
zǐ zhí
  • sons and nephews;juniors;the younger generation
子侄 [zǐ zhí]
  • [sons and nephews;juniors;the younger generation] 儿子和侄子,泛称晚辈

子侄[zǐ zhí]
  1. 欢迎您们的子侄辈亲戚到我校大中专部部学习,接受正统的珠宝教育,继承父业!

    Welcome your relatives to study and accept orthodox jewelry education here then succeed the career .

  2. 当我们的子侄加入企业时,他们积极给出建议,因为他们有这些外部工作经验,我和弟弟愈加尊重他们的建议。

    When our sons join the business , they made positive recommendations , and my brother and I respected them even more because they had these outside experiences .