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  1. 映射过程中使用《同义词词林》作为语义词典来进行词语和句子的语义相似度计算。

    In the mapping process uses " TongYiCi CiLin " to compute the semantic similarity for words and sentence .

  2. 算法以同义词词林和WordNet为支撑,根据业务数据目录中的实体信息生成包含中英文同义词、合成词、缩写词的名称扩展向量集,为MHEA算法提供理论基础。

    ENV algorithm based on Chinese Synonym Dictionary and WordNet , generates Extended Name Vector set that contains English synonyms , Chinese synonyms and their synonyms , combinations or abbreviations according to entity of Busi - ness Data Catalog .

  3. 内自举借助通用的《同义词词林》扩张模式的语义范围;

    The inner bootstrapping utilizes Synonymy Thesaurus to expand pattern semantics .

  4. 本文提出了利用同义词词林来计算词汇褒贬的方法。

    An improved steganographic algorithm based on synonymy substitution for chinese text ;

  5. 首先,借助同义词词林实现语义知识的编码,用这种语义编码来表示语义搭配关系;

    First , Synonymy Thesaurus is used to code word senses and the codes are then used for representing semantic collocations .

  6. 采用《汉语同义词词林》和英汉双语语料库,通过双语对齐扩充了英汉词典的单词译文;

    An alignment method which makes use of thesaurus and bilingual corpus is adopted and thus the number of Chinese translation of word in English Chinese dictionaries is enlarged .

  7. 将语法分析后得到的关键词映射到本体概念中,并以《同义词词林》为语义词典进行词语和句子的相似度计算。

    Mapping the keywords which obtained by the syntax analysis to the ontology concept , and use the " synonym words forest " for the dictionary for words and sentences semantic similarity calculation .

  8. 适应信息技术的发展,我们拟建立一个新的语义分类体系,为开发编纂《现代汉语同义词反义词词林》建立语义分类体系基础。

    Meeting the development of the information technology , we plan to set up a new categorized system as the categorized system foundation . of semantics to compile Modern Chinese Synonyms Antonym Word Forest .