
  • 网络subband;sub-band;sub-bands;sub band
  1. 小波变换结合子带编码的Internet图像传输的计算机模拟

    Image Transmission in Internet Simulated by Computer in Terms of Wavelet Transformation Combining with Subband Coding

  2. 基于定点DSP的子带分析滤波器快速算法

    Fast Algorithm for Subband Analysis Filter Based on Fixed-point DSP

  3. 多尺度H参数纹理特征的子带算法

    Wavelet Transform Based Multiscale Hurst Parameter Texture Features and Its Application

  4. n型AlAs/GaAlAs量子阱子带间正入射吸收跃迁振子强度

    Oscillator strength of intersubband transition in N type alas / gaalas quantum well for the normal incident absorption

  5. 子带信号处理中FIR滤波器组的设计

    Design of FIR Filter Bank in Subband Signal Processing

  6. 基于子带的SAR图像压缩编码

    SAR Image Compression Based on Subband

  7. OFDM传输中的子带自适应Turbo编码调制

    Subband Adaptation Employing Turbo Coded Modulation for OFDM Transmissions

  8. 基于子带VQ及ANN的话者确认系统的设计

    The Design of Speaker Verification System Based on Subband VQ and ANN

  9. 电场下GaAs/G(a1-x)AlxAs量子阱中的子带

    Subbands in a gaas / ga_ ( 1-x ) alxas quantum well in an electric field

  10. 融合子带方差和FD变换的长记忆过程仿真

    Simulation and Check of LMP by Sub-band Variance and FD Transform

  11. 正交频分复用技术(OFDM)将一个宽的频带划分为若干比较窄的子带。

    Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ( OFDM ) splits a wide frequency band into a bank of narrow sub-bands .

  12. 使用子带DCT的任意形状图像段编码

    Arbitrarily Shaped Image Segments Coding Using Subband-DCT

  13. 沃尔什(Walsh)子带分析/综合快速算法

    A Fast Algorithm for Walsh Subband Analyser / Synthesizer

  14. 一种适合子带LMS的非均匀滤波器组

    Non-uniform Filter Banks with Subband LMS Adaptation

  15. DSSS通信中基于快速更新子带自适应滤波的窄带干扰抑制

    Fast Refreshed Subband Adaptive Filtering for NBI Suppression in DSSS Communications

  16. 基于子带能量的GMM含噪语音分类算法

    Band energy based GMM speech with noise classification algorithm

  17. 利用上述结果,将QRS波群从时域心电信号中剪除,将剩余的心电通过小波变换,得到P、T波特征位置点被明显加强的子带信号。

    So QRS waves are removed from the raw electrocardiogram signals and the characteristics of P-wave and T-wave are obviously strengthened on the remainder .

  18. 首先利用PCA对小波高频子带进行局部特征提取;

    First , wavelet decomposition is conducted on the noisy image , and PCA is used to extract local features ;

  19. 宽带LFM信号的子带脉冲干扰技术

    Jamming Wideband LFM Signal with Sub-band Pulse

  20. 我们还计算了半导体子带间Raman激光器的Raman增益,发现随着泵浦强度增加,Raman增益会出现饱和,这与实验结果相吻合。

    It is found that with increasing pumping intensity , the Raman gain shows saturation . This is in accordance with the experimental results .

  21. 同时,由于电子在子带间的相干振荡,理论上可以实现THz辐射发射。

    Meanwhile , the electron coherent oscillation in the subbands is expected to generate THz radiations .

  22. 与ASD子带分解法相比,它的复杂度低,且采用了自适应压扩量化。

    In contrast to ASD method , it is simple and adopts the adaptive companding quantization .

  23. 用垂直入射的中红外光束调制非掺杂SiGeSi量子阱中光致子带间吸收。

    Modulation of mid infrared beam by photo induced intersubband absorption in undoped SiGe ? Si quantum wells was investigated at normal incidence .

  24. 子带分解在ESPRIT算法中的应用

    Application of Subband Decomposition to ESPRIT Algorithm

  25. 但是,高频子带并不是通过2-D高通滤波原始图像,而是通过原始图像与合成的低通子带相减得到的。

    However , the HF subband is created by subtracting the synthesized LF subband from original image but not by 2-D high-pass filtering original image .

  26. 提出了采用子带DCT并结合一种区域分割技术对任意形状的VOP进行编码的方法。

    Arbitrary shape VOP coding using subband DCT with a new region partitioning method is proposed .

  27. 对MP3所用到的几个关键技术,如子带滤波、心理声学模型、动态噪声分配等作出简明介绍。

    This paper introduces the key technologies used in MP3 , such as subband filter , psychoacoustical model and dynamic noise allocation .

  28. 实验结果证明,在低码率下,使用子带DCT对任意形状的VOP进行编码的方法优于传统的DCT方法和SADCT方法。

    Simulation results reveal that it can achieve better performance than conventional DCT coding scheme and SA DCT method in low bit rate coding .

  29. 针对小波变换的平移可变性,提出了改进算法&低频子带平移运动估计(LBS)算法,使得运动估计的精度得到了很大的提高。

    In view of the translation variance of wavelet transform , an improved algorithm Low-Band-Shift ( LBS ) Motion Estimation is proposed .

  30. 由小波系数判断选择多个尺度的子带信号,将它们分别与原始ERP组合进行盲分离,方法是极大化信号时间上的可预测性;

    Then multi-scale signals are selected by wavelet coefficients , they are differently combined with origin ERP to perform BSS , and the principle is maximizing a measure of temporal predictability for each recovered signal ;