
  • 网络Year-on-year decrease;a year-on-year drop
  1. 欧盟自美国进口商品同比下降13.2%;对美国出口商品下降8.2%。

    Trade with the United States recorded a significant drop in both imports ( - 13.2 % ) and exports ( - 8.2 % ) .

  2. 1月31日,春运进入第四天,全国铁路预计发送旅客290万人次,同比下降75%。

    The company said on Sunday , the fourth day of the travel rush , 2.9 million passenger trips were expected to be made , a year-on-year decrease of 75 percent .

  3. 中国某家汽车产业协会周四公布的数据显示,2月份中国汽车交易年同比下降0.9%,成交量158万辆。中国是世界上最大的汽车交易市场。

    Auto sales in China , the world 's biggest auto market , fell 0.9 percent year on year to 1.58 million units in February , data from an industry association showed Thursday .

  4. 在《中国投资参考》(ChinaConfidential)追踪的42个地方市场,今年前三个月的交易量同比下降23%。

    Transactions in the 42 local markets which China Confidential tracks were down 23 per cent year on year in the first three months of the year .

  5. 这一财季的iPad销量为1330万部,同比下降了9%。

    The company sold 13.3 million iPads , down 9 percent from the year-ago quarter .

  6. 世界贸易组织(简称WTO)表示,今年第二季度全球商品贸易量将同比下降约18.5%。世贸组织预测,受疫情影响,2020年全球贸易将缩水13%至32%。

    The World Trade Organization says the volume of global merchandise trade will shrink by around 18.5 percent year-on-year in the second quarter of this year .

  7. 例如,9月份丰田(Toyota)汽车的销量同比下降了49%。

    Sales of Toyota vehicles , for example , were down 49 per cent year-on-year in September .

  8. 韩国汽车工业协会(KoreaAutomobileManufacturersAssociation)说,今年上半年,全国范围汽车销量同比下降了6%。

    Nationwide , car sales in the first half of the year were 6 % lower than in 2011 , according to the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association .

  9. 私营数据提供商中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)公布,4月份该系统监测的44个主要城市房产累计成交面积环比下降9%,同比下降19%。

    Private data provider China Real Estate Index System said property sales by volume in the 44 cities they track fell 9 % in April from the prior month and 19 % compared with a year earlier .

  10. 据中国煤炭工业协会(ChinaNationalCoalAssociation)统计,今年前九个月国内煤炭消耗总量为30.3亿公吨,同比下降1.2%。

    According to the China National Coal Association , the country 's coal consumption totaled 3.03 billion metric tons in the first nine months of this year , down 1.2 % from a year earlier .

  11. 一些经济学家表示,在近期俄罗斯1月份工业产值同比下降16%的黯淡数据公布后,他们就预计到了昨日的GDP数据。

    Some economists said they had expected the figure following the dismal 16 per cent year-on-year drop in industrial production last month , announced recently .

  12. 市场研究机构NPDGroup的数据显示,今年4月份,打包游戏的销售额同比下降了25%,至4.952亿美元,上年同期销售额为6.575亿美元。

    According to market researcher NPD Group , packaged game sales fell 25 % to $ 495.2 million in April from $ 657.5 million a year earlier .

  13. 今年一季度,中国对外贸易额同比下降24.9%,而同期内国内生产总值(gdp)增长6.1%。

    Foreign trade for the first quarter fell 24.9 per cent year-on-year , but overall gross domestic product grew by 6.1 per cent during the same period .

  14. ING的数据还表明,从去年12月到今年2月,外汇储备连续三个月出现前所未有的同比下降。

    The ING data also showed that reserves shrank year-on-year for an unprecedented three months in December , January and February .

  15. 惠普(Hewlett-Packard)仍是PC市场龙头,但今年第一季度该公司全球PC发货量同比下降了23%,降幅之大令人咋舌。

    Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) still leads the market , but its worldwide shipments fell by a breathtaking 23 % from the first quarter of 2012 .

  16. 2012年,沃尔沃全球销量同比下降6.1%,售出了大约42.2万辆轿车和运动型多功能(SUV)车。

    World-wide sales fell 6.1 % in 2012 to about 422,000 cars and sport utilities from 2011 .

  17. 东盟五国去年的汽车销量同比下降了10.6%,尽管大多数国家的国内生产总值(GDP)增长达到了5%至6%。

    Last year saw a 10.6 per cent year-on-year drop in Asean 5 auto sales , despite GDP growth of 5 to 6 per cent for most of the countries .

  18. 他指出,这还是比较乐观的估计。俄罗斯联邦统计服务最近发布的经济数字显示,今年第一季度GDP同比下降9.5%。

    He notes that is an figure . Economic figures recently by the Russian Federal Statistics Service show the GDP declined in the first quarter of this year by 9.5 percent .

  19. 广州富力地产(GuangzhouR&F)全年利润同比下降15%,禹洲地产(YuzhouProperties)全年利润同比下降8%,即便这两家公司的销售额全都出现增长。

    Profit fell by 15 per cent at Guangzhou R & F and by 8 per cent at Yuzhou Properties , even as both reported growth in sales .

  20. 据全球市场调查集团互联网数据中心(IDC)统计,上个季度,全球PC出货量减少了14%,连续四个季度出现年同比下降。

    Shipments of PCs dropped 14 % worldwide last quarter , according to the global market intelligence firm IDC , marking the fourth consecutive quarter of year-over-year decline .

  21. 所有业务的收入都出现了同比下降,股票交易业务表现得尤其糟糕:根据巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)的计算,收入仅为2.35亿美元,是至少2003年以来最糟糕的季度数字。

    Every business saw revenues down versus 2009 , with equity trading the standout poor performer : revenue of just $ 235m was the lowest quarterly figure since at least 2003 , calculates Barclays Capital .

  22. 比亚迪不是唯一感受到痛苦的汽车制造商:美国的福特(ford)本周宣布,7月份销量同比下降6%。

    BYD is not the only carmaker feeling the pinch : this week Ford of the US said its July sales were down 6 per cent year on year .

  23. 根据行业组织世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)提供的数据,二季度全球黄金需求降至990吨,同比下降7%,为2010年一季度以来的最低水平。

    Demand in the period fell by 7 % to 990 metric tons from the second quarter of 2011 , according to the World Gold Council , an industry group . This is the lowest since the first quarter of 2010 .

  24. 汤森路透社(ThomsonReuters)发布的初步数据显示,2012年第三季度全球并购活动同比下降了18.3%。

    Preliminary data from Thomson Reuters shows an 18.3 % decline in global M & A activity , when comparing Q3 2012 to Q3 2011 .

  25. 巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)投资的比亚迪(BYDCo.)一季度在中国销量为103500辆,同比下降约28%。

    Warren Buffett-backed BYD Co. sold 103,500 cars in China in the first quarter , a drop of about 28 % from the same period the previous year .

  26. 根据调研公司国际数据公司的一份报告,由于今年三季度苹果公司Series2智能手表限量供应以及智能手表销量普遍下降,该季度全球智能手表销量同比下降51.6%。

    Worldwide smartwatch sales dropped 51.6 % year-on-year in the third quarter of 2016 , hit by limited availability of Apple Inc 's Series 2 during the period and a general falloff in sales , according to a report by research firm International Data Corporation .

  27. 与此同时,自2012年3月份以来一直处于通缩状态的生产者价格指数(PPI)再一次同比下降2%。

    Meanwhile producer prices , which have been in deflationary territory since March 2012 , declined by another 2 per cent , year on year .

  28. 6月份皮卡和SUV的销售同比下降了31%,可谓最为严重的打击。

    As in previous months , sales of pickups and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ), down by31 % year on year , were worst hit .

  29. 信用与市场研究机构东京工商调查公司(tokyoshokoresearch)的数据显示,5月份企业破产数量同比下降6.7%,至1203例,为一年来最低水平。

    The number of company failures in may declined 6.7 per cent year-on-year to 1203 , the lowest level in a year , according to Tokyo Shoko Research , a credit and market research group .

  30. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据显示,2009年公布的全球科技行业交易价值约为1250亿美元,同比下降将近20%。

    The value of global tech deals announced in 2009 , at some $ 125bn , was down nearly a fifth from the year before , according to figures from Thomson Reuters .