
  • 网络marginal cost curve
  1. 为了较好地接近实际情况采用了U型边际成本曲线进行分析。

    In order to reflect the essence , this paper 's analysis is based on a U shaped marginal cost curve .

  2. 注解单个厂商的供给曲线与它的边际成本曲线的一致性对接下来的分析就很重要。

    It is important for the analysis that follows to note that the individual firm 's supply curve is the same as its marginal cost curve .

  3. 而且,如图所示,边际成本曲线只在这两条曲线既没有上升也没有下降时与它们相交。

    And , as the graph illustrates , marginal cost intersects the curves only at the point where they are neither rising or falling .

  4. 推导出供方短期单位总成本,并求出边际成本曲线,即供应函数。

    According to this production function , the unit total cost and marginal cost of supplier can be calculated , so the supplier can adjust the supply according to the change of market .

  5. 根据常规火电机组的边际发电成本曲线,分析了风电价值的构成。

    According to the marginal generation cost of conventional generators the constitution of wind power value is analyzed .

  6. 给出2010、2020、2030、2040与2050年碳边际减排成本曲线的函数形式,分析不同的碳减排实施方式、减排实施起始年、以及限制核电发展等对碳边际减排成本的影响。

    Mathematical functions are given for the marginal carbon abatement cost curves for 2010 , 2020 , 2030 , 2040 , and 2050 . The analysis also evaluates the impacts of different carbon abatement strategies , starting times , and nuclear power development limits on the marginal carbon abatement costs .

  7. 从分析的目的上来说,关注边际收益和边际成本曲线会更重要些。

    For analytical purposes , it is more important to focus on the marginal revenue and marginal cost curves .

  8. 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。

    Draw the demand , marginal-revenue , and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist .

  9. 边际成本是生产增加一个单位产品而付出的额外成本,边际成本曲线仅仅显示的是几个层次上产品的边际成本。

    Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one more unit of output and the curve simply shows the marginal cost at several levels of output .