methods for demonstrating reservoir space distribution .

  16. 在这层空间里,各种活动的嗡嗡声将继续增长而充满了整个空间。

    Within it , the buzz of activity will continue to grow and fill the vacuum .

  17. 马赫数为6的高超声速钝锥湍流边界层空间演化的直接数值模拟

    Direct numerical simulation of a spatially evolving hypersonic blunt cone turbulent boundary layer at Mach 6

  18. 碳酸盐岩风化壳储层空间分布预测与油气疏导格架的匹配关系研究

    Study on the Distribution Prediction of Carbonate Weathering Crust Reservoir Space and Its Relationship with Oil-gas Grooming Framework

  19. 各国应当共同努力,在现有的争端解决机制的基础上,对外层空间活动争端的解决做出补充和完善。

    Countries worldwide should make a concerted effort to perfect the existing dispute settlement mechanisms for outer space activities .

  20. 本文利用邻域约定证明了线性层空间是单调正规的,并且从单调正规的角度得到了线性层空间的一个刻画。

    Also gives an equivalent condition of monotonically normal spaces uses of the concept of neighborhood assignment of base .

  21. 在这层空间中,大部分的墙体被拆除用来实现空间内视觉上的连接及功能上的分区。

    Most of the walls were removed from this floor to create spaces that are visually connected but functionally separate .

  22. 本文探讨了半连续函数的一些性质,并利用半连续函数给出了对半层空间的几个等价刻画。

    Some properties of semi-continuous functions are investigated , and some characterizations of semi-stratifiable spaces with semi-continuous functions are given .

  23. 画家-天文学家通过画行星激发了人们对外层空间的兴趣,所画的这些行星最后证明和实际行星一模一样。

    The artist-astronomers stimulated interest in outer space by painting what eventually turned out to be precise portraits of the planets .

  24. 在此之前,一、二层空间可供出租,而三层空间则供业主私人使用。

    Before , the1st and2nd floor was for rental , and the third floor was for an owner of the building .

  25. 该问题的解决给出了对诸如可数仿紧空间,层空间等的函数刻画。

    The resolution of the problem presents some characterizations of certain spaces , such as eountably paracompact spaces , stratifiable spaces , etc.

  26. 伴随着人类对外层空间的探索、开发和利用,外层空间对主权国家的生存和发展具有多方面的意义。

    Along with human exploration of outer space , for sovereignty , outer space has developed various meanings on survival and development .

  27. 无论是露明踏步楼梯、采光井还是室内大型窗户都使光线自然渗入二层空间的门厅。

    Open-riser stairs , a light well , and interior windows also allow light to filter down to the second floor hall .

  28. 它们向大气层排放大量的二氧化碳,这阻止热量向外层空间释放。

    They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere , which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space .

  29. 第二章介绍了半连续函数的某些性质并利用它们给出了对半层空间的函数刻画。

    In this chapter , we give some properties of semi-continuous functions and present , some characterizations theorems of semi-stratifiable spaces with them .

  30. 为研究损伤定位方法,完成了一个单跨两层空间钢支撑框架模型试验。

    In order to investigate damage localization , an experiment on an one-bay two-story spatial steel braced frame structural model was carried out .