
  1. 在过去的几个星期排练包括战斗机和直升机编队飞行在城市上空,释放出红色,蓝色和黄色烟雾流,因为他们擦肩而过。

    Rehearsals in the past few weeks have included jets and helicopters flying in formation over the city , releasing streams of red , blue and yellow smoke as they pass by .

  2. 飞机低空飞行掠过这个城市。

    The plane is buzzing the town .

  3. 2016年,优步推出计划研发电动飞行汽车以改善城市交通,缓解拥堵以及提供价格实惠的交通工具。

    In 2016 , Uber unveiled plans to develop electric flying cars to improve transportation in cities , alleviate congestion and provide affordable transportation .