
  • 网络Forward Agreement;forward contract;forward commitment
  1. 汇率连动远期协议的创新及定价

    The Innovation and Pricing Policy about Forward Exchange Rate Agreement

  2. 但除此之外,在所谓的远期运费协议(freightforwardagreements,FFA)上也有5.4亿美元的公允价值亏损。

    But on top of that there was a fair value loss of $ 540m on so-called freight forward agreements .

  3. 远期运费协议(干散货FFA)是目前被广泛应用的一种能有效规避运价波动风险的方式。

    Forward freight agreement ( FFA ) is an effective way to avoid freight fluctuation risk has been widely used .

  4. tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。

    TMT is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( FFA ) market for future freight costs .

  5. 远期运费协议(FFA)是其中交易范围最广、交易数量最大的航运衍生品。

    Forward Freight Agreements ( FFA ) is the most widely used , the largest number of transactions of the shipping derivatives .

  6. 其中,远期运费协议(FFA)是近几年来发展起来的一种能够有效地管理运价风险的运费金融衍生品。

    Among them , the Forward Freight Agreement ( FFA ) is a recently developed shipping freight derivatives which can effectively manage the risk of freight fluctuation .

  7. 中国远洋将远期运费协议(FFA)上的亏损归咎于近期市场的急剧变化和运费大幅下跌。远期运费协议为船运公司提供了对冲工具。

    Cosco blamed the dramatic change in the recent market and the drastic drop in freight rates for losses on forward freight agreements , which provide a hedging tool for ship operators .

  8. 如果持有远期运费协议(ffa)基于短期租费率的衍生产品的交易商押注运载煤、铁矿石和其它大宗商品的船舶租费率会上升,他们可能会蒙受巨额亏损。

    Traders in forward freight agreements derivatives based on short-term charter rates could owe significant sums if they were betting on a rise in charter rates for ships carrying coal , iron ore and other commodities .

  9. 鉴别货币市场对银行担忧程度的途径之一,是远期利率协议/隔夜指数掉期(fra/ois)息差,该数据衡量向银行提供三个月贷款的纯信贷风险,剔除利率波动影响。

    One way to isolate money market concern about banks is the FRA / OIS spread , which measures the pure credit risk of lending to banks for three months , stripping out interest rate fluctuations .

  10. 随着世界海运市场的发展以及国际经济贸易政策的变化,波罗的海运费指数期货暴露出了越来越多的弊端,最终在2004年被新兴的远期运费协议(FFA)所替代。

    As the world shipping market development and international economic and trade policy changes , the Baltic freight index futures exposed more and more defects and was eventually replaced by Forward Freight Agreement by ( FFA ) in 2004.As new freight derivatives , FFA has similar properties to futures .

  11. 即期价格的跌幅越大,那些远期运费协议的价值也就越大。

    The more spot prices fall , the more valuable those FFAs become .

  12. 远期利率协议在我国商业银行利率风险管理中的运用及其风险控制

    The Application and Risk-warding Measures of the FRA in the Rate Risk Management of China 's Commercial Bank

  13. 通过对远期外汇协议以及利率互换风险的评测,使表外业务的风险评估成为可能;

    We have found some ways to evaluate the risks of Foreign Exchange Forward Contract and Interest Rate Swaps ;

  14. 用于管理利率风险的金融衍生工具主要有:远期利率协议、利率期货、利率互换与利率期权。

    These financial derivatives are : Forward Rate Agreements , Interest Rate Futures , Interest Rate Swaps , and Interest Rate Options .

  15. 这几年,远期运费协议在国外的应用逐渐广泛,交易量也迅猛增加,应用于邮轮运输市场也越来越多。

    In recent years , FFA has gradually been widely applied . There is also a rapid increase in the trading volume .

  16. 然而,中国企业对远期运费协议这一金融市场的参与度仍然比较有限,应用于油轮运输市场的更少之又少,同此同时,国内企业对远期运费协议的运作管理也不够成熟。

    However , the participation of Chinese enterprises in the FFA market is still relatively limited , and even less in the tanker market .

  17. 中远这样的企业经常卖出远期运费协议,以覆盖不得不以低于自己租船的费率转租船舶的风险。

    Companies such as Cosco often sell FFAs to cover the risk that they might have to sub-charter vessels at lower rates than they are themselves chartering them .

  18. 近年来,远期运费协议、运费期权作为运费衍生品活跃于运费风险管理市场,给航运经营者和投资者提供了新的选择。

    In recent years , forward freight agreements , freight options invigorate in the freight derivatives market risk management . They supply shipping operators and investors with new options .

  19. 例如,伦敦和新加坡的交易员表示,在香港收市或假日休市期间,他们不愿订立远期互换协议。

    Dealers in London and Singapore , for example , say they are reluctant to enter into forward swap agreements when Hong Kong is either closed for the day or on holiday .

  20. 这篇论文对远期利率协议、利率互换、利率期货、利率期权等金融衍生工具在利率风险控制中的运用做了初步的探讨。

    The other is that , to control interest rate risks , the essay details the use of financial derivatives , such as FRA , interest swaps , interest future and interest options .

  21. 在资产负债表外管理方面主要是使用金融衍生工具,运用的表外工具主要包括远期利率协议、利率期货、利率互换、利率期权等。

    Manages the aspect outside the property debt table mainly is uses the financial derivation tool , outside the utilization table the tool mainly includes the forward interest rate agreement , the interest rate stock , the interest rate exchange , the interest rate option and so on .